Although there are some players in the game of Heavenly Tribulation who have higher attacks than the two of them, there are very few people who team up to farm level 30 dungeons and have higher attacks than them, and there are even fewer people who have more group attack skills than them, so Ye Luo is very confident that they are the fastest to kill the Netherworld Warriors.

"Originally, there was not much suspense for the two of us to complete this copy and win the first kill. Fireworks Yi said coldly: "It is precisely because I am nine out of ten that I am like this, otherwise I would have been to the six-person dungeon." After

getting along with Fireworks Yi Leng for so long, Ye Luo also knew her character quite well, so he laughed dryly and continued to kill monsters.

A few minutes later, all the Nether Warriors were killed, and instead of Skeletron, the Skeletron that Yelo was expecting, 20 new mobs, 10 Nether Archers, and 10 Nether Wizards appeared.

[Nether Archer] (Elite Monster)Level

: 35Physical Attack: 320-350Defense: 400Qi and Blood: 25000Skill


[Nether Fire], [Nether Power] [Nether Fire]

(Passive Skill): Nether Archers contain a rich sense of death all over their body, they can convert their breath into ghostfire, making their attacks contain ghostfire attacks, and increase ghostfire damage by an additional 30 points after hitting the target.

[Nether Wizard] (Elite Monster)

Level: 35Magic

Attack: 320-350Defense: 380

Qi and Blood: 22000Skill

: [Nether Blast], [Nether Power] [Nether


Nether Wizards contain a rich body of death qi, they can condense and compress death qi into a ball, and burst after hitting the target, dealing 130% damage at 60 second intervals.

Before, Fireworks Yi Leng also said that their previous way of killing monsters was not suitable for long-range monsters, but now such an existence has appeared, and the attributes of these two monsters are much stronger than those of the Netherworld, especially the Netherworld, not only has the attack improved a lot, but also has an active skill.

"Fireworks, Nether Archers and Nether Wizards seem to be much stronger than Nether Warriors, especially Nether Wizards, they are magic attacks, my magic defense is only more than 500 points, counting the level and soul crystal suppression, they can cause me nearly 400 damage, this is just ordinary damage, and the use of skills will be higher. Ye Luo said, and as he spoke, the fireworks Yi Leng bow and arrow were raised and shot at a nether archer.

The physical defense of the heavy armor type equipment is extremely strong, but the magic defense is a lot, if it weren't for Ye Luo's [Heart of Courage], [Medal of Courage] and the 5th Order Jade Poison Orb to increase his intelligence, I am afraid that his magic defense would be even less.

"Your physical defense is strong, your resistance to the Nether Archers, we'll deal with them first. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her tone was as usual: "Although their attacks are much higher than those of the Nether Warriors, and they also come with ghost fire attacks, but you won't have a problem resisting 6, and the other 4 will be handed over to me."

As he spoke, the fireworks had already attracted all the Nether Archers, and a [Ice Spirit* Ten Thousand Arrows Fired Together] enveloped them all, and pieces of damage of more than 2,000 floated up, and also caused them to fall into a state of slowdown.

Ye Luo didn't hesitate, his figure flashed and rushed towards those Nether Archers, a [Sword Qi Vertical] enveloped them, and pieces of high damage floated up. Then he saw the distance and swept the 6 Nether Archers with a single [Sweeping Armies], drawing their hatred with high damage.

It's been a while since he entered the game, and Ye Luo has been able to control the monster's hatred very well.

After that, the [Slash] + Flat Slash + [Combo] skill knocked out a Nether Archer nearly 6,000 Qi and blood, and then with a twist of the wrist, a sword groan, [Soul Slash] stunned another Nether Archer for 4 seconds.

As Fireworks Yi Leng said, it was not very difficult for Ye Luo to fight against six Nether Archers at the same time, and under his attack, the qi and blood of these archers fell wildly.

"Hehe, although the damage of these Nether Archers has increased a lot, their qi and defense are much lower, and we can wipe them all out in two minutes. Ye Luo smiled strangely, and then looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, with our current strength, can we resist a few Nether Wizards at the same time?" "

My magic defense is higher than yours, more than 600, but I can only resist 4, and you can resist 3." Fireworks Yi Leng had a result after a short pause, and she muttered: "For the sake of safety, we will deal with them in two groups, five at a time, but fortunately, their defense and qi and blood are lower, and they should all be solved in less than five minutes." "

Sure enough, as Ye Luo analyzed, they eliminated all those Nether Archers in two minutes, and then also eliminated 10 Nether Wizards in four or five minutes.

After all these monsters were eliminated, there were countless dry bones, tattered armor fragments, and some equipment light clusters scattered around, but no new monsters immediately appeared, which made them quite puzzled.

Then the entire space trembled slightly, becoming more and more violent, and those dry bones and armor fragments that were originally scattered all over the ground floated up, gradually merging together to form a huge skeleton warrior.

"I'll go, this should be Skeletron, do you want such a stylish way of appearance?" Looking at the skeleton warrior who was about to take shape, Ye Luo exclaimed.

Half a minute later, the skeleton warrior finally took shape, and as Ye Luo guessed, it was Skeletron.

The Skeleton King is extremely tall, three or four meters long, and his dark armor exudes a faint light, giving people a sense of majesty and heaviness, and in his hand he also condenses a two-handed sword more than half a foot long, with the heavy armor, giving people invisible pressure.

[Skeletron] (Silver Boss)

Level: 40Physical Attack: 500—520Defense

: 700

Qi and Blood: 350000Skill:


Nether Power*High], [Netherfire Crit], [King's Cry], [Rebirth]【Netherpower*

High-level】 (Passive): Skeletron's body contains a more intense Death Aura, far from being comparable to the average Nether Warrior, and the Death Qi can invade the target during the attack, increasing the damage by an additional 15%.

[Hellfire Critical Strike]: Throws a ball of dead condensed ghost fire at the target from the sword, dealing 150% damage to the target, and stuns the target for 3 seconds, and causes it to fall into a state of ghost fire burning, losing 100 points of qi and blood per second for 10 seconds, and the skill is used at an interval of 3 minutes.

[Death Cry]: Skeletron King is the king of the skeleton clan, Death Cry contains the meaning of the king, can shock the soul of the living, and can cause 160% damage to the target within 15 meters under the scream, and the target is stunned for 4 seconds, and the skill is used at an interval of 5 minutes.

[Rebirth]: Skeletron can reunite dry bones and resurrect from the dead after death, full of qi and blood, and the interval between skill use is 15 minutes.

"Well, Skeletron is actually a silver-level boss, with more than 500 attacks, oh my God, under the high-level [Nether Power], just ordinary attacks can cause me more than 600 qi and blood, and the use of skills can cause thousands of damage to me. Seeing Skeletron's attributes, Ye Luo was dumbfounded, and then said to himself: "Although my attack has reached more than 1100 points, Skeletron's defense is 700, and under the suppression of level and soul crystal, it is remarkable that I can cause 1000 points of damage to it, and this is counting all my attack bonuses."

"The first three skills of Skeletron are nothing, both of us have more than 4,000 qi and blood, and there is not much danger to it, and it is not even as good as the original Mori King. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then her tone changed: "The most troublesome thing is the last skill, Skeletron can be reborn, which means one more life, and the most troublesome thing is that if you can't destroy it within 15 minutes, it will always be reborn." "

Fireworks, based on the damage calculations of the two of us, it shouldn't be difficult to solve it in ten minutes. Ye Luo said, his expression was still a little bit old: "The two of us have a few control skills, if we cooperate well and interrupt a few of its skills, then there will be no danger, the attack range of [Death Cry] is 15 meters, you have a distance bonus, and the attack distance exceeds it, so it will be safe to be 15 meters away."

When he said this, Ye Luo didn't waste any time, his figure flashed and rushed over, and a combination of skills was cast, knocking out about 4,000 Qi and blood of Skeletron King, and then he didn't skimp on group attack skills, and as a result, he knocked out 3,000 of its qi and blood under the two group attack skills.

Seeing that Skeletron was about to attack, he cast [Soul Slash], but he didn't want a Miss to appear, Skeletron's heavy sword hit him, causing 630 points of qi and blood, and shook him back 3 meters under the heavy sword attack, but fortunately he didn't appear stunned.

"Skeletron is many levels higher than us, and the soul crystal level is also two orders higher than ours, and the control skill is not too high for its hit rate, not to mention that you are an ordinary class. Fireworks Yi Leng said as he struck a [Frozen Arrow], but also successfully fixed it in place, and then continued to attack: "And it is a power-type monster, and it is not easy to be knocked back or even stunned by it, you have to be careful, it is best to keep your qi and blood above 3000 points."

Nodding, Ye Luo ravaged up, taking advantage of the Skeleton King's dizziness for four seconds, he attacked two pieces in a row, and under the blood-sucking characteristics of [Heart of Courage], he recovered more than 100 points of qi and blood, and quickly recovered his qi to full under the recovery speed of his own soul crystal qi and blood, the recovery of qi and blood in the suit, and the recovery speed of the body pill, and he didn't even take the pill that added qi and blood.

During this period, Fireworks Yi Leng did not skimp on the skill, [Ice Spirit*Piercing Arrow] and [Ice Spirit*Ten Thousand Arrows] were cast in turn, not only causing a lot of damage to it, but also causing it to fall into a state of slowdown. After Skeletron broke free from her dizziness, she cast the Arrow of Bondage on her again, but this time she was unlucky and Miss appeared.

After being attacked for so long, Skeletron was furious, he roared angrily, and a thick ghost fire condensed on the heavy sword, forming a round ball, and a terrifying aura flowed, terrifying. Obviously, Skeletron is about to perform the [Stygian Critical Strike] skill.

Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo knew this, but the control skills of both of them fell into the CD, and he could only block hard, as a result, a '1123' damage appeared above his head, and the whole body burned with flames, his qi and blood decreased at a speed of 100 per second, and the most troublesome thing was that he also fell into a state of dizziness.

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