Skeletron's [Hellfire Critical Strike] on Ye Luo not only knocked out more than 1,100 points of Qi and blood, but also caused him to fall into a burning state, dropping 100 Qi and Blood per second for 10 seconds, and most importantly, he also fell into a 3-second dizzy state.

The [Frozen Arrow] and [Binding Arrow] that are easy to cold by fireworks have fallen into the CD, so they can't stun Skeletron, but fortunately, Ye Luo's current qi and blood are still around 3000, and it is not a big deal to be attacked once or twice.

Pulling the bow, one energy arrow after another roared away, Skeletron's qi and blood slowly decreased, and after two seconds, the high damage attracted its hatred, so Skeletron abandoned Ye Luo, which was considered one less attack on it.

When Skeletron just moved towards the fireworks, Ye Luoxing turned around and hit it with a combination of skills, followed by a move [Combo] + Flat Slash, and the high damage attracted the hatred again.

When attacking, Ye Luo did not forget to swallow a mutated Great Blood Returning Pill, and his qi and blood instantly recovered more than 100 points, and in the state of [Brave Heart] blood sucking, he absorbed more than 300 qi and blood, so that his qi and blood remained at about 3,000, and the blood-sucking effect of ordinary attacks plus the recovery speed of qi and blood almost offset the burning damage of [Hellfire Critical Attack].

The next situation is much calmer, because the fireworks are easy to cold 15 meters away, and there is no need to worry about Skeletron's [Death Cry], so Ye Luo doesn't have to worry too much, and he will release the control skill CD in order to maximize the damage.

Fireworks are easy to cold but leave a control skill, a little support when the preparation is not right.

After equipping the 5th-order Jade Poison Bead and the silver-level spirit weapon [Heart of Courage], Ye Luo's qi and blood and defense are already very high, and the attack is also very high, and the attack has caused a lot of damage to the Skeletron King, I am afraid that it will not take long to empty the qi serum.

After a few minutes, Skeletron once again unleashed the [Hellfire Critical Strike], which stunned Ye Luo, and then did not stop, it raised its head to the sky and roared, its whole body was filled with a rich death aura, and then a shocking wave of energy rushed out - it was obvious that Skeletron cast [Death Cry].

[Hellfire Critical Strike] and [Death Cry] were used on Ye Luo at the same time, so that his qi and blood plummeted, and most importantly, he was stunned, so he could not swallow the pill to replenish his qi and blood, and if he could not attack, he could not rely on the blood-sucking characteristics of [Brave Heart] to replenish his qi and blood.

[Death Cry] is a group attack skill that can cover a distance of 15 meters, but in order to prevent it, Fireworks Yi Leng has been keeping a distance of 17 meters from him, so she has not been affected.

Fortunately, Fireworks Yi Leng still retains the control skill, seeing Skeletron launch the skill, she did not hesitate to cast the [Binding Arrow], an energy arrow pulled down ten thousand strands of silk, but it was broken free, obviously this skill was Miss again.

The expression remained unchanged, and the firework Yi Leng Flying Snow Bow was raised, and the [Frozen Arrow] was cast again, but fortunately, this time the luck was good, Skeletron was successfully frozen, and he could only move after 4 seconds.

With this opportunity, the fireworks Yi Leng would not miss it, and skills such as [Ice Spirit*Piercing Arrow], [Ice Spirit*Ten Thousand Arrows] were cast one after another, and pieces of damage floated from the top of Skeletron's head, and then when it woke up, the hatred was transferred to her, so Ye Luo was spared.

didn't dodge, the fireworks Yi Leng continued to attack, under the effect of the master-level [Ice Spirit Power], although the speed of Skeletron was still faster than the fireworks, but it was not much faster, and it would be more than ten seconds later to catch up with the fireworks Yi Leng.

3 seconds after Skeletron woke up, Ye Luo also woke up, and without hesitation, he swallowed a mutated Great Blood Pill, and then he rushed towards Skeletron, and a combination of skills was cast, knocking out about 4,000 of its qi and blood, and under the [Brave Heart] bloodsucking effect, he also recovered about 200 qi and blood.

Without waiting for Skeletron to make any moves, Ye Luo turned his wrist and unleashed a [Horror Slash].

This time he was lucky, and successfully stunned him for 4 seconds, and then he attacked quickly, and his qi and blood quickly recovered to more than 3,000 points, and he was completely safe.

The next thing was thrilling, Ye Luo and the two of them cooperated to easily empty the Skeletron's qi essence, and then pieces of broken bones were scattered, and in the center of the broken bones there was a light cluster that emitted a faint light.

The light fluctuated, beating like a heart, and the surrounding bones trembled slightly, as if resonating with it.

Apparently, Skeletron's last skill, [Rebirth], is working.

Although he hadn't played any games, Ye Luo also knew that as long as he shattered the [Rebirth] skill of the Skeletron of the Light Cluster, it would be invalid, but there was a layer of light film a few feet outside of this light cluster, just like the one that Fireworks Yi Leng talked to that NPC at the beginning, it couldn't be broken at all, so he had to be reborn.

"Hehe, it's much easier to deal with this Skeletron King than it was to deal with the original Snake King. Ye Luo smiled strangely, he knew that there was no suspense about completing this kill, and then faintly looked forward to it: "I don't know if Skeletron can mutate this time, if it mutates into a gold-level boss, wouldn't it mean that it is possible to explode gold-level equipment." He

didn't speak, but the fireworks were cold and faintly looking forward to it.

At this moment, a sudden system prompt sounded:

System prompt (China server): Congratulations to the team of Night Rain Feifei, Night Rain Maniac, Night Rain Song, Night Rain Howl, Night Rain Blossoms, and Night Rain Qingfeng for completing the [Buried Bones] six-person simple dungeon task, and successfully killing for the first time, and each of its team members will be rewarded with a level 30 bronze-level weapon, a general skill book, and 1000 prestige points.

Three consecutive system announcements, the sound resounded throughout the Heavenly Tribulation Continent, and everyone could hear it.

"It took 29 minutes and 16 seconds, which is a good speed. Hearing the previous system prompt, Fireworks Yi muttered coldly: "Even if it is the two of us plus Monday and the others, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve such results." Of course, if this time we finish Skeletron kills and then get some nice gear, that's a different story.

"It seems that as you said, three of the four dungeon first kills this time will be in our novice village, and at least two will be. Ye Luo said, and then he smiled bitterly: "But I didn't expect the Night Rain Feifei to be so fast, we just killed the Skeletron and they completed the task."

"They are six people, and they are simple dungeons, it is not surprising to complete the task so quickly, after all, the number of dungeon monsters of six people is only 1.2 to 1.5 times that of two-person dungeons, and the attributes of simple dungeon monsters are much worse. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: "Of course, this is not unrelated to the tactics of the night rain."

Seeing Ye Luo's puzzled look, she explained, "You see, the team of Night Rain Feifei is all mages except for Night Rain Maniac and Night Rain Song, and Night Rain Feifei is a flame mage. And if I'm not mistaken, Night Rain Madness and Night Rain Maniac also have group kill skills, and even Night Rain Crazy Song has the skill [Sword Qi Vertical]. Hearing

this, Ye Luo instantly understood the meaning of the fireworks that were easy to cold, the Night Rain Maniac and the Night Rain Madness Song were both warriors, equipped with the 5th Order Jade Poison Bead, [Heart of Courage], [Good Man Medal] and Demon Crocodile Suit, plus the blessing of various mutant pills, it was not difficult for the two of them to attract all the Nether Warriors and hold the hatred.

Next is the night rain Feifei these magicians are powerful, and the group killing skills bombard down, and it is still very easy to kill the Netherworld warriors in pieces.

"It seems that Night Rain Feifei is similar to our tactics, and Night Rain Feifei is also very smart. Ye Luo was approving, and then looked at the Skeleton King who was reborn again: "Fireworks, since they have completed the first kill of Night Rain Feifei, it seems that we also have to refuel, don't keep it anymore, use all skills." With

that, Ye Luo activated the skills on the [Medal of Courage] and [Heart of the Brave], and he rushed towards Skeletron like a tiger descending from the mountain, and a set of combined skills attacked, and Skeletron lost a lot of qi and blood.

The fireworks were easy to cold and didn't say much, and they also attacked with all their might, Skeletron's qi and blood were falling wildly, and it must have been emptied by the two of them again within fifteen minutes, so that its [Rebirth] skill would no longer be effective, and it would really die.

After about a few minutes, another system prompt sounded.

At this moment, a sudden system prompt sounded:

System prompt (China server): Congratulations to the team that broke the waves and rode the wind and June Feixue for completing the [Buried Bones] simple dungeon task for two people, and successfully completed the first kill, and the system will reward each of its team members with a level 30 bronze weapon, a general skill book, and 500 prestige points.

Hearing this voice, Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and then looked at the fireworks Yi Leng

: "Is it Sister Feng and their team?" The corners of her mouth hooked a curved arc, her eyes flashed with brilliance, Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and there was a rare joy in her tone: "That's right, it's Sister Feng and Sister Xue'er, I didn't expect them to really complete the first kill of the dungeon task, which is an unexpected joy."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "Sister Feng has been silent since she entered the game, and with her character, she can't hold it back for a long time, which also makes her depressed, and our Ethereal Pavilion can be regarded as proving her strength again."

"Breaking the waves and riding the wind, tsk, this game ID is really a bit ......" Ye Luo sighed, but the next words didn't come out, after all, he didn't know if the fireworks would care.

"Isn't it very masculine?" Although she was asking, Fireworks Yi Leng's tone was quite firm, and she sighed slightly, and she nodded: "That's right, it's indeed very masculine, and a sentence that Sister Feng often puts on her lips is that women don't let women shave their eyebrows, and she can do what you men can do, and she can do it even better than you."

"Well, it's a bit of a woman's way of not shaving your eyebrows. Ye Luo nodded, and then muttered to himself: "June Feixue, this name is strange enough, do you people in the Ethereal Pavilion have such a personality

?" "Personality?" Fireworks Yi Leng chewed the meaning of this sentence carefully, but she didn't seem to understand it very well, and just when Ye Luo wanted to give up explaining, she suddenly asked: "Is my game ID also very personal?"

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