After logging into the game again after lunch, Ye Luo finally saw the high-level cloak

: [Cloak of the Snake King] (Cloak-Bronze)

Physical Defense: 130-130 Magic Defense: 130-130 Strength: +50Additional

characteristics: Increase the evasion chance of the equipper by 15

% and increase the poison resistance by 20


Equipment durability: 150/150

Requires level: 30

According to Ye Luo's cognition, the attributes of the cloak and cuirass of the same level are similar, but this Snake King cloak is better than the attributes of the Demon Crocodile Armor, Ye Luo They guessed that this was because this cloak had evolved to the silver level.

As for the other cloak sewn from the snakeskin of the Snake King, the attributes are better than this attribute, at least 10 points more defense, even the increased attribute points are 55 points, and the additional attributes are also better, in addition to increasing the critical strike chance by 15%, it also increases the attack speed by 10%.

Because the attack speed of fireworks is originally fast, it is more cost-effective for her to increase the attack speed, so the cloak sewn from the skin of the Snake King was given to her, and Ye Luo asked for the [Snake King Cloak], and the attributes were increased by a small percentage after being equipped.

After that, he continued to kill the Netherworld Warriors, and of course, Fireworks Yi Leng also instructed Jian Yi and others who went out to scout to collect some herbs and come back to supplement the previous transactions to Yeyu Feifei and Ying Yue to raise a toast.

has been efficient monster farming, until 11 noon on the second day, perhaps because everyone is wearing the medal of good people and has a lucky value bonus, the rusty iron sword and rusty armor fell a little more, the rusty iron sword has more than a thousand, and the rusty armor has more than 260 pieces, which can be said to have exceeded the task.

After handing in the task, most of them have the [Good Guy Medal] of Jian Yi, and the two ordinary versions of [Brave Heart] are given to Jian Ba and one is given to Fireworks Yi Leng, after all, she will go with Ye Luo to take on the level 30 dungeon task soon.

In one day, they harvested more than ten [Good Man Medals] and two and a half [Brave Heart], which can be said to be a lot of gains, but the most unpleasant thing for Ye Luo and them is that they can't upgrade their experience, otherwise they have at least been promoted to level 35 now, and they are even more unhappy when they see that someone on the level list has been promoted to level 37.

Go offline, eat, go online, and then Ye Luo and they meet at the east gate of the novice village according to the agreement.

When they went online, the east gate of the novice village was already crowded, and even the road out of the village was blocked, but like a level 10 dungeon, you can accept the task remotely, and you don't have to worry about not being able to enter the dungeon in the first place.

While Ye Luo was chatting with Invite Yue, Night Rain Feifei and others, Fireworks Yi Leng took on the level 30

dungeon quest: [Buried Bones] (dungeon quest, selection difficulty: hard)

Quest description: Kill Skeletron.

Rewards: Lots of experience and coins.

Countdown to start the mission: 7 minutes.

"Hey, the introduction of this task is too simple, just five words, right?" Looking at the task on the task bar, Ye Luo was puzzled, he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks

, can you analyze anything?" "There is too little information, and you can't analyze many things." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the wry smile, her tone changed: "But according to past experience, this kind of task only needs to kill Skeletron, so if you can avoid those little monsters, you can avoid it, and it is the best and most efficient way to complete the task if you can directly kill Skeletron."

"But I don't think this mission will be so simple, and it won't give us a chance to deal directly with Skeletron. Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "Either Skeletron is in a group of mobs, and only after clearing the mobs can he get close to him." Either it belongs to that trigger type, and only Skeletron can come out after killing all the mobs.

"But either way, we are required to clear the mobs as quickly as possible, so the old rule, we continue to attack violently, sweep the past with the strongest attitude, and don't skimp on skills. Fireworks Yi Leng instructed, and at the end she added: "Of course, the specific situation can only be known after entering the game."

"After taking the mutated elixir, our damage per unit of time can reach the top ten, not to mention the first, and our qi and blood are already close to 4,000 points, so we are not afraid of those little monsters at all, and there is no problem in sweeping the past." Ye Luo nodded, he was scrappy and ready to shoot at any time.

The 7 minutes passed quickly, and at the moment when the countdown turned to zero, the fireworks clicked to start the mission, and then they entered an independent space, and then they looked at the map on the system for the first time.

This independent space is as uncomplicated as the ant nest of a level 10 dungeon, and it is only one space that can be seen at a glance.

"Hey, there are 100 red dots on the map, and they all seem to be Nether warriors. Ye Luo sighed lightly, and then glanced around, and found that they were all Nether Warriors wearing armor, and he didn't find Skeletron, and he immediately came to his senses: "It seems that as you said, Skeletron is in the form of triggers, and only when all these Nether Warriors are killed will Skeletron come out."

When he said this, Ye Luo and the others had already taken the mutated Wind Pill, and then rushed towards those Netherworld Warriors as fast as they could, and then they also saw their attributes

: [Netherworld Warrior] (Elite Monster)

Level: 35Physical Attack: 300-320 Defense: 450

Qi and Blood: 30000

Skill: [Nether Power].

[Nether Power] (Passive Skill): Nether Warrior contains a rich death aura all over his body, which can invade the target during attacks, increasing damage by an additional 10%.

The level of the dungeon monster will be determined according to the player's level, Ye Luo and they are only level 30, so the level of the Nether Warrior has also decreased, and they have finally seen the attributes of these Nether Warriors clearly, and finally understand why the attack damage of the Nether Warrior is so high.

It was already easy for Ye Luo to single-handedly take on a level 40 Nether Warrior, let alone a level 35 one, and at this time, he was also taking the mutated Body Pill, and his qi and blood increased by 600 points, and his total qi and blood had reached 4,300 points. The most important thing is that his defense has made a qualitative leap, which has reached about 800 points, and with the damage reduction of the Demon Crocodile set, it is remarkable that the Nether Warrior can deal 150 points of damage to him.

"Ye Luo, you run to the middle of these Nether Warriors, and I will bring all the Nether Warriors here. Fireworks Yi Leng ordered, seeing Ye Luo execute the order without hesitation, he continued: "Each Nether Warrior only has more than 100 damage points to you, although 100 Nether Warriors can kill you in an instant, but they are short-range, only the closest to you can attack you, with your defense and qi and blood can fully support, not to mention that your [Brave Heart] also comes with a bloodsucking effect."

"Also, remember to dodge and use your enemy's body to block another enemy's attack. Fireworks Yi Leng ordered.

Nether warriors are aggressive, and they will attack when Ye Luo approaches, so he just runs to the middle and roars and follows twenty or thirty Nether warriors.

Seeing so many Netherworld warriors behind him, Ye Luo did not hesitate to cast [Brave Fearless] and [Brave Fearless], and then used the [Sword Qi Vertical] skill.

The vertical and horizontal damage bonus of the sword qi that has been promoted to the master level is 150%, plus the damage bonus of various equipment, just this attack can cause more than 2,000 damage, and under the roar of sword qi, the number of damage rises one by one.

She was not idle after the fireworks Yi Leng instructed Ye Luo, after Ye Luo led away the Netherworld warriors she passed, she turned around counterclockwise, and then led all the remaining Netherworld warriors to the middle and joined Ye Luo.

As Fireworks Yi Leng said, the Netherworld Warriors are quite large, and the space they occupy is also very large, plus Fireworks Yi Leng shares half of the enemy with her back-to-back, so only four or five Netherworld Warriors can attack them, and they can fully support them with their defense and qi and blood recovery speed.

After using the [Sword Qi Verticality], Ye Luo performed the [Sweeping Thousand Armies] skill, and the fireworks Yi Leng also cast the [Ice Spirit * Ten Thousand Arrows Together], under the three group attack skills, the surrounding Netherworld warriors lost more than 6,000 qi and blood, and some Nether warriors who appeared critical hits lost nearly 10,000 points of damage.

The group attack skill fell into the CD, Ye Luo and they used the single skill, and the attacked Netherworld Warrior under a set of combined skills lost half of their qi and blood, and they were afraid that if they came back to another set of group attack skills and single skills, they would all die.

The CD time of the three group attack skills of Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo is 30 seconds, during which the Netherworld warriors who are close to them run out of blood and die, but the latter ones are quickly filled.

More than a hundred Nether Warrior regiments surrounded Ye Luo and the others, their huge size covered a radius of thirty meters, the attack range of [Sword Qi Verticality and Horizontal] and [Ice Spirit * Ten Thousand Arrows Together] was only 10 meters, and the attack range of [Sweeping Thousand Armies] was only five meters, far from being able to envelop all Nether Warriors.

However, as they killed the nearby Nether Warriors, the number of Nether Warriors decreased rapidly.

In this way, the group attack skill CD is released, and then they occasionally cast a single skill, so that their speed of killing monsters reaches a jaw-dropping level.

"Fireworks, I'm afraid that the players of the entire Heavenly Tribulation don't believe that the two of us can kill 100 level 35 elite monsters. Ye Luo said as he attacked, he was quite excited.

"The main thing is that the two of us have a lot of defense, qi and blood, if it weren't for the fifth-order Jade Poison Bead and the [Heart of the Brave], and without the support of the mutated elixir, we wouldn't dare to do this. Fireworks Yi Leng's tone was as flat as ever, and then his tone changed: "Of course, this method can only deal with short-range and huge monsters, if it is long-range, under the attack of 100 monsters, I am afraid that we will not be killed in 3 seconds."

"That's just as well. Ye Luo nodded, and then he came with some expectation: "Now in the Heavenly Tribulation game, I'm afraid that few people can kill monsters like this, even if they can, they are not as high as our attacks, and they are not as high as our group attack skills, so no one can kill monsters faster than us." "

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