Fireworks Yi Leng knew that it was impossible for a player to escape under the siege of hundreds of players, even if he could be invisible, under the group attack skills, he would be beaten out as soon as he became invisible.

Knowing this, Jian San and the others frowned slightly: "But it's been so long, why hasn't Brother Ye Luo come back to resurrect yet......?"

Seeing this, there was a hint of excitement in Fireworks Yi Leng's tone: "It seems that my guess is correct, Ye Luo triggered the trial task eight times out of ten (9), so he didn't return to the resurrection point to resurrect." Monday

and the others also dialed the communication, and they also got the same hint as fireworks are easy to cold, and they believe in the guess that fireworks are easy to cold.

"Hehe, great, Uncle Ye Luo must be doing the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission. Zhou Badao, her pretty face was full of smiles: "After completing the task, he will definitely be able to obtain the hidden profession, and then become very powerful, maybe even stronger than inviting Yue to raise a glass." Hearing

this, Jian Yi and the others were also excited, as for whether Ye Luo could complete the task, they didn't think about it at all, after all, in their minds, Ye Luo's operation was first-class, his skills were first-class, and the equipment was even better, if he couldn't play, I was afraid that no one would be able to complete that task.

It was the rare solemnity of Fireworks Yi Leng's expression, she muttered to herself: "The difficulty of the task on the double SS, Ye Luo is also difficult to complete, and the difficulty of their tasks is only ...... under S

" "But if his skills in reality can be combined with the game, there should also be a chance to ......"

Not to mention that Fireworks Yi Leng and the others waited anxiously, and said that Ye Luo continued to fight in the trial space.

Even though it was a gold-level boss, but because there was no level suppression, and Ye Luo could take the pill, it was not impossible to solve it, and after spending seven or eight minutes, he finally killed the target.


system prompt (individual): The first trial of the Heavenly Tribulation task is completed, and the second trial will start after 60 seconds, please Ye Luo Zhiqiu get ready.

After completing the first trial, Ye Luo was faintly excited, and some looked forward to the second trial. However, he was dumbfounded when he saw the second trial target, because the trial phantom swordsman he had killed before appeared again, and this time there was another trial phantom, and his attributes were the same as that swordsman, but he was a magician, and the skills he knew were all the skills of a magician.

"There are actually two trial phantoms in the second trial, which is too ......" Ye Luo muttered, his brows furrowed: "I'm not afraid of dealing with one, but two of them are together, and there is also a magician, which is very difficult." "

The physical defense of the heavy armor type of profession is quite high, but the magic defense is much worse, Ye Luo is most afraid of facing a magician, and now he has actually met a gold-level boss magician, and his brows are naturally furrowed.

"This is still the second trial, could it be that there is one more phantom for every more trial?" Ye Luo guessed, thinking of this, he smiled bitterly: "Doesn't this mean that there will be nine gold-level BOSS trial phantoms in the ninth level, so how can I pass the trial?!" "

No wonder the difficulty of this task is on the double S, this can't be played at all." Ye Luo quickly made a judgment, and he frowned: "Even if I am allowed to die 99 times, I can't play, unless the boss's qi and blood don't recover."

When he said this, Ye Luo thought back, and then his eyes lit up: "Yes, when I fought with the Trial Phantom before, his qi and blood didn't seem to recover, so there is a chance to slowly consume it......"

Although thinking like this, Ye Luo could only rush forward, this time he took the lead in making a move against that magician-type trial phantom, after all, the magician was the biggest threat to him.

The swordsman can only cause more than 500 qi and blood to Ye Luo, but that magician can cause more than 800 qi and blood to him, and under the attack of the two bosses, Rao is that he can absorb 10% of the qi and blood, and he can't support it with [Tianxiang Pill] blood replenishment, as a result, when the magician still has one-third of his qi and blood, and the swordsman still has ninety percent of his qi and blood, his qi and blood are emptied.

The feeling of soul evacuation came again, Ye Luo leaned and lay down, but a strange energy surged, he was resurrected, but in a corner of the trial space.

"How did I drop one level?!" Looking at his level 47 Roman numerals, Ye Luo was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time before he accepted this fact: "It turns out that I can also drop a level in this trial space, doesn't this mean that even if I can complete the task, I will also fall to level 10?" After all, I am not sure that I can complete the task by dying once." "

Don't say that you only die once, I'm afraid that Ye Luo may not be able to complete the task if he dies 99 times, after all, this is only the second weight, and the next few tasks are more difficult, especially the last one, if he speculates, he will face nine gold-level bosses.

While thinking about this, Ye Luo looked at the center of the virtual space, and after seeing the qi and blood of the two bosses, he was even more desperate, because the qi and blood of the two bosses were already full.

"This, this doesn't want me to complete the task at all, let alone say that no one, even those who have already taken up a hidden profession, can't complete this task. Ye Luo frowned, but then his eyes lit up, because he found that the level of the two trial phantoms had also become level 47, and their attributes had been reduced a bit.

"Hey, the level of the boss will also drop, the same as mine, doesn't this mean that when I am level 10, they will only be upgraded by level 10?" Ye Luo said, he was faintly excited: "Hehe, level 10 monsters, even if they are gold-level bosses, the attributes are so pointed, and it is not impossible to kill them."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo rushed forward again, this time the situation was better than the last time, when Ye Luo's qi and blood were emptied, the magician only had 100,000 qi and blood, and the swordsman only had eighty percent of his qi and blood.

Ignoring the fact that his level fell to level 46, Ye Luo hurriedly looked at the two trial phantoms, the two bosses were full of qi and blood recovery did not move him, what made him excited was that the two bosses were really only level 46, and the attributes had dropped a little more.

Although Ye Luo's level drop attribute has also been reduced, the reduction is much smaller than that of the two bosses, and if it continues like this, it is not impossible to kill the two bosses.

"Hehe, I haven't dropped my equipment once, and I haven't dropped so many things in my backpack, so it doesn't seem like anything will explode in this space. Ye Luo said, he became excited, and once again rushed towards the trial phantom.

In this way, Ye Luo began to 'send to death' again and again, and after being resurrected, he went to those trial phantoms, and those two trial phantoms would also decrease as his level decreased, and the reduction of attributes was much greater than his.

When Ye Luo was level 40, the level of the two trial phantoms was only level 40, and the attributes were much lower than when they were level 48, the attack power was only 600, and the defense was 1000 points, but the qi and blood were only 600,000.

This time, Ye Luo killed the magician when he still had more than 1,000 points of qi and blood, so the remaining swordsman was not worried, and he finally completed the second trial and started the third trial.

"It took 8 deaths to complete the second trial, it's really ......" Ye Luo took a breath slightly, he was also a little tired after such a long period of highly intense fighting.

Sixty seconds later, the third trial began, and as Ye Luo guessed, there were three phantoms in this trial, and one more archer in addition to the previous swordsman and magician.

Although there is only one more archer, it also brings a lot of trouble to Ye Luo, because the archer can not only attack from a distance, but also move faster, even if Ye Luo takes the mutated Wind Pill, he can't keep up, so he becomes a target for arrows.

Just a swordsman and a mage made it difficult for Ye Luo to support, let alone add an archer, and as a result, he only knocked out half of the mage's qi and blood, and then emptied it, and was killed again.

"Alas, one more monster scene immediately becomes different, and the three of them can already cooperate. Ye Luo muttered, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, their level will drop, and their attributes will be much more powerful than mine."

Thinking about this, Ye Luo rushed forward again, but to his surprise, he found that his attack and qi and blood had been reduced a lot, especially his qi and blood, which had been reduced by more than half. However, he soon understood why, because his equipment such as the Tomb Set and [Pang Yi's Cloak] were already in his backpack, and his Soul Crystal Growth qualification had also been reduced.

"Oh no, I'm already level 39, and the equipment condition of the tomb suit is level 40, and the level is insufficient, so I can't equip myself. Ye Luo muttered, he smiled bitterly: "Not only that, the qualification of level 40 is only six points, and now I am only level 39, and the soul crystal state has also returned to before the first turn." "

Qi and blood and defense have been greatly reduced, not to mention the results of the three trial images, Ye Luo was quickly emptied of qi and blood, and his level became level 38.


system prompt (China server): Ye Luo Zhiqiu died 10 times in a row in a specific space, heaven and earth were merciful, and he was specially gifted with 1 point of all attributes, if he can complete the tribulation trial task, this gift can be kept permanently, otherwise it will be deducted.

The system rang three times in a row, resounding throughout the Heavenly Tribulation Continent, and almost everyone heard it, and then everyone reacted differently:

"Hey, Ye Luo Zhiqiu, isn't he known as the First Alchemist of the Heavenly Tribulation, why did he die 10 times in a row? "

What's the matter with Ye Luo, why did he suddenly die ten times?" Invite Yue, who was killing high-level monsters to wash his red name, raised his glass and said, his expression was solemn: "Could it be that he and the fireworks were surrounded by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but it's not right, those people can go back to the novice village to ......resurrect after killing him once"

Thinking like this, Invite Yue raised his glass and hurriedly took out the communication device to contact Ye Luo, but got the same hint as the fireworks Yi Leng, his eyes lit up, guessed something, and then hurriedly contacted the fireworks Yi Leng.

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