The Huanluan tribe never took Lu Xifeng seriously from the beginning to the end.

Naturally, they would not pay attention to Lu Xifeng.

At the same time, Lu Xifeng's voice also brought them back to their senses from the panic.

It seems that these 8300-level human races are not controlled by their skills, but their real levels.

They originally thought that all the races among the ten thousand races were more than 7000 levels, but they didn't expect that there were races with the same strength as them.

Now things are getting more and more interesting.

The Huanluan tribe put away their previous surprise and became serious.

They stared at the Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin.

Although the strength of Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin is comparable to theirs, fortunately, their number is not particularly large.

At the same level, quantity determines everything.

In this battle, the Huanluan tribe will not lose!

"Master, your level of strength really surprised us, but unfortunately your number is too small, after all, you are no match for us."

"No wonder they regard you as a life-saving straw, they really have the ability to do so."

"We have the strength, but unfortunately we lose in numbers."

"At the same level, you will never be able to beat us. We are several times more numerous than you."

"Come on, human race, tell us, how do you want to play?"


The Huanluan tribe directly skipped Lu Xifeng and spoke to Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin.

With Lu Xifeng's current strength, he is not qualified to speak to the Huanluan tribe.

Naturally, they would not even look at Lu Xifeng.

The Huanluan tribe's self-righteous behavior is seen as courting death by all races.

"Hey, these invaders are finished!"

"They actually dared to bypass the Overlord and talk directly to the Heartless Northern Python. This is really a suicidal behavior!"

"In fact, if you think about it, their behavior is understandable. After all, they don't understand the Overlord and only talk about the level."

"They don't know that this is their business. In short, they have completely offended the Overlord. It's hard for them to survive."

"Don't talk about the Overlord, even these Heartless Northern Pythons and Fire Kirins will never allow them to ignore the Overlord."

"Yes, yes, I also feel that these Heartless Northern Man Fire Kirins are very protective of the Overlord and follow the Overlord's lead."

"These invaders can offend anyone else, but they offend the people they shouldn't offend the most."

"Hahaha, this is going to be a good show."


The smiles on the faces of all races can no longer be held.

These invaders made the same mistakes as before.

But they are lucky, these invaders are not so lucky.

Only death is waiting for them.

All races watched with an expression of watching a good show.

Their eyes were full of pity for the invaders.


Their eyes made the Huanluan tribe uncomfortable.

What kind of eyes are these?

Who are you pitying here?

The Huanluan tribe simply cannot stand the low-level creatures looking at them with pity.

They can't stand it, they can't stand it at all.

The Huanluan tribe didn't care whether the human race came to support these races or not. , they just attacked them directly.

If they really didn't attack, I'm afraid these races would think they were afraid.

They can't be looked down upon by these people.

The Huanluan tribe waved their hands, and their strength was no big deal to seriously injure these races.

They didn't need to use all their strength at all, just move their fingers lightly.

But at the same time they attacked, the Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin also attacked.

They easily blocked the skills of the Huanluan tribe.

At the same time, they also returned a skill to them.


A large number of Huanluan tribe were knocked down immediately.

The actions of the Heartless Northern Python and the Fire Kirin instantly angered the Huanluan Clan.

"Humans, don't go too far."

"We are not targeting you, don't meddle in other people's business."

"Don't think that you have won us just because you are at the same level as us!"

"I want to see how strong you are?"


Although the Huanluan Clan was very tough in words.

But the attack just now still made them feel scared.

That attack was not only fast, but also very strong. They didn't have time to react at all.

This made the Huanluan Clan have to pay attention to the Heartless Northern Python and the Fire Kirin in front of them.

It seems that they can't take it lightly and have to concentrate on fighting them.


"Too much, I think it's you who are too much."

"My master was talking to you just now, what does it mean that you don't answer?"

"I think you deserve to be punished. You actually dared to ignore my respected master."

"I originally wanted to let you live a little longer, but now it seems there is no need."

"Why waste time talking to them? In my opinion, just kill them now."

"Yes, kill them quickly. I can't stand their arrogant faces."

"The main reason is that they disappoint me too much. I thought they were strong, but they turned out to be some scum."

"With this little strength, they dare to dominate among the myriad races. I am the first one to disallow it."

"Kill, kill, kill, kill them."


Jueqing Beimang and Huo Qilin wanted to take this opportunity to attack the Huanluan tribe directly.

As they talked, they were ready to take action.

But they were stopped by Lu Xifeng as soon as they took a step.

"Wait a minute, I have something else to ask."

Lu Xifeng would never let the Huanluan tribe die now.

After all, the Huanluan tribe had not told him what he wanted to know.

Before he figured out what he wanted to know, he would not let the Huanluan tribe die.

"But Master and the others are insulting you. I will never allow anyone to insult you."

Jueqing Beimang emphasized again

How sacred Lu Xifeng is in their hearts, they will never allow Lu Xifeng to be insulted.

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