Focusing the best equipment on Kenpachi, his attributes have reached an unbelievable level, at this time, he can greatly break the defense against the Snake King, and the Snake King can no longer break the defense against him, and they are more confident in killing the Mori King.

"It's a pity that my [Medal of Courage] is bound to the mask of fireworks, otherwise his attack will be higher after giving Jian Ba, and his qi and blood will reach about 3,000 points, and he will be more sure of killing the Mori King. Ye Luo said, with a faint regret in his tone.

"That's enough, come, let's analyze the skills of the Snake King. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then attracted everyone's attention, she continued: "The first [Poison Resistance] skill is a passive skill, there is nothing to say. [Snake Fang Raid] is also not a threat, don't bother with it, the focus is on the [Winding Strangulation] skill. Hearing

this, everyone also looked at the introduction of this skill, and their brows furrowed one by one.

"Sister Fireworks, this skill is very perverted, if you can't stun the King of the Forest, the person who is entangled will die directly. Monday said, she frowned slightly: "Although we also have a lot of stun skills, but this skill also said, after launching this skill, the dodge rate of the king of the forest will increase greatly, since it is deliberately pointed out, I am afraid that the high dodge rate is a little scary."

"In fact, the loss of 100 points of qi and blood per second is not high at all, Jian Ba's equipment is so good, the recovery rate of qi and blood is very high, plus the supply of pills and the blood they added on Saturday, it is okay to be entangled all the time. Jian Qidao, he was faintly excited: "If I'm not mistaken, after the King of the Mori Snake launches this skill, he can't attack other people, and we can attack together at this time, so it will be a lot safer." Hearing

this, everyone's eyes lit up, thinking that what Jian Qi said was true.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Monday shook her head, she said: "Have you noticed, after launching this skill, the defense of the Mori King will be increased by three times, one or two thousand points of defense, with our attack power, I am afraid that it can only cause a few points of forced damage, and its evasion rate will be greatly improved, I am afraid that our damage to it is not comparable to its recovery speed." "

Uncle Ye Luo's mutant rotten muscles can slow down the recovery speed of monsters' qi and blood. Sunday remembered this, but she quickly shook her head: "This is not good, the Mori King has a strong poison resistance, and the slowdown of qi and blood recovery speed of rotting muscle san should not be too obvious." "

Besides, what if the King of the Mori Snake covered the person who was being entwined with his body?" Suddenly the fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the stunned looks of everyone, she continued: "Mori Python, as soon as you hear it, you know that it is a python, and you can't wrap all the sword eight so that we can't see him, so we can't add blood to him.

"This, doesn't this mean that Kenpachi will die soon?!" Kenroku exclaimed, and then shook his head: "It seems that this method will not work, we still have to interrupt his skills, and when the time comes, everyone will take turns to perform skills that can stun." "

Yes, it's a smart choice. Fireworks Yi said coldly, she glanced at everyone: "We have four assassins and three knights, I have two control skills, and Ye Luo also has one, it should be enough to cast them in turn, but it really can't be used after the skill CD, after all, it's okay to support the blood of Jian Ba for twenty or thirty seconds."

"Well, that's it. Jian Si and the others all nodded in agreement.

"Next is the last skill, [Python Devour]. Fireworks Yi said coldly, thinking for a while, she continued: "It's a terrifying skill, after devouring the target, it will cause it to lose 300 points of qi and blood per second, even the knights with the best quality and equipment can't support it, so I have nine percent certainty that we can see the target after launching this skill, which means that we can add blood to it, and when the time comes, the three priests will add blood to Jian Eight without stopping, you know?"

"Well, I know." The three girls on Saturday said in unison.

"The next step is to arrange tactics, which can only be decided after seeing the specific environment where the Mori King is located. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after speaking, he didn't say anything more, and continued to move forward with everyone.

A few minutes later, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others converged with Jian Yi, and Jian Er also came from a distance, and everyone also saw the target of this operation - the Mori King.

At this time, the king of the forest snake was entrenched under a big tree, and the body of the snake like a bucket was seven or eight feet long, shrunk together like a small mountain, and everyone had no doubt that it would disappear after being entangled, so it also believed the previous speculation of the fireworks Yi Leng. The fist-sized snake scales glistened in the sunlight shining through the leaves, showing great defensive power.

Feeling the qi and blood emanating from the Snake King, Ye Luo sighed with emotion: "It's a very dangerous feeling, it's even more terrifying than the evolved Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King, this is the real silver-level boss."

As he spoke, Jian Yi walked out of a hidden bush, and he cautiously came to everyone, and said, "Sister Fireworks, in addition to this Sen Oyster King, there are some level 27 and 8 monsters around, which are also very powerful, we should pay special attention to this boss when we fight it." "

Without a sword explanation, Ye Luo and the others also saw those silver kraits, there were more than a dozen.

Groaning slightly, Fireworks Yi Leng arranged: "Send a team to stop these little monsters, the knight's attack power is low, you all go, but pay attention to the situation on our side at any time, and see that the Sen Ocon King has launched the [Entanglement Strangulation] skill to help." In addition, Sword Thirteen and Sword Fourteen you also go, and give you another magician, you should be able to resist these little snakes. "

Sister Fireworks, don't worry, we can resist it. Jian Fourteen and others said.

"We also all know the refresh speed of the little snake, and based on your attack damage, you have to face up to seven at the same time, and you should not have any pressure to take your own medicine. Fireworks Yi Leng arrived after a little calculation, and then looked at Jian Jiu and Jian Ten: "When the number of small snakes is less than seven, you can take proper care of the main battlefield and help stun you."

Seeing Jian Jiu and the two nodding, Fireworks Yi Leng looked at Jian Eight again: "Jian Eight, your main resistance, the strongest attack, the maximum frequency of various skills, other melee professions appropriate help card slots, others add blood to the distance, attack attacks, control their respective damage, understand?"

Everyone is not a rookie in the game, and they all nodded after listening to Fireworks Yi Leng's arrangement.

"Jian Er, you came back from a distance, did anyone come here?" Fireworks Yi Leng looked at Jian Er, and when she saw the other party shaking her head, she looked at Jian Jiu and the others: "You try to lure the little snake to the periphery, and you can also help us guard it, you know?" Jian Jiu and

the others said they understood, and then they took the lead and began to kill the surrounding monsters, which was not too much pressure on them, and one by one the silver krait snakes died.

Seeing that the mob was almost cleaned up, the fireworks Yi Leng took the lead, and then the longbow was pulled, and an energy arrow roared away, heading straight for the Mori King.

Suddenly encountering an attack, the king of the forest snake was furious, and then his body shook, and it was fierce towards the fireworks and went away.

"The speed of the Snake King is much faster than ours, even if I slow him down. Fireworks Yi Leng instantly made a judgment, and then gave Kenpachi a direction.

Kenpachi did not hesitate to cast the [Charge] skill, and he rushed sideways like a humanoid tank, and the huge impact force made the Mori King stunned for a second. That's not all, his spear swept, and a [slash] + flat slash came out, and the huge gun shadow smashed on the king of the forest dragon.

Dressed in bronze equipment, the attack power of Jian Ba is amazing, Rao is Sen Python King's defensive power is amazing, and it can also cause more than 300 damage to it, and more under the skill bonus, he has a combination of skills to defeat about 700 of the Sen Python King's qi and blood.

1 second later, the Snake King woke up from his dizziness, and before it could continue to move towards the fireworks, Jian Ba roared, and the [Taunt] skill was cast, which instantly increased the Snake King's hatred towards him.

Under the repeated attacks, coupled with the [Taunt] skill, which has a great hatred effect, the hatred of the Snake King was transferred to him, and then as soon as he made a move, it was a [Snake Fang Raid] skill.

A yellow number of 400 floated above his head, and he fell into a bleeding state, but this was nothing to Kenpachi with 2500 points of qi and blood, he swallowed a mutated Great Blood Returning Pill, and then continued to attack.

"Hatred is not yet stable, and the priest must not add blood to Kenpachi. Seeing that everyone was listening to the order, she gave another order: "The melee class can approach, you can attack after 6 seconds, and other ranged classes can also start attacking." Hearing

this, Ye Luo and several swordsmen began to approach the Mori King, ready to start attacking at any moment, while the other ranged classes were also ready to attack.

According to the analysis of the fireworks Yi Cold, the monster will attack the person who will hurt it the most in six or seven seconds, and after six seconds, Jian Eight has already firmly pulled the hatred of the Mori King, so Ye Luo and the others are not afraid of causing hatred when attacking.

And Jian Ba has rough skin and thick meat, and there is no pressure on him to hold on for six seconds.

Six seconds later, seeing that Jian Eight had successfully attracted the hatred of the Mori King, Ye Luo and the others also attacked, either the long sword or the dagger fell on the Mori King, at the beginning, for the sake of safety, they did not use skills, just ordinary attacks.

These people's equipment is much worse than Kenpachi's now, and they are just ordinary attacks, so they can't snatch away hatred, and then they are also relieved to be bold and start using some skills, but there is no problem.

Ye Luo and the others made a move, and ranged professions such as magicians and archers also made their moves, attacking the attack of the Sen King Snake, adding blood to Jian Ba, and under the raindrop-like attack, the Qi and blood of the Sen King quickly decreased.

The equipment on Ye Luo and the others is a little worse, and the defense of the Snake King is also very high, most of them can only cause dozens of points of damage to them, Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng are slightly better, but they are only more than 200 points.

However, there are many people who attack, nearly twenty people attack together, and the blood of the king of the forest snake has also dropped wildly, and Rao is that its blood recovery speed is very fast, and it also drops hundreds of points per second, I am afraid that it will not take too long before the qi and blood will be exhausted and die.

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