"No, no, it's absolutely impossible for them to leapfrog and kill them. There must be something wrong with this."

"Oh, right. Maybe when they killed the Linghu Qinglian Mosquito tribe, the level of the Linghu Qinglian Mosquito tribe suddenly returned to level 7600 like these races."

"Hey, it's possible, it's possible, looking at it this way, it's the most likely."

"Oh, that's it. Hey, that's not surprising. But to be honest, this level 8300 is not enough for me to fill my teeth."

"I originally thought I would meet some strong opponents, but I didn't expect to meet some rubbish again. It's really boring."

"Don't say that. It's already a blessing to have someone to fight with us. Don't be dissatisfied."

"Oh, yes, yes, I am content."

"........................................ ......."

Although the Ruthless North Python and the Fire Qilin are not as powerful as the Huanluan Clan. Very disappointed.

But they were not disappointed at all with the arrival of the Huanluan Clan.

Only when the Huanluan tribe comes will they have a chance to take action.

In other words, they also want to be grateful to the Huanluan Clan.

If your strength is lower, just lower it, as long as you can fight.

................................................................. ...

The people on Lu Xifeng's side were talking to each other one by one.

He completely regarded the Huanluan clan as nothing, and didn't take them seriously at all.

This directly angered the Huanluan clan.

"Damn, what do these races mean? Since they look down on us like this."

"With our strength, it takes only a matter of minutes to deal with them. They are not afraid of us at all."

"Didn't you say that only the human race came? Why are there so many races here, all rushing to die? Or do they think they can defeat us with more people?"

"The human sea tactic has no effect on us. Our strength alone can suppress all the numbers here."

"Wait a minute, you see, that's the human race they're talking about standing at the front, right? There seem to be people at level 8,300 among them."

"Level 8300? Are you sure you read that correctly? How could there be someone at level 8300 here?"

"It's just impossible for someone to really have level 8300. Their levels are all used by us to paralyze them."

"Wait a minute, shit, there are really people with level 8300. Look carefully."

"Really, how could this happen? How could there be someone in a place like this whose strength exceeds level 8,000?"

"Maybe it's because the skills we used on them haven't dissipated yet, but that's not necessarily the case."

"That's right. It's impossible for people of the same level as us to appear in a place like this."

"........................................ ......."

The Huanluan Clan simply does not believe that among all the clans, there can be anyone whose level exceeds level 8300.

They firmly believe that the reason why these people are level 8300 must be because their skills have not dissipated.

So, the Huanluan clan snapped their fingers again, trying to withdraw the skills that had been used on Jueqing Beibang and Fire Qilin.


A snap of fingers fell.

The levels of Ruthless Northern Python and Fire Qilin did not change at all.

The current situation of the Huanluan Clan could not help but frown.

"How can this be?"

The Huanluan tribe did not believe what they saw.

They snapped their fingers again.

But it still had no effect.

Immediately afterwards, the Huanluan tribe kept snapping their fingers.

But still to no avail.

Their mindless behavior made the Thunder Mastiff burst into laughter.

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard. They don't think that the human race's strength is also given to them, right?"

"That's right from the looks of it, they are so stupid."

"I think they were dumbfounded. They didn't believe that we had people here who could compete with them, and their momentum suddenly weakened a lot."

"Maybe they knew their death was coming, so they started to panic."

"Hahaha, it's really a relief. The master just came and didn't take action yet, so he let these intruders become such a mess. It's really satisfying."

"Now we are free. Now it's our turn to enjoy the death show of these invaders."

"It feels so good. I like this sense of security."

"Who doesn't like it? I like it too. From now on, the human race will be my big brother and my thigh."

"........................................ ......."

The Thunder-haired Mastiff Clan was relieved to see the Huanluan Clan in disarray.

They suddenly changed their appearance, not as helpless as before.

Instead, he suddenly became energetic and very calm.

Now the roles are reversed.

The Huanluan tribe became that performer.

And they become judges.

................................................................. ...

"Where are you from?"

Lu Xifeng was a little excited and excited.

Now that he had seen the Huanluan Clan with his own eyes, Lu Xifeng's heart was relieved.

It seems that there are really other worlds besides the Ten Thousand Clans.

Lu Xifeng was very happy.

He was also very friendly to the Huanluan Clan.

However, the Huanluan Clan did not accept Lu Xifeng's friendly gesture at all.

Why did a mere 7000-level human race talk to them like this?

If a 8300-level human race talked to them like this, they might still answer.

But it happened to be a 7000-level human race, he was not worthy at all, right?

The Huanluan Clan never took Lu Xifeng seriously from beginning to end.

Naturally, they would not pay attention to Lu Xifeng.

At the same time, Lu Xifeng's voice also brought them back to their senses from the panic.

It seems that these 8300-level human races are not controlled by their skills, but their real level.

They originally thought that all the Ten Thousand Clans were races of more than 7000 levels, but they did not expect that there were races with the same strength as them.

Now things are getting more and more interesting.

The Huanluan tribe put away their previous surprise and became serious.

They stared at Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin.

Although Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin were as strong as them, fortunately, their numbers were not particularly large.

At the same level, numbers determine everything.

In this battle, the Huanluan tribe will not lose!

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