Gu Bingbing's words left Wang Mei speechless.

Gu Ziyang retorted:"Sister, the Gu family also owns your shares, have you forgotten?"

"Remember, 2% of the shares are much less than your 41%. It was given to me after I agreed to An Yan's engagement. When I was worried about the whole Gu family, you didn't even make it to class. What achievements did you say you have made for the Gu family over the years?"

Looking at this younger brother who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, she was furious. He got the most shares but did the least work.

This kind of excessive partiality has long been buried in Gu Bingbing's heart.

Gu Bingbing has always been She wanted to express her dissatisfaction, but she knew that no one spoke for her. They said that her brother would support the entire Gu family in the future, and told her to let Gu Ziyang do it.

The reason why she could say what she said now was because of today. Someone was willing to stand behind her and speak for her, and she had the confidence to speak her mind.

Gu Bingbing's domineering attitude completely overpowered the three of them.

How could her usually dull daughter be so fierce today

? It stung them like a sharp blade, especially Gu Ziyang. He was indeed a lazy rich second generation, and his contribution to the company was almost zero, so he felt somewhat guilty at the moment.

But Gu Jianhua was angry, and he said harshly:"Gu Bingbing." , are you going to rebel today?"

With this anger,

Gu Jianhua was about to slap her.

But at this time, a female bodyguard came up and stopped him.

"Mr. Gu, our duty is to protect Miss Gu Bingbing. If you cause harm to Miss Gu Bingbing, we will have to use huge profits against you."

The family then discovered that there were two women in black suits inside the house.

Judging from their uniforms, they should be bodyguards.

Although the Gu family is rich, they have never hired bodyguards because there is really no need for them.

So at that time, they thought that these two bodyguards were friends, and no one paid much attention to their existence.

Gu Bingbing actually invited two bodyguards?

This incident also shocked the three of them:

"You, When did you hire a bodyguard? Do you want to use these two bodyguards to resist me? Believe it or not, I also beat up two of your bodyguards."

"I didn't hire these two bodyguards, An Yan asked them to protect me. Gu

Bingbing said calmly on the surface, but she was really in a turmoil in her heart.

Before An Yan left, he insisted on letting her take away the two bodyguards.

Did he expect this situation?

Gu Bingbing thought about it. It's probably true.

When he said that the agency must re-establish the company, he realized that her parents were relatively selfish.

Otherwise, why not just leave the Gu family's resources and expand the territory again?

It seems that he is better than others ? He understands her parents better.

Seeing that his parents and brothers are all exquisite egoists,

Gu Bingbing is really sad at this time.

Gu Jianhua is a little overjoyed. Even he doesn't have a bodyguard.

Arranging two for his daughter, could it be that the two of them have rekindled their old relationship?

Gu Jianhua asked:"Xiao Yan?" Why did he send bodyguards to protect you? Were you together all day yesterday?"

She knew that An Yan didn't want her family to know about their affairs so early, so she thought of an excuse to deal with it.

"I happened to meet two gangsters yesterday, and when I happened to bump into him, he called two bodyguards to protect me like this."

Hearing this,

Gu Jianhua shouted that it was a pity.

He thought that his daughter was getting back together with An Yan.

It turned out that it was just a simple encounter.

Gu Jianhua pointed at the two bodyguards and said:"Get away, I am educating my daughter, you interrupt. What hands."

The two bodyguards didn't seem to hear what he said. They just stood next to Gu Bingbing to protect her at any time, because they only obeyed orders from Gu Bingbing and An Yan, and they would not leave without speaking.

Gu Bingbing also I don't want the atmosphere to get too tense,

"You two can just watch from the sidelines and don't have to worry about my business."

This time it was Gu Bingbing's order.

They couldn't do it if they didn't do it.

One of the female bodyguards said:"Mr. Gu, our Mr. An values Miss Gu very much. I think he doesn't like you using violence against her."

This is a naked threat!

In fact, An Yan authorized her to say it.

The original intention was that if Gu Jianhua did something excessive to Gu Bingbing, just use his name to suppress the old man.

As expected, Gu Jianhua really He wanted to teach Gu Bingbing a lesson, so the bodyguard had no choice but to save An Yan's face.

He was originally planning to take action, but was really stopped by the bodyguard's move.

Gu Jianhua snorted and said,"Okay." Okay, you guys quit, and I'll have a calm chat with her."

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