Ye Luo had been struggling with the fact that his operation in the game was not smooth, and he had never known what the reason was, but now he suddenly realized, he was excited, and then rushed to those trial images again.

Next, he managed to snatch the swordsman's long sword, and then he was ready to kill those trial images one by one.

Although the long sword he snatched did not add any attributes, it could also be used to block, so that Ye Luo's operation became familiar and smoother, as if it was flowing smoothly.

Of course, there is another point, that swordsman is almost useless without a long sword, after all, a swordsman without a long sword is not even as good as a priest, it can't always wave its fists.

At the moment when the assassin unleashed the [Backstab], Ye Luo saw him appear out of the corner of his eye, and his long sword was blocked, successfully resisting the assassin's skills. Slightly offset, he dodged the archer's [Impact Arrow], and then used the swordsman as a shield, causing the mage and berserker to lose their target, so that they could not cast their skills.

Turning sharply, Ye Luo bypassed the giant wolf summoned by the knight and summoner, and then he approached the priest, after taking the mutated [Wind Pill], Ye Luo's speed was faster than these level 10 gold bosses, and the priest, who was already moving slowly, could not escape his pursuit.

Without hesitation, [Brave Fearless] and [Brave Fearless] were cast, Ye Luo's attack power skyrocketed, and then the combination of [Slash] + Flat Slash + [Combo] was cast. As a result, I was lucky, and I made two critical hits and successfully knocked out more than 4,000 of its qi and blood. That's not all, with a flick of his wrist, a [Horror Slash] was unleashed, accompanied by a shocking sword roar, and the priest was frozen in place, stunned for 4 seconds.

Ye Luo would not let go of such a good opportunity, blocking the attacks of assassins and knights while attacking the priest.

Of course, Ye Luo didn't forget to move and use that priest to block the other trial phantoms, so that the attack he could withstand was much smaller, and with the addition of pills, he could fully support it.

Seeing that the priest was attacked, and the other trial phantoms were besieged, Ye Luo was not polite, the [Sword Qi Vertical] and [Sweeping Thousand Armies] were deployed, and the damage above the heads of those trial phantoms floated in pieces, most of them exceeded 600, and the critical hits reached more than 1,200 points.

In this way, Ye Luo used the priest as a shield, and easily dealt with the attacks of the various trial phantoms, and the skill CD was released when it ended, and the priest's qi and blood plummeted, and it didn't take long to be killed.

As for the other trial phantoms, because of Ye Luo's two group attack skills, their qi and blood have also decreased a lot, especially the magician and archer, and the blood bar has been emptied by one-fifth.

"Hehe, it's a good thing that these trial phantoms won't take the initiative to recover except for the priest's blood, otherwise I'll waste more time. Ye Luo smiled strangely, and he was a little excited when he saw victory in front of him.

Finally, after three or four minutes, the priest was emptied of qi and blood, and the other trial phantoms also lost nearly a third of their qi and blood under the impact of the group attack skill.

Because the [Heart of the Brave] increased his lifesteal by 5%, plus Ye Luo took the [Tianxiang Pill], and he dodged a lot of skill damage, his qi and blood were almost full.

The priest was killed, and the other trial phantoms had no scruples, and various group attack skills and single skills were deployed, but Ye Luo had already prepared and moved out of the attack range, only covered by [Ten Thousand Arrows] and [Energy Sword Rain], but it only lost 500 points of qi and blood, which was insignificant.

Then Ye Luo found the assassin, and with a set of combined skills and two group attack skills, his qi and blood were also emptied, and the next target he chose was the mage who did the most damage to him.

Although the knight and the berserker protected the mage behind them, they could not save its life, after all, it was still very easy for Ye Luo to bypass the knight after casting [Soul Slash] to immobilize the berserker, so that the mage also followed in the footsteps of the priest and the assassin.

Solved the three trial images, the other five trial images were mostly half-blooded, and there was also a waste swordsman, so there was no threat to Ye Luo at all, and after spending five or six minutes, they were finally all solved.


System Prompt (Personal): Congratulations to Ye Luo Zhiqiu for completing the eighth trial, and the ninth trial will start in 60 seconds, I hope you are ready.

"Hehe, a swordsman without a sword is almost a waste, and it didn't attack me much from beginning to end. Ye Luo said as he replenished his state, his face full of smiles: "Do you want me to throw this long sword and then take that swordsman's long sword, so that there will be one less trial phantom." "

After all the trial phantoms were emptied, the long sword that Ye Luo grabbed did not disappear, according to his speculation, it would only disappear if he took the initiative to throw the long sword.

Soon he shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't take risks, it's bad if you can't take it, it's better to be steady, anyway, you can kill all nine trial phantoms by slowly consuming it."

Thinking like this, 60 seconds passed, and the nine trial phantoms stood in the center of the virtual space, and what moved Ye Luo a little was that this time the nine trial phantoms were gathered together, and the priest, magician, and summoner were surrounded by knights and berserkers, so if you want to kill the priest, you have to pass through them first.

"They've learned wisely, too, and this time they didn't rush over, especially the knights. When approaching the nine trial phantoms, Ye Luo noticed the difference this time: "The assassin is invisible, but you will be invisible, and so will I."

With that, Ye Luo swallowed an invisibility pill and then disappeared from the sight of those trial phantoms.

Suddenly, those trial phantoms were slightly chaotic, and those with group attack skills, such as magicians and swordsmen, threw skills around, while the other trial phantoms looked around vigilantly, and they were closer together.

"Hey, hey, all together, so just right, the group attack skill can envelop them all. Ye Luo smiled strangely, and then his tone changed: "Of course, I still regard the priest as the first target, otherwise the qi and blood I knocked down will be useless at all, after all, it can add blood."

Stealth, Ye Luo cautiously circled around the nine trial phantoms, carefully looking for opportunities to break through.

A few minutes later, Ye Luo also found a loophole, after all, archers and boxers are leather armor professions, relatively thin, and there is a small gap between them, but Ye Luo can easily knock them away with more than 300 points of strength.

Just do it when you think of it, Ye Luo is also a [Sword Qi Vertical], one after another sword qi shrouded those trial phantoms, and pieces of damage numbers floated up, and his figure was also revealed.

The knight was the first to react, and he wanted to use the [Charge] skill, but Ye Luo had already knocked away the archers and boxers and approached the priest, so once again he used it as a shield, and the other trial phantoms were not easy to attack.

Without hesitation, Ye Luo used a combination of skills after opening the two skills of [Brave Fearless] and [Brave Fearless], knocking out more than 3,000 qi and blood of that priest, and then struck [Sweeping Thousands of Armies], shrouding the priest and other trial phantoms.

The next situation was similar to the eighth trial, Ye Luo blocked with his left hand, attacked with his right hand, moved with footwork under his feet, and attacked around the priest with his movement speed, allowing the other trials to throw phantom slingers.

Everything went smoothly, and the priest's qi and blood also decreased rapidly, and after three or four minutes, the priest's qi and blood were finally emptied, and the qi and blood of the other trial phantoms were also reduced by about one-fifth.

Continuing to shuttle through the remaining Trial Phantoms, Ye Luo's body skills became more and more confident, his movements became more fluid, and it became easier to dodge the attacks of the Trial Phantoms such as swordsmen and assassins, and it was only a matter of time before he completed the kill.

Not to mention that Ye Luo is about to complete the trial task, and to say that listening to the system prompts again and again, the reactions of people in the Heavenly Tribulation game are getting more and more enthusiastic.

Maybe many people will not be moved when they hear that Ye Luo died ten or twenty times, but when they hear that he died fifty or eighty times, everyone will inevitably have other thoughts.

In any case, Ye Luo is also a celebrity in the Heavenly Tribulation game, and many people know that he killed more than a dozen people in the Heaven and Earth Alliance by himself, and he can be on the wanted list of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and his strength can be guessed by everyone, knowing that he is a first-class master.

But Rao also died ninety times, which made everyone wonder what happened to him. Some smart people have also guessed that he is carrying out the Heavenly Tribulation Trial Mission, and one can make a master with first-class operation and top-notch equipment die so many times, the difficulty of the trial mission can be imagined.

"Tsk, Ye Luo, this guy actually hung up ninety times, how difficult should his task be?" Du Kang, the god of wine, the gang leader of the wine family, was a middle-aged man who was not angry but mighty, he looked at Ying Yue and raised his glass: "Raise your glass, you said that Ye Luo's equipment is better than yours, and the operation is only slightly worse than yours, right?" "

The equipment is indeed better than mine, and the good is not one or two." Invite Yue raised his glass and said, at this time he didn't have his usual cynicism, and his expression was solemn: "Operation, he should be a master in reality, but he is just starting the game, and he doesn't seem to have a deep understanding of the game, otherwise the operation should be no worse than me, or even above me." "

Hehe, Brother Yingyue is very conceited, and he doesn't have much interest in Shangfeng Xing Kyushu, but I didn't expect to have such an evaluation of Ye Luo Zhiqiu. "A priest girl with a delicate figure said, and the 'daughter red' on her head also shows her identity - the chief priest of the wine family, and the one who has been inaugurated as a holy priest.

"Fireworks tried their best to solicit him, and they praised him. Ying Yue raised her glass and said, and then picked it up: "People who are so picky about fireworks appreciate it, and this alone is enough." Hearing this

, everyone present nodded, obviously knowing that fireworks are easy to cold.

"It seems that this Ye Luo Zhiqiu has the potential to be a super-first-class master. Du Kang, the god of wine, said, with a faint glint in his eyes: "At least there is the potential to surpass the invitation to the moon, otherwise the girl from the fireworks will not be able to look down on it." "

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