Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 686: Emperor Dao Qi! Suppress! Fight to the death!

"The Emperor's decree is here!"

The attendant in the eunuch's uniform has a cold face, a pair of falcon-like eyes, and a breath of horror to the extreme, overwhelming the entire battlefield, whether it is a real dragon or the knights of the Rose Knights who are allies, one after another. His face changed drastically, he couldn't help but stopped the movement in his hands, not daring to make any trouble.

"The emperor of the people said: The dragons entered the territory of our empire for no reason, besieged the people of our empire, triggered the laws of the empire, the crime is unforgivable, immediately put on the dragon rope, escorted to Beijing with the Knights of Rose, and be punished according to the law! this!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the close attendant holding the imperial decree was expressionless, and opened it, sounding like Hongzhong's reading on the spot, his tone was dull and frustrated, with a sense of rhythm, his tone was very gentle, but his words were full of extreme dominance and harmony. Tianwei.

This is not the words of the attendant, but the intention of the emperor!

The imperial edict is providence!

The emperor is the destiny!

"You guys, please stop by and go to Kyoto with your house!"

The attendant stretched out his hand coldly and made an invitation.

"Absurd! Asshole!"

A real dragon rose up and roared: "The emperor of the human race, how can I condemn my dragon race? Get out of here~"

"Since everyone refuses to cooperate, the family has no choice but to offend!"

The attendant glanced blankly at the roaring dragon, waved his hand, and the imperial edict in his hand suddenly floated, releasing a brilliant golden brilliance. The words that should have been written on it seemed to come alive at this moment, twisted and transformed, Eventually formed a simple big character-town!

In an instant.

The unspeakable emperor's aura burst out, and the vast sky was crushed down. The six-headed true dragons that were originally extremely arrogant, one after another wailed, their huge bodies were as if they were bombarded by Mount Tai, and they could no longer support the flying technique. , Smashed heavily towards the ground.

"No, it's impossible..."

Long Tan, who controls Qin Luosheng’s bargaining chip on the ground, was not affected. He watched with a splitting eye and was instantly defeated. He was banned by a word evolved by the emperor’s imperial spirit. My companions, a heart fell into the ice cellar.

"Hahaha... It seems that we should have won this battle!"

Contrary to Long Tan's mood, Qin Luosheng, who was still grabbed by his head and held in his hand, couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Shut up!" Long Yan roared: "Even if we are all in different places today, you will not survive. Even if I die, I will take you to The Underworld!"

"Really? If you can do it, then give it a try!" Qin Luosheng's expression was extremely cold, his eyes released the ultimate crazy color, and he looked at the irritable Long Tan without flinching, and said provocatively: "Come on, Let me see, what can you do with this trash!"

He is betting!

Bet that the attendant who carries the imperial edict of the Emperor is capable of saving him!

How could he be a simple character who can follow the human emperor who can suppress the six true dragons with one word as his personal servant?

Don't say anything else.

Just relying on the skill of flying in the air just now, you can see one or two things.

To know.

Even Luo Li's ability to slash Ssangyong with a single sword can only fly with the Heavenly Horse mount to achieve this speed, but the close attendant can achieve this level only with his own body. Its ability is simply indescribable. Measurement!


Take a step back.

Qin Luosheng didn't care even if it was too late to save himself from Long Xiao.

Death only.

Is he still afraid of him who has been tortured and killed nearly a hundred times?

As for the annihilation of the true spirit, the account was deleted.

He also had a sense of consciousness a long time ago.

As long as it is no longer taken as a hostage by the bastard Long Xiao, as a bargaining chip, that's good.

"Space jump!"

"Ding, you are currently in a special environment, the power of space is blocked, you cannot use this skill!"


The ants are still stealing their lives and have a great family business. It is even more so with the hard-working Qin Luosheng.


He tried tentatively, but what he got was the "system negation" as always, which made him completely hopeless.

"It's a pity that this group of bastards just lifted the banned formation and can only use regular skills, but they have not lifted the banned formation, and still can't use the power of space. Otherwise, I won't fall here."

"With my dragon blood, burn!"

The dragons and other dragons that smashed heavily into the Feixiongling Mountains, barely stood up under the terrible word "town", feeling the energy that is constantly disappearing in the body, and a crazy look appeared on their faces. The power of the source, the power of Dragon Pearl, burst!"

Six Dragon Pearls of different colors are shining peerlessly.

When Dragon Pearl came out, it meant that Long Xu and the others had completely cut off their retreat!


However, in the face of the desperate fight of the six true dragons, the detonation of the source and the final blow of the Dragon Pearl, this was enough to razor the entire Feixion Ridge to the ground with the power of riots and destruction, but the close attendant was expressionless and generous in official robes. With a wave, a feminine energy was injected into the imperial edict, and in an instant, the golden word "town", which was already shining incomparably, became more radiant.

"hold head high……"

The power of the original source disappeared, and cracks appeared on the surface of Dragon Pearl.

Long Xu and the others were defeated.

It was defeated by one word.


Was defeated by the terrifying imperial spirit.

In the territories of the human race, the emperor’s destiny is the destiny, and how many second-generation true dragons are they?



Dragon Pearl shattered and its origins burned. In the blink of an eye, Dragon Pearl and the others completely collapsed. Not only were they unable to fight anymore, their lives were like a candle in the wind, about to extinguish.

Just as the knights of the Rose Knights were ready to tie the dragons, they would tie up these sinful dragons that dared to invade the territories of the human race and kill them, and escort them to Kyoto to be punished in accordance with the imperial law to serve as an example. Suddenly, Two voices burst out from below.

One is from Long Xiao!

And the other way--

From Qin Luosheng!

"Don't do it!"

If it is said that Long Xiao just subconsciously shouted, not wanting his companion to call the curtain like this, and still being captured in such a stubborn way and will be judged, not a heroic death in battle, then Qin Luosheng did it intentionally.

"Don't let them die!"

Ignoring Long Xiao's suspicious eyes, ignoring Long Xu and their cannibalistic eyes, Qin Luosheng looked at the attendant with a serious face, looked at Luo Li, looked at the many knights of the Rose Knights, took a deep breath, and vowed: "I am the cause of today's affairs. It is because of me that it is not my original intention to cause such a tragic situation, but I can't shirk the blame."

"Three days later, it will be the agreed decisive battle between me and the Black Dragon King. In the name of the Weeping Soul of the Human Race, we will settle today's affairs."

"I, weeping soul, swear here that I must pay the most painful price for invading the dragons of my human race today, with the blood of them and their relatives, to comfort the heroic souls of the sacrificed soldiers!"

With a word, quiet in all directions!

Long Yan was stunned, stayed, and then angry.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Anger can make people lose their minds, especially Long Tan, who is already grumpy.

In extreme anger, his hands were instinctively hard.

In an instant.

Qin Luosheng's head shattered.

Instantly be seconds.

A headless corpse twitched instinctively on Long Tan's hand, and at the same time, a white light shot up from the corpse and fell into the resurrection formation behind.

"Damn bastard, even if I fight for my life today, I will die with you!"

Long Tan's eyes were red, and he was out of anger. He instantly regained his body and turned into a fire dragon full of flames. He twisted his body, opened his fierce mouth, and rushed towards Qin Luosheng, "Let's go down to The Underworld!" Daddy has swallowed you in one bite now, let's see how you ants are still on the Shocking Dragon Terrace!"


PS: Three chapters guaranteed! Calvin is really numb.

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