Ye Luo is well-known in the game of Heavenly Tribulation, not to mention being named and wanted by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, just saying that he is the first to complete the life of the player also makes many people remember him, and now hearing that he has died ten times in a row, everyone has different reactions.

Many ordinary players scoffed at this, thinking that Ye Luo was called the 'First Alchemist of the Heavenly Tribulation', completely forgetting that the alchemist was just a life player, and there was an essential difference between him and a combat type player.

The Heaven and Earth Alliance and other people who had enemies with Ye Luo were overjoyed, such as Heaven and Earth Tribulation and Heaven and Earth Death and others, although they didn't understand why Ye Luo was suddenly downgraded, but they were still happy to see Ye Luo like this, and the anger of Heaven and Earth Death even when he burst the silver staff was alleviated a lot.

As for those who have a good relationship with Ye Luo, they are quite worried, such as the people of the Meijiu family, such as the people in the Ethereal Pavilion, they contacted Ye Luo as soon as possible, but they got a hint that the target could not communicate in a special place, so they had to retreat to the second best thing, contacting the fireworks and being cold.

Fireworks Yi Leng told his guess, and when he learned that Ye Luo was carrying out the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission, everyone was somewhat relieved, and they faintly looked forward to it.

Everyone has been playing games for so long, and they know that the level is nothing, and they can practice it back when they have time, but the hidden profession is different, and it is unattainable.

"Sister Fireworks, Uncle Ye Luo, can he complete the trial task, now his level has dropped to level 38. Sunday said, her pretty face full of worry.

Not only was Sunday worried, but so were the others, especially Kenpachi, who was like an ant on a hot pot, but there was nothing he could do.

"The Heavenly Tribulation Trial task is very difficult, not to mention that all the attributes of Ye Luo are 1 point, it will be even more difficult, and it is normal to die a few times. Fireworks Yi said coldly, although she said so, but her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Since you have not failed to die ten times, it means that this mission can allow you to die many times, and Ye Luo still has a lot of opportunities."

Hearing this, everyone was comforted a little and continued to wait.

In the independent virtual space, listening to the system prompt, Ye Luo smiled bitterly: "What's the use of 1 point of all attributes, there are not as many attributes as one level of improvement." And if the task is not completed, this attribute point will be deducted.

Although he thought so, he could only bite the bullet, fortunately, he had just changed into the tomb suit, and there was a skeleton suit in his backpack, although the overall attributes were not as good as the silver suit, but it was also much better than being naked.

After falling to level 39, Ye Luo's strength dropped a lot, much larger than those three trial images, so he was not an opponent of the trial images at all, and he was once again downgraded.

Next, Ye Luo kept dropping levels, and when he fell to level 34, the skeleton suit could not be equipped, and he had long since lost the demon crocodile suit, so he could only fight with naked equipment, so he was not the opponent of the three trial phantoms, and he also died again and again, and the level fell again and again.

When the level drops to level 28, the system prompt rings again:


System prompt (China server): Ye Luo Zhiqiu died 20 times in a row in a specific space, heaven and earth are merciful, and he is specially gifted with 2 points of all attributes, if he can complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial task, this gift can be kept permanently, otherwise it will be deducted.

"Hey, this time it's actually increased by 2 full attributes. Ye Luo sighed lightly, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: "It seems that every 10 times I die, all attribute points will increase, and all attribute points will increase, doesn't this mean that when I die 90 times, I will increase 9 all attributes, and a total of 45 all attributes will be added?"

"The level drops to level 10, and most of the equipment on my body can't be equipped, but the 5th-level Jade Poison Bead, the silver-level [Brave Heart] and the [Good Guy * Medal of Courage] will not explode, and they don't need a level, they can still add a lot of attributes to me, plus the 45 full attributes gifted by the system, there is no problem in killing the gold-level BOSS of level 10 at that time, after all, the attack power of these bosses at that time was only about 150, and the blood was only 150,000. "

When Ye Luo was level 10, because of the three pieces of equipment mentioned above and 45 points of all attributes, his attack power would reach about 500, and his qi and blood would also be about 5,000, and it was not difficult to kill a level 10 gold-level trial phantom with such attributes.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo lifted his spirits and continued to rush towards those trial phantoms

, as Ye Luo guessed, when he was level 18, the system sounded again, this time adding 3 points of full attributes, which made him even more excited, and he was also more confident about completing this Heavenly Tribulation strength task.

It's just that the situation is slightly different from what he guessed, and when he was level 10, several trial phantoms really became level 10. At this time, with his strength, he also killed three trial phantoms, so the fourth trial began, and this time the trial had an additional knight-type trial phantel.

The level 10 Trial Phantom attribute is not too high, as follows

: [Trial Phantom] (Gold Boss)

Level: 10Physical Attack: 150-160 Defense: 250 Qi and Blood: 150000

Skill: All the skills learned from the mentor in one class.

The attribute of the trial phantom is nothing, with Ye Luo's current defense of more than 200 points, he can only cause more than 120 points of damage, but there are four such trial phantoms, and there are 150,000 qi and blood, which has also caused Ye Luo a lot of trouble.

Of course, the four Trial Phantoms were still difficult for Ye Luo, and he successfully killed, and then he began the fifth trial, this time in addition to the swordsman, magician, archer, and knight type Trial Phantom also had one more summoner.

The five trial phantoms can cause 600 points of damage to him just by ordinary attacks, not to mention that they can also use skills, and Ye Luo's more than 4,000 qi and blood at this time also have a lot of pressure.

Raising the operation to his extreme, coupled with swallowing the [Heavenly Fragrance Pill], Ye Luo successfully killed the magician, and the next situation was a little simpler, and the other trial phantoms couldn't help him, and he was killed one by one, so he also successfully opened the sixth trial.

The sixth trial phantom is an assassin, with two control skills, and with the knight's [charge], Ye Luo suffered a lot, and was in a dizzy state for a lot of time, but this time he was emptied of his qi and blood before he finished killing the assassin, and died again.

The reason why assassins are the primary target is also reasonable, after all, this profession has control skills, and if you don't solve it first, Ye Luo will always be controlled, and you won't be able to catch up with the magician at all.

What stunned Ye Luo was that his level had dropped to level 9, and his attributes had once again been greatly reduced.

If there is a world of difference between level 40 and level 39, then there is also a world of difference between level 10 and level 9, because after the inauguration of level 10, the player's soul crystal growth qualification increases, while at level 9, the soul crystal only has the original growth qualification. For example, Ye Luo, at level 9, his strength growth qualification is 2 points, and the growth qualification of the other three attributes is 1 point.

"Doesn't it mean that players won't drop before level 10, why did I fall off level? Could it be because this is in the trial space? Doesn't this mean that I can fall to level 0 if I die a few more times. Ye Luo muttered, and then thought of something, he became excited: "If the level of the trial phantom is also reduced to level 0, wouldn't the attribute be so low, but I am equipped with equipment such as jade poison beads...... "

The spirit weapon [Heart of the Brave] and [Good Man * Medal of Courage] have no level requirements, and they are bound and will not fall, although the jade poison bead of the 5th order is not bound, but the equipment will not explode in this trial space, and the poison bead has no level requirements, so Ye Luo can always equip these three pieces of equipment.

Of course, the Novice Iron Sword will not drop, but the attack damage increased by only 1 point is almost negligible.

Even if Ye Luo falls to level 0, those three pieces of equipment can still increase his attack power by more than 300 and his qi and blood by 4100, plus the full attribute points gifted by the system, his attack power can reach 350, and his qi and blood can also reach about 4600, which is also quite impressive.

The most important thing is that the trial phantoms have become level 0, the attack power is only a dozen points, and the qi and blood are only more than 10,000 points, so it is not difficult to kill them.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo became excited, thinking that there was almost no suspense in completing the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Task.

The idea was good, but Ye Luo was stunned when he saw those trial phantoms, because those trial phantoms were still 10, and they had not descended to level 9 like him.

"What's the matter, why did I drop to level 9, but these trial phantoms are not downgraded?!" Ye Luo muttered, but he quickly accepted this reality: "Think about it, if they can really drop to level 0, then almost anyone can complete this trial task, so how can it be worthy of the difficulty on the double S."

"Fortunately, I can add all attributes a few times, but it's not without a chance. Ye Luo muttered, and then rushed forward again.

The attribute was reduced again, Ye Luo was not the opponent of the six trial phantoms, and was killed again a few minutes later, and when he died 40 times, the system prompted, and once again increased 4 points of all attributes.

Although 4 points of full attributes have been added, Ye Luo is still not the opponent of the six trial phantoms, and then he dies again and again, if you speculate, every 10 deaths will increase all attributes, and increase in turn.

When Ye Luo died 80 times, he increased his full attributes 8 times, for a total of 36 full attributes, and he had already fallen to level 0. However, at this time, when his strength had exceeded level 10, he finally killed all the six trial phantoms, ended the sixth trial, and began the seventh.

This time, the trial phantom type is berserker, and he is not afraid of such an existence, after a hard battle, he finally killed all the trial phantoms, successfully completed the seventh trial, and began the eighth.

The eighth Trial Phantom is the Priest, a class that gives Ye Luo a lot of headaches, because this class can increase health, and it also has the [Resurrection] skill, if you don't kill it first, then it is almost impossible to kill several other Trial Phantoms.

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