The Wu family is really passive now.

An Yan deliberately left Xiliang's agency undisclosed in order to increase his bargaining chips with them.

If the Qi family only had trouble getting an agency in Nanhai Province, then their strength would have expanded a bit. , it will not put great pressure on the development of the Wu family, but if even Xiliang Province is given to the Qi family, then the other party will be like a money printing machine and have more ammunition to fight against them.

If this continues The Wu family is destined to suffer big losses.

But if they agree to An Yan, then the An family will have an extra force implanted in Nanhai Province.

The An family can be said to be in full swing now.

If they are allowed to intervene again, they may leave a legacy for the future. Great hidden danger.

The situation they face now is really a dilemma.

No matter which one they choose, it is wrong, but it seems that they have to choose one.

An Yan said with a smile:"In fact, there are not many options for you to choose. If the Wu family cooperates with Bingbing, we will pay you a large channel fee. At least you will be able to make some good profits from this cooperation."."

Wu Qianqian shook her head helplessly.

Compared to the agency rights with profits of tens of billions, what are the several hundred million in channel fees?

At the same time, Wu Qianqian also discovered that

An Yan seemed to have thought about this, and even their arrival here was expected by him.

"Did you plan this ahead of time? In fact, you have long wanted to give the agency rights to Gu Bingbing, right?

An Yan didn't hide it when he saw this. He smiled and said,"Yes, actually I thought about giving Bingbing the agency rights for the products in Nanhai before you did." I'm just using you to deal with the Qi family, and then let Bingbing prepare over there as soon as possible."

Wu Qianqian and Wu Shanshan both laughed miserably.

Originally, they thought that the negotiation was going to be smooth, but in the end, they were not involved from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Wu Qianqian felt a little ashamed and angry.

"OK! An Yan. Are you playing with both our Uqi family in your hands?"

An Yan smiled helplessly.

"I know it's really my fault, but I can't help it. Business is business."

"You see, I brought gifts today to express my feelings."

Wu Shanshan was not happy and her mouth pouted.

"Who wants your gift? In order to discuss this plan with you, I have been working overtime for several days, thinking of ways to change the plan, and my hair has fallen out a lot."

An Yan didn't expect this.

It turned out that the two girls were worried about this kind of problem.

He'd better not talk too much about these strange topics with them and get back to business!

"Then you decide. We just wanted to buy some skin care products and have a foothold in the South China Sea, so there was no serious intention. You don't actually need to be so resistant to An Jia."

Wu Qianqian didn't seem to believe what he said at all.

"An Yan, this kind of statement is not even 50% credible. It really makes you stand firm in the South China Sea. You will definitely make other big moves next. I'm sure of it."

"It is a very unwise choice to put such a clever opponent in the South China Sea."

"But I have no better way now, because the Qi family is also a wolf and wants to attack our Wu family at any time."

An Yan clapped her hands in fear and expressed her approval of her analysis.

"In fact, we can definitely join forces. As long as my Yan Ruyu enters the Nanhai market, I will help you remove one of his arms."

"From then on, your Wu family can annex the Qi family's territory at will and continue to grow bigger. Why don't you enjoy it?"

Wu Qianqian cannot deny that An Yan's analysis is correct.

At least in this way, they can not only get An Yan's channel fees, but also annex some of the Qi family's properties.

In the future, the Wu family will become a big family like the An family. , can control a large number of resources in the entire Nanhai Province.

When Wu Qianqian thought of this, she decided to call her family.

After the call was connected,

Wu Qianqian explained An Yan's proposal and request just now. The person's face was very serious.

After a while, the person on the other end could only sigh helplessly, leaving a sentence of"I agree with his request", and then the person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.

Gu Bingbing already had a family. As instructed, she agreed to An Yan's request and chose to help Gu Bingbing gain a foothold in Nanhai Province.

Seeing that Wu Qianqian agreed,

An Yan finally thought that the two young ladies would be difficult to talk to.

But he didn't expect that after using the Qi family to scare them, they would obediently choose to submit, which somewhat surprised him.

An Yan was a little more generous to the Wu family, giving them 200 million yuan in channel fees for a whole year.

In addition, you can get a 5-point commission on sales at the store, which adds up to hundreds of millions of profits a year.

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