Qi Yushu was actually quite afraid of the two Wu sisters.

Most people might be deceived by their beautiful appearance and think they were just pretty vases.

If you think so too, you are totally wrong.

Not only are these sisters not pretty, they are also top students who graduated from Harvard.

Yes, both of them are graduates of Harvard.

Not only do they have smart eloquence, but they also possess top leadership and excellent management standards.

Qi Yushu had already suffered a lot from these sisters when he was in Nanhai Province.

Seeing that it had been almost two hours since the two sisters went in, Qi Yushu was really anxious, fearing that they would sign a contract with An Yan the first time they met.

After a while, the two sisters finally came out, but An Yan still didn't sign a contract with them because they were just his way of stimulating Qi Yushu.

But An Yan kept their project agreement.

The treatment of the two sisters was already better than that of He Yongnian.

An Yan did not take He Yongnian's project book at all and asked him to go back and revise it before bringing it over for discussion.

However, the two sisters felt that their success rate must be very high, and they were a little excited when they came out of the office.

These are the scenes that An Yan wants to see.

The happier the two sisters are, the more likely others will think that they have a better chance of winning, and naturally it will be easier for them to make misjudgments.

Qi Yushu is a classic case.

He saw that the two of them had been chatting in the office for almost two hours, and when they came out they looked like they had won a lottery.

He was thinking that they would not succeed.

Sister Wu Qianqian saw Qi Yushu when passing by the waiting room.

She smiled and said,"Mr.

Qi is still waiting?" Qi Yushu smiled awkwardly,

"Well, it hasn’t reached me yet, but it should be soon. How was your chat?

Wu Shanshan said calmly,"It's okay, overall it's pretty good.""

"That's good, that's good."

Qi Yushu could only reply awkwardly, but he began to worry in his heart.

Wu Qianqian said:"Young Master Qi, then we won't disturb you and continue to wait. Let's take a step first."

Master Qi simply nodded.

Not long after, Lin Chuxue came out to call someone again, and this time it was Qi Yushu.

After Qi Yushu heard his name, his whole body exploded with joy, and he immediately followed Lin Chuxue Entering the office.

When Qi Yushu was about to overwhelm the Wu sisters with his absolute strength, he noticed something was wrong with the person in front of him.

Oh, wasn't this person the one who beat up his bodyguard today?

Damn it! How did they come here?

This moment frightened Qi Yushu.

When he thought of An Yan's terrifying fighting power today, he immediately walked back and said with a smile,"Young Master Qi. , you've been waiting all morning, and you're leaving without chatting for a while? Don’t you want the agency rights for Yan Ruyu’s facial cream?"

Waiting all morning?

The agency rights for Yan Ruyu's facial cream?

Oh, yes, this is the biggest purpose of his coming to Donghai Province this time.

Wait, something is not right.

Isn't this the office of the president of An's Group? ?

How could he do that?

When he thought that he really didn't know what An Yan looked like, he suddenly realized!

Mad, is the person who fought with him today that's right

? The description I heard of An Yan was very similar to the man in front of me, and he was sitting directly in the CEO's office.

He beat up Gu Jianhua before they even started talking about cooperation.

Didn't they say they were not familiar with An Yan? Why did he see An Yan and Gu Bingbing so close together this morning, and why was he the one who sent them back in person? He had no grievances with Gu Jianhua.

, why did he want to trick him? Seeing An Yan smiling slyly in front of him, he had an ominous premonition.

He stopped running away, walked back slowly, and couldn't help but ask Lin.

First snow,

"Is that your president An Yan, Mr. An?"

Lin Chuxue didn't know what happened this morning.

She looked at Qi Yushu like a fool.

Who else could the person sitting in the CEO's office of An's Building be An Yan?

Is there anyone else who dares to pretend to be the eldest young master of the An family? Lin Chuxue said calmly:" Yes

, Mr. Qi, the person working inside is our President An Yanan."

The secretary's affirmative reply directly sent Qi Yushu to the eighteenth level of hell.

He really did something stupid this time. He got into a fight with someone before they even discussed cooperation.

He didn't believe there would be anything that he didn't know without fighting. With that said,

Qi Yushu walked into the CEO's office with heavy steps, as if walking towards the execution ground, with an air of despair.

He changed his happy expression just now, and his whole person looked like he was wearing a mask of pain. Discomfort!

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