An Yan knew when Qi Yushu left, but he had no intention of chasing him, because his secretary had already made an appointment to meet him in the afternoon, and he would naturally surrender to the trap then.

After cleaning up this group of scum,

An Yan asked the bodyguard to quickly call a car to take the people away.

Gu Bingbing trotted over and said in surprise:"An Yan, why are you so powerful? Are you that kind of martial arts master?"

An Yan burst out laughing.

Although he knew she was lying, there was no denying that she You guessed it right.

An Yan smiled and said,"I guess so. Is it really that powerful? I feel like I didn't perform well."

Tsk, tsk, punching more than ten people each time, and every opportunity is one punch at a time, this strength is called underperformance. Okay, what about performing well?

Are you planning to defy heaven?

Gu Bingbing didn't care at all about An Yan's false modesty, she just kept praising him.

After all, every girl has a dream of being a hero hidden in her heart.

Gu Bingbing's eyes shone like Versailles,

"Awesome, too awesome. I don't think those big guys can survive your punch."

At this time, she was as happy as a child.

Those who didn't know it thought she had knocked down the dozen bodyguards.

An Yan said with a smile:"Okay! Don't be too enthusiastic, these are just basic operations."

"What are you going to do with Mr. Qi? Although the Qi family is not as big as the An family, it is not a role that can be easily manipulated."

Gu Bingbing expressed her worries after seeing Qi Yushu fleeing.

An Yan shook his head to reassure her.

"It's okay. Mr. Qi has made an appointment with me this afternoon."

"Want to meet you in the afternoon? What's going on? Oh, no wonder you didn’t let me reveal your identity just now"

"What else could it be? Doesn't he just want to get the agency power of Nanhai Province?"

Gu Bingbing looked like she suddenly realized it.

After all, the Qi family didn't have much business in Donghai.

There must be a special reason why they suddenly came here, and the most popular thing in Donghai recently is Yan Ruyu's facial cream.

An Yan reached out to touch it. Touched her head,

"You don't have to worry about his affairs, I'll take care of it. Aren't you worried about your parents? Come on in, and just remember to come back to work tonight."

Gu Bingbing glanced at him with a blushing face.

The cold CEO became shy for the rare occasion.

"Got it, then be careful on your way to work."

An Yan nodded, and then motioned to the two female bodyguards and Gu Bingbing, asking them to be responsible for protecting her safety.

Upon seeing this, Gu Bingbing quickly refused,

"I don’t need a bodyguard, it’s more dangerous for you, so take it with you."

"The two of them are here to protect you today, so don't refuse. If even my strength is in danger, then having two more of them is actually no different from giving away two more heads."

When Gu Bingbing thought about An Yan's incredible fighting ability, she felt relieved.

Judging from An Yan's fighting ability, if he was really in danger, he might not be sure who would protect whom.

She was originally wondering why he would do this today. He brought two female bodyguards out.

It seemed that they were really prepared for him.

After watching Gu Bingbing go in,

An Yan also left to go back to the company.

There were really many forces entering Donghai Province in the past few days.

Dragon King. There are several teams under intensive surveillance in the palace.

If these people don't make trouble,

An Yan will get along with them peacefully.

If they make trouble, he won't be polite.

These people are basically targeting Yan Ruyu in his hands. The appearance of this ointment has had such a great impact that many different interest groups are gathering in Donghai Province.

Gu Bingbing has just returned home, and the three of them, Gu Jianhua, are sitting and waiting for her like three convening chambers.

She had expected this situation, but the atmosphere was indeed a bit depressing now.

Gu Jianhua was the first to speak:"Where were you yesterday? Why haven't you answered the phone all day? Do you know that I have called you hundreds of times?"

"I didn’t go anywhere, I just went out to relax, so I didn’t want to answer the phone."

Gu Bingbing returned to her cold and calm tone, which made Gu Jianhua furious.

Now that the Gu family is at a critical moment, she can still be so leisurely.

Gu Jianhua said,"Do you know that everyone in the family is now at risk? What's going on? I asked you to talk to the young men and see if they could give us some support for the Gu family. Why didn't you listen?"

Gu Bingbing looked at it coldly.

It was because of these words that she left in anger yesterday.

"Did you ask me to have a chat? You just want me to show my face and see which powerful young master is interested in me, so that I can get married as soon as possible to help the Gu family tide over the difficulties."

My mother, Wang Mei, said,"Dad, there's nothing wrong with doing this. It’s not all about caring for the family. Besides, you're not too young, shouldn't you get married early?"

"For the sake of the family, for the sake of the family. Am I not a member of the Gu family?"

Gu Bingbing spoke her innermost thoughts almost hoarsely.

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