From the system news, Ye Luo was also happy to learn that Fireworks Yi Leng had been transferred to an Ice Spirit Archer, after all, through a short period of contact, he knew that she was quite good at calculation in battle, and the Ice Hidden Class was the most suitable for her.

After that, Ye Luo also relented and went to Blacksmith Sun's blacksmith shop, and after handing over more than 40 wolf fangs, he gained 18,000 energy experience, 18 silver coins, and 100 novice village friendship points. The high amount of experience allowed him to rise to level 10, and what made him even more excited was that he got a piece of equipment, and it was something he didn't have at the moment

: [Wolf Tooth Necklace] (Necklace - Normal Equipment)

Attack: 18-20

Equipment Lasting: 100-100

Need Level: 9

A piece of equipment with strong attack power, Ye Luo hurriedly equipped it, and his attack has also increased a lot, and finally broke a hundred.

"The attack has reached 107-113, I'm afraid that the entire novice village is not as high as my attack, and the defense has also reached 57-62, and now I can kill the young demon wolf by myself. Ye Luo was full of confidence.

Thinking of something more important, he checked the equipment of the blacksmith shop and found that there was an iron sword with an attack plus 3, and after careful questioning, he found that he needed 10 silver coins, and because his novice village had a high favorability, he gave a 75% discount.

"Seven-to-five discounts, which can also save some money. Ye Luo muttered, seeing that his level had reached level 10, he was going to take over the transfer mission after connecting with the fireworks easy to cool.

The attack power of that iron sword is increased by 3, although it is better than the novice iron sword, but the 2 attacks are not in Ye Luo's eyes, so he did not waste money to buy it.

I went to the tailor's shop according to the agreed location, and the fireworks were just in time to get there. Looking at her, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel a little amazed in his heart.

At this time, Fireworks Yi Leng was wearing a tight-fitting leather armor, and his convex and exquisite figure was outlined, with crisp breasts, lotus arms, and beautiful legs exposed, with a bit of wildness, and it was incredibly beautiful. It's just that such a wild costume is matched with the indifferent temperament of fireworks, and a strange sense of beauty arises spontaneously.

"The Flying Snow Dress has turned into leather armor. Ye Luo soon found out.

"The first time I became an archer, I became leather armor, and the strength I had added before became agility. Fireworks Yi said coldly, as if she saw Ye Luo's doubts, she continued: "Leather armor is mainly to add agility, heavy armor is mainly to increase strength, and cloth clothes are mainly to increase intelligence, this is the setting of this game.

Nodding, Ye Luo felt a little, and he said: "I feel that you seem to be much stronger now, and there seems to be a feeling of being suppressed in the face of you."

"My soul crystal has been upgraded, and there is a level suppression, that's why you feel like this. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she didn't know why she explained these to a person she had just met: "After the transfer, the growth of the soul crystal will increase, and there will be a qualitative leap in strength."

"I seem to have heard that the growth of the four major attributes will change after changing jobs, so let's talk about your current growth qualifications. Ye Luo said very casually.

"Strength 2 stars, agility 5 stars, physique 2 stars, intelligence 2 stars, after the transfer, will be according to the qualification growth to make up for the attributes before level 10. Fireworks Yi Leng didn't hide it, and then said: "I've always been full agility plus points, the attack speed is slightly faster than yours, the critical strike rate is high, and the dodge rate is high, but the attack power is a lot weaker."

"Oh my God, the attribute growth has doubled, no wonder it will be extra powerful after changing classes. Ye Luo exclaimed, and then noticed something, his eyes lit up: "Qi and blood 420, it seems to have increased a lot." "

My Martial Soul Crystal has changed from the initial state to a quasi-1st order, adding 200 qi and blood and 200 magic. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she continued to think of something: "The agility growth of ordinary archers is 4 stars, and the growth of the other three attributes is the same as mine, because I am a hidden profession, so the agility growth will be 1 point higher." In addition, the qualification growth of several other soul crystals is similar to that of martial souls.

Frowning slightly, Ye Luo said: "In this way, the growth of the power of the ordinary Battle Soul Crystal is also 4 points, no wonder the hidden profession is much stronger, and the original growth is 1 star higher." By the way, that Dragon Teng World has been inaugurated as a Flame Swordsman, and his strength growth is also 5.

"Well, yes, the growth of other attributes is 2 stars, and these have been announced by him, and they are available in online materials. Fireworks Yi Leng nodded his head, and then said: "The hidden profession not only has a high growth attribute, but also a strong skill. Hearing

this, Ye Luo then remembered that Fireworks Yi Leng already had combat skills, and he asked: "How many skills have you learned?Isn't it very powerful?"

nodded, and the corners of Fireworks Yi Leng's rare mouth twitched, but she was wearing a mask at this time, and outsiders couldn't find it, so she made her skills into a picture book, and she showed it to Ye Luo:

[Bow and Arrow Mastery] (Passive Skill * Not Upgradable).

Skill introduction: The basic skills of archers, after learning, they can use bows and arrows, and the basic damage of bows and arrows is increased by 10%.

[Ice Spirit Power] (Passive Skill * Elementary)

Skill Introduction: An exclusive skill for Ice Spirit Archers, the energy arrows shot after learning are equipped with ice attribute power, with an additional 10 ice attribute damage and a 5% slowdown of the target.

[Frozen Arrow] (Active Skill * Elementary)

Skill Introduction: The Ice Spirit Archer condenses an energy arrow with the power of frost, causing 110% damage to the target, and the power of frost can freeze it for 1 second, cannot move, consumes 50 magic points, and casts an interval of 20 seconds.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Cast Interval

) [Hit] (Passive Skill * Not Upgradable) Skill

Introduction: General skill, hit increased by 20% after learning.

Looking at these four skills, Ye Luo was dumbfounded, and he muttered: "It's so powerful, under the Ice Spirit Power Skill, I'm afraid that no monster can catch up with you." This is only a beginner skill, and it will be even more powerful when the level is higher in the future. The Frozen Arrow is also a very powerful control skill, which is very good. "

Well, both of those skills are pretty good. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and the powerful skill made her a little happy: "But I prefer the last skill rewarded by the system, originally the ranged class has a slightly worse hit rate than the melee class, but with this skill, it can completely make up for this weakness."

Nodding, Ye Luo recalled the words of Fireworks Yi Leng, and he asked: "Fireworks, what do you mean by saying earlier

that you will make up for the attributes before level 10 after you change jobs?" "It means that the growth before the transfer is also calculated according to the growth after the transfer, for example, my agility growth attribute before level 10 is 2 points, and after the transfer is 5 points, then the soul crystal will increase agility by 30 points, and other attributes are the same." Fireworks Yi said coldly, looking at Ye Luo's shocked eyes, she continued: "Now you know why there is such a big difference between changing jobs and not changing jobs, because there is a big attribute gap between the two.

Nodding heavily, Ye Luo said, "It seems that I should hurry up and change jobs, otherwise it will hold you back."

"After you buy those clothes for me, I can go to the job assignment, and then I'll take you to the assignment." Fireworks Yi said coldly, saying that she traded 10 gold coins to Ye Luo.

"Hmm. Ye Luo nodded, and then asked: "As far as I know, you still lack 990 pieces of novice clothes, but we only have ......

backpack space" Equipment can't be stacked like medicinal herbs and some task items, Ye Luo's backpack space is only 20, and it is also occupied by pills and other things, which is far from enough.

"I've checked this matter, and buying items in large quantities will rent a large Qiankun bag to the player, with 1,000 spaces, which is enough for use. Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was quite flat: "It's just that this kind of Qiankun bag can't be taken out of the novice village, and it requires a gold coin for rent, and the rental period is only 3 days."

"A gold coin is too expensive, and I'm afraid few people can afford to rent it in the early game." Ye Luo muttered, and then did not hesitate, quickly communicated with Tailor Zhang, and purchased 990 pieces of clothing, which made Tailor Zhang smile.

Sure enough, as Fireworks Yi Leng said, Tailor Zhang suggested that Ye Luo rent a Qiankun bag, but for the sake of Ye Luo's novice village's high favorability and the purchase of so many things at once, he only charged 50 rent.

Traded the Qiankun bag and the remaining gold coins to the fireworks Yi Leng, he said: "You go and exchange the novice clothes, I'll pick

up the task, we ......" "Dudu ......

" was talking, suddenly a voice of the communicator sounded, Ye Luo glanced at the fireworks Yi Leng apologetically, and then connected, a voice like Yinling came: "Brother Ye, it's already night, the takeout I ordered has arrived, hurry up and go offline."

After saying that, without giving Ye Luo a chance to explain, Zhiyue hung up the communication, and Feitianyue in Ye Luo's friend column quickly turned offline gray.

"Miss Fireworks, I'm sorry, I ......

" "It's time for you to eat at this time." As if he knew what Ye Luo was going to say, Fireworks Yi Leng interrupted him: "Go ahead, it just takes a lot of time to exchange novice equipment, and I will be almost the same if you go online in half an hour, and then we will fight monsters together and upgrade." "

Aren't you going to eat?" Ye Luo wondered.

"Professional gamers only eat two meals a day, and Sister Feng said that girls can't eat more at night, and they are easy to gain weight. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she looked around: "There are already many people who have completed the task of changing jobs, and you can't grab the top three anymore, so there's no need to fight so hard, let's go eat."

Nodding, and then making an appointment with a time and place to meet, Ye Luo withdrew from the game.

looked at the clock and found that it was already 7 o'clock in the evening, Ye Luo muttered to himself as he walked towards the hall: "Time flies so fast, 7 hours have passed in the blink of an eye, ...... in the game

" "Hehe, that's right, if I hadn't set the time, I'm afraid I would have missed the time." Zhiyue smiled and said, she was excited: "Brother Ye, I have already taken up the role of summoner, but unfortunately I didn't complete the job transfer task in the top three, and there is no reward."

"I'm only level 10, and I haven't even taken on the job transfer task. Ye Luo said while eating takeout, and then his tone changed: "But after eating, I should change jobs soon, Fireworks Yi Leng has changed to a hidden profession, which is very powerful, and there is no problem at all in killing the young demon wolf." "

What, you found Sister Fireworks? Great......


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