Online Game Opening Awakening Super God Talent

Chapter 687: The End! It's over! Qin Luosheng Slaying Dragons (Part 1)

"Do you know? The biggest mistake you made was that you didn't kill me as soon as possible! In order to vent your own violence, you deliberately left me tortured, and the stupidity of the momentary pleasure will become your reminder. You burned to ashes."

In the face of the menacing Long Tan, Qin Luosheng sneered: "Arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust are the seven deadly sins! And you, apart from laziness, gluttony and lust, the other four sins. How abruptly behaved!"

"You have had two opportunities, two opportunities to turn the tide and become a dragon hero. It's a pity that you didn't seize it once!"

Qin Luosheng's figure shook, turned into a shadow, and easily escaped into the ground, avoiding the fatal blow of Long Xiao.

"The first chance, you lost yourself because of anger and jealousy."

"You are angry with a human race in a small area, and you have become the dragon lord who sits on the same level as the dragon emperor. You have become an existence that you also have to look up to and respect, and you feel dissatisfied."

"You are jealous that I am favored by the Dragon God. Not only was I given the [Dragon God Imperial Order], but also the Dragon God's blood, which helped me awaken the true dragon bloodline, the extremely pure true dragon bloodline. In this way, I ascend to the sky in one step. My heels have also jumped from an ordinary human race to a level that you may not reach in your life."

"Anger and jealousy breed violent killing intent and endless hostility, thus prompting this assassination plan. Your goal was achieved, and the plan was successful. Unfortunately, you did not escape the judgment of the seven deadly sins in the end, in order to vent your heart. Hostile, did not kill me in the first place, but tortured me crazy."

"This is your first fatal mistake and the first lost opportunity!"

hold head high……

Qin Luosheng, who hid in the shadow of Long Xiao by the shadow of the shadow, slowly heard a voice that did not rush and fell into Long Xiao's ears, making him irritated and uttered waves of dragons.


No matter what method or ability he used, he couldn't catch Qin Luosheng from his own shadow. He could only stare at him, waiting for Qin Luosheng to escape by himself.

"Second chance, I gave up because of arrogance."

"If you start at the moment when the reinforcements arrive, you immediately act on me to annihilate my true spirit, everything can be restored, and the situation will still be the same as before, showing a tendency to die together."

"Unfortunately, your arrogance has prompted you to give up this last chance. In order to deal with the Knights of Rose, in order to make Luo Li throw a rat trap, instead of clearing me, I used me as a shield instead."

"Tsk, how stupid!"

"Kill me, everything will stop. However, you are as smart as you, but you can't figure out the truth at all, or you want to understand, but dismiss it. Because you are arrogant dragons, arrogance, makes you always think everything It’s all in your grasp. So that now, things are out of the expected track, my ant, who should have been at your mercy, has instantly become enough to destroy you, and even the master behind you, even the horror bomb that annihilated the dragon clan~ bomb!"

One sentence.

Word by word.

Qin Luosheng’s words rushed into Long Tan’s ears like magic sounds, like a steel knife, deeply inserted into Long Tan’s heart, and at the same time, inserted into Long Xu’s heart. In the hearts of the few remaining dragons.

Blood dripping.

"Get out! Get out! There is a kind of you get out of me!"

Long Xu and the others are fine, even the last resort Dragon Pearl has been smashed, and it is already in the death countdown. Unlike Long Xiao, he still has the last hope.

He is irritable!

He is angry!

His eyes are bleeding!

He roared again and again!

He is scared!

He's crazy!

Even though he was unwilling to believe these nonsense, Long Tan had a clear mind and couldn't deceive himself or others at all.


Their lives are irrelevant. The most important thing is how to preserve the plan and provide help behind the scenes, to protect their people and relatives, and not even to involve the entire dragon clan because of what they did,...

"Get out! Get out of me!"

Under the tremendous pressure, the existence of Long Xiao, who had been on the battlefield, was also instantly crushed by the psychological defense line, and the whole person completely collapsed, shouting like a mad dog, constantly roaring and roaring.

In anger.

Long Xiao began to "dance" indiscriminately!

In an instant.

The dragon trembling, the dragon's breath spit, and the dragon claws fluttered, causing the entire Feixiong Ridge to shake. Numerous monsters in Feixiong Ridge were shaken to death, and the hiding place of Qin Luosheng, who was under special care, was dug into the third place. Ruler, gravel is flying, dust is flying.

"Don't bother, I am not in the underground, but in your shadow. When you have the shadow that can endure you, let's vent your anger!"

Qin Luosheng said with a cold tone, and said with a shame: "Yes, by the way, you have a third fatal mistake, that is, the lifting of the ban formation. This thing is a double-edged sword. It is correct to liberate you, but at the same time, I am also liberated because of this! Otherwise, I won't be able to use my skills to hide in the shadow you will never catch. Are you angry?"

Long Xiao:...

"Arrogance makes you short-sighted, makes you lose sight of yourself, and degrades others infinitely. Perhaps you have forgotten, but I am the first person to pass the Dragon God trial. I don’t have the ability, can I do it? I really think I’m It's the iron waste in your cognition, don't you have a hole card that you can see?"

Hearing this, Long Yan became even more irritable.

But the most fluctuating mood is still not far away. The dragon catkin, who has been tied up by the dragon rope, closed his eyes in pain.

She was wrong!


They are all wrong.

I thought it was a seamless plan, I thought I had already taken a glance at the crying soul, I thought everything was under control,...

in the end.


The seamless plan has collapsed!

The crying soul who takes a high look is extremely underestimated!

Everything is under control, which is extremely ridiculous!

"I will kill you, kill you, kill you..."

Sentence after sentence of "Big Truth" completely destroyed Long Xiao’s psychological defenses, completely overwhelmed by anger, and turned into an incompetent and furious beast. When he could not find the righteous, he began to destroy wildly, destroying what he could see. Everything seen.

"A little dragon dared to spread wild on my Daxia land and die to Ye's family!"

What a terrifying destructive power of a mad dragon.

The Feixiong Ridge, which was originally a beautiful mountain and water, instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames under the fierce and indiscriminate attack of the fire dragon, Long Xiao.

See Long Yan so wild.

It was originally a close attendant who gave Qin Luosheng the oath just now. He was furious and waved his sleeves. Suddenly, a wave of invisible and intangible gas burst out, sending the violent Long Yan flying out, hitting heavily. On the mountain of Feixiong Ridge.


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