Ye Luo died 80 levels in a row, and his level had already dropped to level 0, but after adding 36 points of all attributes, his strength was stronger than when he was level 10, and he also successfully completed several trial tasks, at this time he was starting the eighth trial, and the trial image that gave him the most headache also came out - priest.

The Priest class can add health, resurrect companions, and this trial video will reveal all the skills that the priest has learned from the mentor, and the level is also very high, so it is almost impossible to complete this heavy trial task if it is not killed.

However, these trial images also have not weak intelligence, and they also know that with cooperation, heavy armored professions such as swordsmen and berserkers will protect the priest and other mage professions in the rear, and will not give Ye Luo a chance to kill at all.

In this way, Ye Luo began to die again and again.

"I've died 89 times, and this trial mission has a maximum of 99 smart deaths. Ye Luo muttered, his tone was a little more solemn: "This is still the eighth level, and there will be one more trial phantom in the next ninth level, if I don't adjust my state, there is almost no hope, after all, just the eighth level will make me die nearly ten times." "

When I die 90 times, I will increase all attributes by 9 points again, this is the last time I increase all attributes, and it is also the last time my strength is improved, and at that time, there are only 9 chances to die......

" "Although after so many battles, my operation has improved a little, but I still feel a little jerky, as if there is something shortcoming. Ye Luo muttered, he stared at the eight trial phantoms in the center of the trial space: "What is missing? body method, footwork or opportunity to swing the sword...... For

a long time, Ye Luo had no clue, he wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and then said to himself: "Die again, add all attributes again, if you can't defeat these trial phantoms, then ......."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo rushed forward again, this time he didn't attack, just dodged with speed and body skills, and he also saw the movements of those trial phantoms in his eyes, just like a movie.

"At this time, I am 10 meters away from the knight, and he can launch [Charge], but I only need to take a step back to get out of his charging range, but if I step back directly, he will not use his skills, but will follow. Therefore, the timing should be grasped very well, and he took a step back at the moment of his charge......"

The swordsman's attack distance is 2 meters, and [Slash] can attack targets 5 meters away, but the starting style of [Slash] is obvious, and it is easy to solve. It's the same with [Combo], the starting action is obvious, as long as you pay attention, it's easy dodge

the skill" "This assassin is the most cunning, he likes to cast [Stealth] and then cast [Backstab] and [Deboning] in my back, but it will show its shape when it attacks, if the timing is right and blocks his dagger, then his skill will be blocked by me without any effect.

"The Berserker's [Slash] move is bigger than the Swordsman's, and the axe is bulky and easy to block. [Whirlwind Slash]'s slash has a fixed trajectory to follow, but it is not difficult to dodge. "

It takes 0.5 seconds for the archer to condense the [Impact Arrow], and the energy arrow is also larger than the ordinary energy arrow, this is a long-range attack, the hit rate is already low, and it is easy to dodge. The speed of the [Piercing Arrow] is very fast, and it is a bit difficult to dodge, so you can only rely on luck, but even if you take a hard hit, it is nothing.

"The summoner doesn't have any skills, he can only attack normally, and the giant wolf summoned is just a level 19 enhanced monster, with very little qi and blood, low attack, and the speed is not fast, a few group attack skills can kill it if it is shrouded, but it is not enough.

"The mage's attack is very high, and it is a group attack skill, and the attack distance is long, it is difficult to dodge, and it can only be hard-hitting, but I found that as long as there is a trial phantom blocking its view, its skill will stop, and this can be used ......."

"Although the priest doesn't attack me, but it can add blood and resurrect other trial phantoms, so you have to be the first to solve it, but it has been hiding behind the heavy armor class, only use the card vision to get close to it, and then kill it in the shortest possible time, I have [Soul Slash] can stun it for 4 seconds, and there are so many skills, if you operate well, you should have a chance, if you cast a group attack skill to envelop other trial phantoms, the possibility of successfully completing the trial task will be greater.

"Berserkers, Knights, Swordsmen, Archers, and the next Boxer classes all have group attack skills, which are more difficult to dodge, but these Trial Phantoms all have a characteristic, that is, they don't use skills when they are stuck in vision, and I circle around them to minimize the damage of skills. "

It's a pity that I only have one sword, if there are two, one is used to attack, and the other is used to block ......" Speaking of this, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he had some realization in his heart: "That's right, I have one less long sword, so my combat power will be increased by at least forty ......percent"

When thinking about this, Ye Luo didn't attack, only dodged with his body, or blocked with a long sword, but he also successfully abolished the knight's [charge] skill, and dodged the swordsman's [slash] and [combo] , even the moment the assassin appeared in his form, he reacted and successfully parried the dagger, thus wasting the assassin's skills.

As for the archer's [Impact Arrow], he used the swordsman to jam the field of vision, but he also managed to dodge, as well as those group attack skills, he also successfully dodged, or made them stillborn.

If there was a second person present and saw Ye Luo shuttling through the siege of the eight gold-level bosses like a ghost, and he was barely harmed, he would be stunned.

The more he dodged, the more confident and decisive Ye Luo became, almost brushing those trial phantoms around, but he also knew that at this time, he used his long sword to block all kinds of attacks, and there were hardly too many attacks.

It's not that he doesn't want to attack, it's that he knows that if he attacks, his rhythm will be disrupted, and then everything will return to square one, then he will still be killed.

With this experience in his heart, Ye Luo stopped moving, allowing those trial phantom attacks to come, while he was muttering to himself in his heart: "My speed is a bit slow, and I lack a long sword, so I can attack and defend at the same time."

"The speed can take the mutated [Wind Pill], but how can I have an extra long sword?" Ye Luo muttered to himself, and his brows furrowed deeply: "I don't have a long sword in my backpack, and even if I do, the off-hand weapon bar on the soul crystal is not open, and I can't equip a weapon, and equipping a crystal is just a crystal ......."

As he said this, Ye Luo only felt a black shadow attacking him, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, and then retracted, and then he felt a pain in his left hand, and the blood bar decreased a lot, and then he saw that he had an extra long sword in his hand.

"Hey, I snatched the long sword from the swordsman's hand?" Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and then held a sword flower in his hand, he smiled: "Although it does not increase the attributes, it can be held in the hand, and it will not disappear in a short time, if you just use the long sword you grabbed to block, and the novice iron sword is used to attack, so ......

." But then Ye Luo only felt a void in his soul, and then he was killed again, and when he was killed, the sword fell to the ground, and the trial phantom picked it up again.

In a corner of the trial space, Ye Luo's body recondensed, and then he heard the system once again prompt to give him 9 full attributes, and his strength increased again.

But this is not what excites Ye Luo the most, what excites him the most is that he finally sees the dawn of completing this mission, he looks at those trial phantoms, his eyes are hot.

"Hehe, that's right, grab the swordsman's longsword first. Ye Luo laughed strangely, he was excited: "In this way, I can do both offense and defense, and the swordsman has no long sword, tsk, what kind of swordsman is it."

"I finally understood why I couldn't fully integrate my real-life skills with the game, because in reality I was used to double-blade operations, and the combat power of double-blades was more than twice that of a single blade. Thinking of this, Ye Luo was excited: "Although the game is limited to attributes and attack speed, but if there is a sword that can block, my strength can still be increased by several percent, and it is not impossible to kill all those trial images."

Thinking about this, Ye Luo was even happier than he was about to complete the trial task, after all, he had been trying to integrate the real-life operation into the game since the first day he entered the game, but he had never been able to achieve it, and now that he finally had an understanding, he would naturally be excited.

"Hehe, I heard from the fireworks that the off-hand weapon bar on the soul crystal will also be opened in the future, so that my strength can be fully exerted. Ye Luo smiled, and then looked at those trial phantoms: "But that's for later, now it's better to solve these trial phantoms and complete the trial task."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo once again walked towards those trial phantoms, this time he swallowed the mutated [Wind Pill], the speed was much faster than before, and he also returned to the previous state, took a step back out of the impact range of the [Charge], and dodged the swordsman's [Slash] and [Combo], everything was done as if it had been demonstrated hundreds of times, and he was extremely skillful.

That's not all, after dodging the [Slash], Ye Luo's figure flashed, and he ravaged up, bullying the swordsman, and the long sword swept across the face of the swordsman, while his left hand grabbed the long sword in the hand of the trial phantom.

I have to say that the game of the Heavenly Tribulation is very realistic, the trial phantom was attacked by the face door, and he subconsciously protected it with both hands, but Ye Luo's eyes were quick and snatched the long sword in his hand.

"Haha, I can take it back. With two long swords in his hand, Ye Luo was arrogant: "Hehe, you have bullied me for so long, it's time for me to be powerful, you wash your neck and be slaughtered by me!"

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