Neither of them sell it? The two sisters really didn't understand what An Yan was playing.

Wu Qianqian was already slightly angry at the moment. After the two families talked for so many days, they actually got the result that neither of them would sell.

What is the difference between this situation and playing tricks on others?

"An Yan, I think you'd better give us an explanation, otherwise I will understand that you are fooling our Wu family."

The sister next to her, Wu Shanshan, also looked fierce.

The reactions of these two people were completely within the range that An Yan expected.

Otherwise, they would not have bought two diamond necklaces as an apology gift.

An Yan saw the situation That's it, let's start our own performance

"Don't be angry, you two, aren't I going to explain it to you?"

"In fact, the agency rights of Zhuyan Cream in Nanhai Province have already found a suitable buyer.

Wu Shanshan said:"Real or false?" You haven't even asked for the Wu family or the Qi family, but can you still find a suitable buyer? You won't fool us casually."

An Yan was amused by this little sister.

She said it in such a serious tone.

How could she fool them?

"For those of you who haven’t, you may also know this person. She is the eldest lady of the Gu family, Gu Bingbing."

Wu Qianqian was stunned for a moment.

Of course she knew who Gu Bingbing was.

She had been on the headlines of major portals not long ago.

She still remembered deeply that this woman was the ex-fiancée of Master An in front of her.

Now this What kind of relationship do the two have?

It was widely reported in the media that they broke up and regretted their marriage, but secretly reunited and became a strong partner?

"An Yan, aren't you and Miss Gu..."

She didn't say it too bluntly because she couldn't figure out the relationship between the two now, and she was afraid of touching other people's wounds by speaking too frankly.

An Yan admitted generously:"No Yes, we did break off the engagement before. But later due to various reasons, we reconciled and she is now my woman."

As expected, the relationship between big families is always so chaotic.

As long as the interests are in place, it can make you doubt your life.

Wu Qianqian found something strange here.

Even if Gu Bingbing is An Yan's right person, but The Gu family has no influence in Nanhai Province.

Wouldn't handing it over to her be like starting over?

Could it be that the young master An in front of her was also blinded by the beauty?

She said bluntly:"An Yan, are you planning to let the Gu family stay in Nanhai Province?" Will the province develop from scratch?

An Yan shook her head and said,"I think you can misunderstand. I'm talking about Gu Bingbing, not the Gu family." I plan to let Bingbing reopen a company in Nanhai Province. And the company has been established."

At this point, both Wu Qianqian and Wu Shanshan were shocked.

What he meant was that Gu Bingbing and the Gu family were going to separate, and then she would start a new business by herself, and in a city she was completely unfamiliar with. Yes, how dare An Yan do this?

Wu Qianqian was confused:"An Yan, are you sure you are not joking?"

"No, and I also invested 2 billion into this company, and now the company has started operating?"

"I'm curious, why did you do this?"

"The reason is very simple. I want to enter the Nanhai Province market. I think you can see this."

"Yes, I did see it, but the question is, why do you think Gu Bingbing can stand firm in Nanhai Province alone?"

"Asked about the idea, because the product and your Wujia. You will help Bingbing gain a foothold in Nanhai Province."

"Your Anjia already occupies the economic lifeline of most of Donghai Province, and now you are interfering in the affairs of Nanhai Province. Why should we help you?"

"It's very simple, because our common goal is to fight against the Qi family. If we have a common enemy, we can form an alliance of interests, right?"

"No, no, no, I think you may have misunderstood. Although we want to deal with the Qi family, we also don’t want the Anjia to intervene in the market of Nanhai Province, because the Anjia is too powerful."

"Don't refuse so quickly, I will simply ask, do you want to deal with a more powerful enemy? Or do you want to deal with two weaker enemies?"

"What do you mean?"

"This means that if the Wu family does not help Bingbing gain a foothold in Nanhai Province, it will definitely be difficult for her to take root. Then I can only sell the agency right. Comparing the two of you, the Qi family surpasses your Wu family in terms of financial strength, determination and resources. Then I will simply sell them the agency rights of Nanhai and Xiliang. Do you think you have a more powerful enemy?"

Hearing this, Wu Qianqian and Wu Shanshan finally understood that

An Yan was clearly using the Qi family to threaten their cooperation.

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