With Kenpachi's attack power, he can easily hold the hatred of the Mori King, and his defense and qi and blood are also very sufficient, under the addition of the pill and Saturday and the others, he is not in any danger, and everyone attacks in an orderly manner.

Seeing the rapid decrease in the qi and blood of the Mori King, Jian Yi and the others were excited, and they were more cautious.

"Sister Fireworks, my attack power is nearly 300 points, how can I only do so much damage on the body of the Mori King. Seeing that he had only inflicted less than a hundred points of damage on the Snake King, Wednesday was puzzled.

"That's right, according to our calculations, we're going to do at least 150 damage to him. Tuesday also said.

"The level of this Snake King is much higher than ours, and with level suppression, our attack damage will be weakened a little. Fireworks explained, looking at everyone still confused, she continued: "In addition to level suppression, there is also level suppression, and the Mori King is a silver-level boss, and according to the soul crystal level, it is equivalent to our state after the second turn, so our damage to it will be weakened again."

"It turns out that there is still a level of suppression. Jian Qi said while attacking, and he suddenly realized: "Our professions are all apprentices, that is, they are not at the same level, and they are at the same level as ordinary monsters, and there are two levels of difference with silver-level bosses, and the damage to it will be greatly reduced."

"The damage of one tier will be weakened by 10%, and the damage of two tiers will be nearly 30%, and the greater the difference between tiers, the greater the weakening. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she looked at the Snake King: "Our damage to the Snake King is not too high, so we let everyone come over, so it will be a lot faster." Ye

Luo knew a long time ago that in addition to level suppression and grade suppression, but how specifically, now that he heard the detailed explanation of Fireworks Yi Leng, he had a clear understanding in his heart.

The battle continues, and the hatred has been stable under Kenpachi's super attack and the maximum use of the [Taunt] skill, even if it is a high-explosive profession like a magician, it is difficult to talk about hatred to pull away, not to mention that Fireworks Yi Leng will always remind the people in the team to slow down the attack, so that even if someone has a critical hit, there will be no big problem.

"It turns out that the fireworks' mental arithmetic ability is also very strong.,Instantly know everyone's damage.,And then according to the damage, people slow down the frequency of attacks.,It's really the strongest brain.。 Ye Luo reminded some people that some people had calculated these things several times in the fireworks Yi Leng, and admired her ability.

In this way, under the computing power of the fireworks that is as easy to cool as a computer, the attacks of everyone are balanced, and the hatred has not been chaotic.

After two or three minutes, it seemed that the Mori King also sensed the difficulty of his opponent, and its body twisted wildly, and then wrapped its sword eight around it. The mountain-like body surrounded the sword eight and then strangled it, apparently activating the [Entanglement Strangulation] skill.

As Yan Hua Yi Leng speculated, under the mountain-like body of the Mori King, Kenpachi's entire person was covered, making people lose his goal, so that he could not use the blood enhancement skill on him at all, and he himself could not swallow the pill to replenish his qi and blood because he was shackled.

It had long been speculated that this was the case, and everyone did not panic, and the two knights, Sword Nine and Sword Eleven, also turned back in advance, and then took turns to perform the [Charge] skill on the Mori King.

Sure enough, as everyone analyzed, after the turtle cowered in a group, the dodge rate of the Mori King reached a heinous place, and the two knights of Jian Jiu and the four assassins of Jian Jiu took turns to perform the stun skill on him, and they were all missed.

Seeing this, Ye Luo did not hesitate and used the [Soul Slash] skill.

I don't know if it's Ye Luo's luck, but I didn't expect him to succeed in stunning the Mori Snake King, and Jian Eight also broke free from the entanglement, he swallowed a mutated Great Blood Rejuvenation Pill without hesitation, and then continued to attack the Mori Python King.

On Saturday, Sunday, and Sunday, the three priests were not idle, and they all used the [Rejuvenation Technique] skill, just to instantly replenish Jian Ba's qi and blood by more than 2,000 points.

"Hehe, Uncle Ye Luo's luck is very good, he actually stunned the king of the forest snake once. Friday said as the giant wolf attacked the king of the forest dragon.

"Ye Luo's [Soul Slash] is a rare skill, and according to my analysis, the hit rate of rare skills and hidden classes will be higher. Fireworks Yi analyzed coldly: "In addition, he has a little luck, and the hit rate will also have some bonuses." "

Hehe, so with Brother Ye Luo and Sister Fireworks here, we won't worry about the skill of the Snake King at all?!" Jian Shi said with a smile, watching the Snake King's qi and blood continue to decrease, he was excited.

"The hit rate is just a bonus, and it doesn't necessarily hit, so we need to work together. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed, and he ordered: "Hurry up and increase the qi and blood of Jian Ba to the fullest, and the Sen Xuan King will soon perform the last skill."

As soon as the words fell, a [Rejuvenation Technique] came out on Saturday, and under the addition of the bronze-level staff, a green number of 240 appeared on the top of Jian Ba's head, and his qi and blood almost recovered to the peak.

At the same time, the Snake King also suddenly opened his bloody mouth, and then bit Kenpachi - apparently it activated the [Python Devour] skill.

Kenpachi's qi and blood plummeted, and the damage of 300 per second made his qi and blood quickly fall below 1800, and with his current qi and blood, he couldn't last until the end of the Mori King's skill.

But fortunately, everyone can see Jian Ba, which means that everyone can add blood to him, and he performed [Rejuvenation Technique] on Sunday and Zhou Ba one after another, and then added more than 400 points of qi and blood for him, and Jian Eight also swallowed a mutated Great Blood Returning Pill, and his qi and blood recovered to 2300 points again, and he recovered at 50 points per second.

"The skill of the Mori King still has eight seconds, and the loss of 300 points of qi and blood per second is not enough for Kenpachi's life. Fireworks Yi Leng quickly made a judgment, and then she looked at Saturday: "Saturday, after the skill CD, add blood to Kenpachi." He

didn't wait for Saturday to speak, and continued to look at the others: "After the skill of the Mori Snake King is over, everyone will cast the stun skill on it in turn, Ye Luo will perform it first, and then me, if we are all missed, you can use it together, do you know?"

Although the [Python Devouring] still can't kill Jian Hachi, but at that time, Jian Hachi's qi and blood also fell to the lowest, and it is also dangerous to face the attack of the Sen Oconda King, so the best way is to stun it, and then buy him a period of time.

The last skill of the Mori King cannot be interrupted, and the stun skill can only be cast on it at the end of the skill, and the situation is the most dangerous at this time, so the fireworks are easy to cold and will let Ye Luo, who has a slightly higher hit rate, take the lead in casting [Horror Slash].

Everyone is also a smart person, and they all understand the intention of the fireworks to be cold, and then they all look at the king of the forest with full attention, ready to shoot at any time.

A few seconds later, the Mori King's skill ended, and Kenpachi only had 300 points of Qi and Blood left, and almost all of the Mori King's ordinary attacks could kill him.

Seeing the end of the Snake King's skill, Ye Luo immediately cast the [Soul Slash] skill, but unfortunately he was missed. Fireworks Yi Leng has been paying attention to the development of things, and immediately cast the [Arrow of Bondage], and thousands of energy silk threads were entangled, accurately binding the Mori King King, which made everyone breathe a long sigh of relief.

The stun duration of [Binding Arrow] is three seconds, and at least the safety of Kenpachi can be guaranteed during these three seconds.

"After the King of the Snake woke up from his stun, the knights and assassins took turns to perform the [Charge] and [Backstab] skills, and they were stunned for as long as they could. Fireworks Yi Leng Leng continued to order: "Others, don't be stingy with skills, maximum attack, add blood when your three skills are CD on Saturday, and don't forget to cast the [Punishment] skill on the Snake King, it's always good to weaken some of its defenses." "

The dodge rate of the Mori King who didn't cast [Entanglement Strangling] has been greatly reduced, at least Jian Yi and the others have one hit out of three skills, so it has been delayed for a few seconds, and Jian Ba's qi and blood have recovered to more than 1,000 points, and it is temporarily safe.

"It's a pity that in the early game the priest only has one health skill, and the CD time is still 10 seconds, which is far from enough. "Seeing that the situation had stabilized, I started complaining on Sunday.

"When you are idle, you should go to the novice village more often, and if you are lucky, you will come across some skill books. Ye Luo said, and then he looked at Monday and Sword Fourteen: "Buy these skill books as much as possible, it will be very helpful to us."

"Each gang specially cultivates priests, and a good priest is the key to killing bosses, so there is a great demand for priests' skills, and it is not easy to find a copy. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: "It's not bad to go shopping from time to time, and if you're lucky, you can get some skill books." "

Hee-hee, it's best that this Snake King can explode a priest's rare skill book. Saturday smiled, her face full of anticipation: "Anyway, this is also a silver-level boss, and it seems to be the first kill, so it shouldn't be wrong to drop." "

Hehe, this is the King of the Forest, even if the skill book of the priest department is exploded, it is also a dark skill, so it is possible for the target to lose blood, and it is not realistic to add blood. Jian Er said half-jokingly and half-seriously, and then his tone changed: "It is possible to explode the skills of the assassin system, such as the bleeding state or something, so that the outbreak of our assassins will be raised to a higher level." "

The situation has stabilized, and the two main skills of the Snake King have been used, there is no danger, and everyone's mood is a little relaxed and expectant.

"Hehe, it's the first time we've known that killing a high-level boss can be so easy, and it's a miracle that no one died. Jian Qi said while attacking, he looked at the fireworks and was cold: "It's a pleasure to follow Sister Fireworks to kill the boss."

"Our people's equipment and level are among the best among many players, and there are also hidden classes and rare skills, so more than twenty elites will not have much to lose against a boss. Fireworks Yi Leng's tone was as calm as ever: "Team combat, the Ethereal Pavilion has always pursued zero casualties, and everyone will pursue this in the future."

"Zero casualties, my God, this ......" everyone exclaimed, and then they all nodded their heads when they thought that they were already members of the Ethereal Pavilion and should have high demands.

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