Gu Bingbing finally understood that it was her destiny from beginning to end.

She said calmly:"Then which department do you want me to go to?"

Gu Jianhua was worried that she would make a strong resistance, but he didn't expect it to be so simple. I agreed.

Gu Jianhua said directly:"Administration Department, the head of the administrative department just resigned, you should go here first."

What a good arrangement.

Among all the departments, the administrative department is the least busy, so she was directly assigned to the administrative department..

Gu Bingbing was also disheartened, and she said directly:"How about I leave first. I just want to relax."

This result was somewhat beyond the two people's expectations.

They wanted to quit the management of the company directly. Yet?

Gu Jianhua doesn't think this is a good idea. It

's not like he doesn't know Gu Bingbing's achievements over the years.

I'm afraid there will be problems if she leaves like this.

At this time, Gu Ziyang said first:"Sister, it's okay. Qi Yushu, Master Qi will also be in Donghai Province recently. You can walk around more when you have the opportunity."

He was obviously blinded by interests.

If Gu Bingbing was not there , company, then he will be more free and unconstrained by others.

Gu Jianhua was thinking about the matter with Qi Yushu.

When he thought about the possibility of marriage between the two families, he acquiesced to Gu Bingbing's statement.

Gu Bingbing also saw through her own value in this family, so she didn't want to say anything more, but simply said to go back and hand over the work.

Gu Bingbing was thinking, maybe this is fate.

An Yan had just said that he would open a company for her, but then he was kicked out of the family business.

She is also happy to walk her own path and not do things by looking at this or that.

An Yan returned to the office, and

Lin Chuxue began to report work.

Only then did he realize that so many people had visited him from yesterday to now, including people from the He family.

It seems that this Yan Ruyu's beauty cream is really popular, and these people are like cats asking about the fishy smell, and they all come over quickly.

An Yan didn't mean to refuse them.

He chatted with them one by one to see what medicine was sold in each gourd.

The He family became the first people An Yan received.

The teeth on both sides were so deep, and they came close to each other, he just wanted to see what tricks they were going to play.

He Yongnian brought He Siya to An Yan's office, but he didn't even look at them.

He Yongnian broke the deadlock first.

He said:"Mr. An, you are really young and promising! You are in charge of most of the An family at a young age."

An Yan said:"There is no need for polite words, let's talk about business."

He Yongnian's straightforward response to An Yan He didn't mind, he said:"Let me tell you straight, the purpose of our visit this time is first to ask my daughter to apologize to you, and then to talk about the agency rights of Yan Ruyu's facial cream."

An Yan sneered:"Apologise? I I haven't even asked you to settle the matter with the assassins a few days ago. How can I dare to accept your apology?"

He Siya, the culprit, was shocked at first, and it turned out to be the same as what his father said. He would have guessed that it was him. It would be fine if there was no cooperation between the two families on weekdays.

Now that the He family still has Yu Anyan, this matter has become troublesome.

He Siya wanted to quibble, but was stopped by her father.

It was useless to quibble at this time, because everyone knew this kind of thing, but you can't admit it, because this is An Yan's territory, and there are many people nearby. There may be surveillance or video.

In situations like this, you can only accept punishment but not admit guilt.

He Yongnian said with a smile:"I have heard about this, but it is indeed not my daughter's fault. However, our He family intends to cooperate with the An family, and we will prepare a consolation payment of 1 billion for you. , what do you think about resolving the feud between the two families in the future?"

The old fox is an old fox, and he is very meticulous in his work.

Otherwise, if he really gets some evidence, he can still blackmail him.

An Yan said:"There is no problem with the one billion consolation money. Let's pay it first. After paying it, we can talk about other things. And she must at least kneel down and admit her mistake to me." It is okay to let my daughter He Siya kneel down and admit her mistake. Accept that, after all, everyone knew in their hearts that it was indeed their daughter who paid for the murder, but it just didn't happen.

Moreover, He Yongnian had done some mental homework for her before coming here, so even if He Siya was not happy, she had to accept it.

But it was a bit awkward to pay the money first.

He Yongnian felt that An Yan was a trap.

It was very likely that he would not recognize the person after paying the money.

He Yongnian smiled and said,"This consolation payment was given to us after we became partners. After all, we need a foundation to become partners?"

An Yan shook his head and said,"Mr. He, you also misunderstood. The consolation payment is Because I was injured, I have to pay compensation for being assassinated. It has nothing to do with whether we are partners or not.

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