Gu Bingbing was frightened by the posture of this group of people, but

An Yan said disdainfully:"Oh, Qi Yushu, you are so brave. You beat people in the East China Sea in broad daylight."

Qi Yushu said:"I didn't Asking someone to beat you is just because these bodyguards can't stand it when you scold their boss and they want to teach you a lesson."

Sure enough, people from well-known families don't know how to do it themselves, and they can even push someone to do it. Clean and tidy.

Qi Yushu said this, no matter how hard An Yan was with his connections and background, it would be difficult to control him.

After all, the opponent's strength was not much worse than his own.

The reason why Qi Yushu dared to take action was simply because his background was strong enough.

Except for the Anjia people, there was no one in Donghai Province that he dared not touch.

Unfortunately, he never thought that the people he would touch were the Anjia people.

An Yan could have revealed his identity and retired from this idiot, but he did not do so, because only by pretending to be a pig can he eat the tiger.

Gu Bingbing was afraid that An Yan would get hurt.

After all, An Yan only had two bodyguards, and they were all women.

There were about ten people on the other side.

She hurriedly said:"Qi Yushu, you know he is..."

When Gu Bingbing was about to say something else, An

Yan had already covered her mouth with his hand, and he signaled her not to reveal her identity.

Gu Bingbing looked at him with solemn eyes, and then she thought that the eldest young master might be planning to trick people again, so she knew it and stopped talking.

Qi Yushu was confused:"What is he?"

An Yan said with a smile:"What is it? I am your father. My family has a coal mine in Xiliang, you'd better not mess with me."

What he said was really not a lie. ,

Anjia does have two coal mines in Xiliang Province, but they are Anjia's most common assets.

Qi Yushu seemed to understand the truth of the matter.

He said that it was no wonder this man looked so arrogant.

He turned out to be the son of the coal boss.

If a nouveau riche dares to be so arrogant, he deserves to be beaten.

Qi Yushu certainly would not have thought that someone would surrender his status and be beaten.

Usually, the boss would show his identity card to persuade him to quit, or simply use his strength to persuade him to quit.

He was probably the first to experience An Yan's coquettish tricks.

The last person who experienced it is still in jail.

Qi Yushu saw that he only had this identity, so he asked his bodyguards to do it directly, just in time to let this little upstart see his own strength.

As for this Gu Bingbing, he could accept her even if she was not the original.

After all, this kind of fairy It's so rare.

When they saw their boss's order, these bodyguards became violent, as if they wanted An Yan's life.

An Yan stopped nagging him.

Although these bodyguards were fierce, he slaughtered them like chickens.

So An Yan signaled to the two female bodyguards to protect Gu Bingbing, and he rolled up his sleeves with them.

When these security guards saw that An Yan actually wanted to fight ten with one person, they were all happy.

After all, An Yan's physique looked like that of a weak young man.

When Shan's first bodyguard confronted An Yan, he immediately realized that something was wrong with this man.

The two of them were obviously fists clashing, but he felt as if he had been hit on an iron plate, and his finger bones snapped apart in response. , the severe pain spread throughout the body, and the bodyguard's right hand was instantly disabled.

The whole process took less than five seconds, and the combat power of more than ten enemy people was instantly disabled.

More than a dozen other people were stunned, and

Qi Yushu was also confused.

Aren't these all retired masters?

Why are you so intolerant?

It felt like An Yan's little arms and legs were not as thick as his, so how could he be crippled with just one punch?

Gu Bingbing couldn't help but cover her mouth and marvel.

Last time she was in the villa, she just saw the result.

Now she was watching the whole process live.

The excitement and satisfaction of this scene were far beyond her imagination.

She had doubted whether An Yan was lying to her before, but now she completely believed what he said.

Next, an even weirder scene appeared.

One person surrounded more than a dozen people.

Not many of these usually arrogant bodyguards could withstand An Yan's punch.

Those who were stronger could only survive the second one. Punch.

That Qi Yushu was so cold that he was sweating.

Is this really a normal person?

Can normal people achieve this kind of power?

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer active bodyguards,

Qi Yushu couldn't help but retreat into the car, ready to grease the soles of his feet at any time.

An Yan just punched the group of bodyguards like a child.

The more these people fought against An Yan, the more panicked and frightened they became.

However, they did not dare to retreat without the boss's order, until the last one was eliminated by An Yan with a side kick. Finally, they completely gave up.

Looking at Qi Yushu who had already driven away, he clearly knew that he had hit a brick wall today.

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