He Yongnian frowned.

It seemed that An Yan didn't agree with him, which made him a little passive.

One billion was also a large amount of money.

Although the He family couldn't afford it, it was given in vain. This enemy is not happy either.

Seeing that his teammates were hesitant, An Yan said,"Some people are willing to pay 500 million for my head, but are not even willing to give 1 billion as a consolation payment. I can't stand to talk about such insincere cooperation.""

He Yongnian and He Siya were both shocked by his words.

They didn't expect that An Yan actually knew the bounty amount.

Wasn't this information agreed to be kept secret?

How did An Yan know?

He Siya was panicked.

I wonder if she was nervous? Still frightened, she said subconsciously:"How did you know?"

The next moment, she was slapped in the face and flew out.

The one who slapped her was none other than her father He Yongnian.

The force this time was not light,

He Siya's whole face was red and swollen.

What she just said is actually tantamount to admitting that she committed murder.

Although it does not constitute favorable evidence, it is enough to prove that she did it.

An Yan just said that, but he didn't expect this silly girl to pick him up.

He smiled and said,"Mr. He, you see your precious daughter has said this, what do you think we should do?"

He Yongnian looked at this stupid daughter angrily.

In addition to playing mahjong, going shopping, and doing beauty treatments, He Yongnian did not necessarily do anything. If you do anything constructive, you know how to cause trouble to your family members.

Well now, just one bad word can directly cost the family one billion, which is really more wasteful than anything else.

He Siya looked at her father aggrievedly.

He had never beaten her like this since she was a child.

She couldn't help crying when she thought about it.

An Yan said again:"Mr. He, the purpose of your coming here is obvious. You have to pay this money, or you have to pay it if you don't.""

"You have no reason to reject me in the first place. If you had, I'm afraid you wouldn't even come here today."

"After the compensation, everything is fine with each other, and we can continue to talk about cooperation."

"One billion is not a huge number for your group, so why should you worry about it.

He Yongnian sighed:"Mr. An, you are so eloquent and scheming." An

Yan said with a smile:"Where, where, just an ordinary rich second generation.""

He Yongnian glared at his daughter next to him, took out his checkbook and wrote a check for one billion to An Yan.

Anyan took the checkbook and kissed it hard.

This kind of person sits in the company and never makes money. It feels really good to come from heaven.

Besides, revenge has its own merits.

This billion is simply compensation for He Siya hiring a murderer to kill him.

As for Lingxi going to exterminate the family, it is to avenge her own sorrow, and It didn't matter to him.

An Yan put the check away and looked at He Siya.

"Your dad already lost one billion, are you kneeling? Or not kneeling?"

He Siya, who was still crying softly next to her, was looking at him with sharp eyes.

She really wanted to cut An Yan into pieces.

But the situation was stronger than others.

She had no choice now.

If An Yan had just cut him into pieces, Those words were enough for her to drink.

Lin Chuxue brought a pot of tea and placed it next to her.

She could only reluctantly pick it up, walked to An Yan, knelt down, served tea and admitted her mistake..

An Yan looked at the tea she held in both hands without saying anything.

He Siya frowned and said,"Are you drinking tea?""

"What kind of tea should you drink? I don’t even know why you serve this tea."

An Yan deliberately pretended not to understand, and was unreasonable and unforgiving.

Now that he found the opportunity, he couldn't torture her severely.

It might be gone in a few days.

He Siya said in a low voice:"I was wrong."

"What did you say? I can not hear?"

An Yan didn't look like he was going to let go so soon.

He Siya bit her lip hard with her teeth, feeling like she was about to bleed.

"I was wrong. I was wrong. I was wrong."

After some struggle, she yelled three times.

An Yan nodded with satisfaction,

"okay. Okay, it’s not like you’re deaf. If you shout so loud, others will think I’m bullying you."

After saying that, he picked up the cup of tea and drank it.

He Siya hated An Yan more and more, and really wanted to stretch him out.

After An Yan drank the tea, He Siya sat back

He Yongnian felt a little aggrieved at the moment, but he could still bear it. He had been in business for many years and had suffered a lot of grievances.

This was nothing to him.

He said with a smile on his face. :"Mr. An, can we talk about cooperation now?"

"Okay, how do you want to talk? An Yan looked at him as if he had money.

He Yongnian said:"I hope your company can sell us the agency rights of Yan Ruyu's facial cream in Yanjing Province and Nanhai Province.""

"We in Yanjing Province have already talked to Uncle Ho, so it’s not appropriate to give it to you now."

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