After eating in a hurry, Ye Luolei trained for more than 10 minutes of physical fitness and double knife secret technique without moving, and seeing that there were still a few minutes left in the agreed time with Fireworks Yi Leng, he entered the game unhurriedly.

"I don't know if the fireworks are easy to cold and have exchanged 990 pieces of novice clothes. Thinking while heading to the agreed place, Ye Luo shook his head: "It shouldn't be, after all, it's nearly a thousand pieces of equipment, how can it be ...... in just half an hour" Thinking

about this, Ye Luo came to the agreed place, and he also saw that the fireworks were easy to cold, and he also saw that the clothes of the flying snow had changed slightly. The faint cyan light is pervasive, and there are faint snowflakes flying, which is quite strange.

"Fireworks, the Flying Snow Dress has been upgraded?" Ye Luo asked, his face full of surprise: "It's only half an hour that you have completed the exchange of 990 pieces of equipment, which is too ......"

"Hmm." Fireworks Yi responded coldly, as if she knew why Ye Luo was so surprised, she explained: "I asked Sister Feng to post a message on the Internet, saying that No. 0099 has high-level equipment to change into novice clothes, so it takes less than half an hour to complete the upgrade of the Flying Snow Dress."

Saying this, Fireworks Yi Leng made a picture book of Flying Snow's attributes and sent it to Ye Luo

: [Flying Snow Clothes] (Breastplate * Leather Armor * Spirit Weapon - Bronze)

Physical Defense: 45-50 Magic Defense: 45-50

Agility: +15

Characteristics: Each attack adds 10 ice damage Equipment



Additional features: Bind players Fireworks are easy to cool, cannot be dropped, and cannot be tradAdditional

features: You can upgrade your level (you need experience to upgrade, you need special means to upgrade, and you need level 40 for the next upgrade)

Additional features: You can upgrade the level with the master, the current

level: 10 requires level: 10

After completing the upgrade, the defense of the Flying Snow Dress has been greatly improved, almost doubling it, and the agility has also nearly doubled, and the accompanying ice damage has also increased a lot, so it can be said that this equipment has become a lot stronger.

"Don't be stupid, you'll have more powerful equipment than this in the future. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she urged: "Don't waste time, you go to pick up the transfer task, I'll go around the village to see if I can get any task, and we'll see you in the Demon Wolf Valley at the north gate of the novice village in 10 minutes." After

speaking, without waiting for Ye Luo to answer, the fireworks turned around and left.

Not caring about her reaction, Ye Luo hurriedly walked towards the place where he was transferred.

As the players of the novice village level up and do tasks, the construction of the novice village is more prosperous, and there is already a place to change jobs. Ye Luo didn't waste any time, and directly took over the job transfer task, and then went to the north gate of the novice village.

It is worth mentioning that the job transfer tasks in the novice village are all the same, all of which are to hunt young demon wolves to obtain wolf ears.

By the time Ye Luo arrived at the Demon Wolf Valley, the fireworks Yi Leng had already begun to kill monsters. She pulled the longbow, and the energy arrows containing the power of the ice spirit roared in, and the fur of the young demon wolf that was attacked was covered with layers of ice armor, and its movements were much slower, and a yellow damage number floated above its head, and from time to time there was a red critical hit number.

Fireworks Yi Leng is quite smart, attacking and retreating, her speed is much faster than the slowed down demon wolf, the demon wolf can never catch up with her, and as a result, she is consumed to death.

"The damage has increased a lot, although her attack power is far less than mine, but the damage is a little higher, which should be caused by the skill Ice Spirit Power and the ice damage attached to the Snow Clothes. Ye Luo quickly figured this out, and then joined the battle in a flash.

After equipping the wolf tooth necklace and rat fur arm guards, Ye Luo's defense and attack power have increased a lot, and the damage has also increased a lot.

"Now my attack damage is higher than yours, the attack frequency is higher than yours, and the hit is not worse than yours, you don't have to worry about the demon wolf diverting hatred, just try your best to attack. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then remembered something, she continued: "With our current strength, it is also easy to deal with two demon wolves at the same time, if the terrain chosen is good, we can deal with several at the same time." "

Terrain?" Ye Luo muttered, and then remembered something, his eyes lit up, and said: "Your attack damage is more than mine, if I block the only passage in a place where only a young demon wolf is allowed to pass, you lure the monsters here, attack as much as you want, even though I am closer to those monsters, but I will not be attacked, right?" "

That's right. Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, she glanced around: "There is a lack of such an environment now, there are a lot of mountains and rocks around, but the passages are very large......

"What are you afraid of in the passage, just transform it a little." Ye Luodao, after seeing a place, his eyes lit up: "Fireworks, do you see that place?" There is a semi-open-air hole that can accommodate two or three people, as long as some rocks are placed at the entrance of the cave, those young demon wolves are not allowed to enter, we ......

" A little muttering, the fireworks are easy to cold and understand, she nodded: "Okay, I'll lure the surrounding demon wolves away, and you arrange them there." The

fireworks were easy to cold and resolute, and as he spoke, he took action, and the bow and arrow were pulled to lure away all the young demon wolves. Ye Luo did not hesitate, and hurried away, looking for a suitable mountain rock to block the entrance of the cave.

With the Battle Soul Crystal, and it is a full strength plus point, Ye Luo's strength is much greater than that of ordinary people in reality, he easily lifted the stone, and it didn't take long to block the entrance of the cave, leaving only one position to enter and exit, and after doing this, he contacted the fireworks Yi Leng.

After three or four minutes, Fireworks Yi Leng returned with seven or eight young demon wolves, and his figure flashed into the cave, and Ye Luo's figure blocked the only passage with a flash.

Although the stone wall outside the cave was only more than a meter high, those demon wolves couldn't jump over, and they were full of hatred under the attack of the fireworks, and Ye Luo's constant attacks couldn't divert their hatred.

Ye Luo is quite smart, which demon wolf he attacks coldly, he also attacks that one, so there is no need to worry about hatred, with the cooperation of the two, one demon wolf fell to the ground, and the efficiency was several times higher than that of killing monsters before.

"Tsk, that's so efficient, I was able to complete a third of the task in just a few minutes. Ye Luo was excited, watching the energy experience flow towards the fireworks, he said, "I'm afraid it won't be long before you can level up."

"If I'm a mage who has changed classes, I'll be more efficient with the group attack skill. Fireworks Yi said coldly, her voice was as indifferent as ever: "In addition, the level of these demon wolves is too low, if it wasn't for taking you to complete the job transfer task, I wouldn't stay here to upgrade."

Nodding, Ye Luo said: "After I change jobs, we should be able to kill monsters around level 15, and at that time, our leveling speed will increase a lot."

Nodding, Fireworks Yi Leng stopped talking and continued to attack.

Time passed slowly in the killing of monsters, and more than ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

During this time, Ye Luo and the others have killed hundreds of young demon wolves, and they have collected enough mission items. What made Ye Luo excited was that those demon wolves dropped a piece of equipment, which was a level 10 necklace, although it was only ordinary equipment, but the attack was quite good, a little higher than the attack on Ye Luo's body.

Ye Luo already has a necklace, and this necklace has given fireworks easy cold, so her attack has increased a lot, and the efficiency of killing monsters has increased a lot.

After that, Fireworks Yi Leng continued to fight monsters alone, while Ye Luo went to hand in the transfer task.

I don't know how many hundreds of people completed the job transfer task later, and Ye Luo almost didn't have any reward for completing the job transfer, but soon his attention shifted to his strength and the three skills he had newly learned.

As Fireworks Yi Leng said, after successfully becoming a swordsman, Ye Luo's growth qualifications have changed a lot, and his strength has become 4 stars, while the other attributes are all 2 points, and his strength has been greatly improved, and then he took a look at his soul crystal information

: Battle Soul Soul Crystal

Level: Quasi-First Order

Qi and Blood

: 200 Magic: 200

And after the transfer, his attributes have also changed dramatically:

Ye Luo Zhiqiu (Trainee Swordsman)

Race: Terran War Spirit

Level: Level 10 Qi and Blood: 410 Magic: 410

Physical Attack: 127-133 Magic

Attack: 21-21 Defense: 67-72

Strength: 91 Agility: 21 Constitution: 21




Lucky: 0

prestige: 10 points (10 points for killing the Toad King

) After that, Ye Luo spent three gold coins to learn three skills, and he finally had skills in the combat professional skill column

: [Swordsmanship Mastery] (passive skill * not upgradeable)

Skill introduction: Swordsman basic skills, after learning, you can use a long sword, and the basic damage of the sword system increases by 10%.

[Slash] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Swordsman skill, after learning, can gather energy to slash out a sword aura, causing 120% damage to a single target, consuming 10 magic points, and casting skills in 10 seconds.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0 / (1000 /

Skill CD Time) [Combo] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Swordsman skill, after learning, can quickly attack the target continuously (primary can only attack twice, the first attack is 70% of the normal damage, the second attack is 70 of the normal damage), consumes 20 magic points, and the skill CD time is 10 seconds.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time)

"In terms of attack power, the swordsman's skills are higher than those of the archers, and the explosive power is also stronger. Ye Luo quickly discovered this, and then smiled bitterly: "But in terms of damage, the skill damage of fireworks is high, and it has more functions, it is worthy of being a hidden profession, much stronger than ordinary swordsmen." "

Compared to the Ice Spirit Archer who is easy to cold fireworks, the swordsman profession is too ordinary, although Ye Luo's overall equipment is better, but he knows that he will definitely lose if he really fights against Fireworks Yi.

"I hope I can complete the Heavenly Tribulation Trial task as soon as possible, according to the principle that the more difficult it is, the greater the gain, if I complete this task, the benefits I will get will be extraordinary, at least comparable to the benefits of fireworks to obtain the Ice Spirit Archer." Ye Luo muttered to himself, and then he glanced at the tailor shop passing by: "And I also have a bronze level cloak, although it is not as good as the Flying Snow Dress, but it should be very good." "

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