Gu Yongnian, on the other hand, looked like he hated iron for not being able to become steel.

Did he not understand business at all?

"Once you sign the contract, you can use it. The question is, did Anjia sign it with our Gu family?"

"ah? Is there any difference?"

Gu Ziyang asked an extremely stupid question.

Gu Yongnian:"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you signed a contract with Bingbing Trading Company, then all the rights are in their hands, so what does it have to do with you?"

"Now we can use it only if your sister says to give it to us. If your sister is unwilling to give it to us, we can't use it."

Gu Ziyang finally understood what dad was talking about.

"Dad, are you saying that you are afraid that your sister will still hold a grudge against us, so you are not going to give this agency to the Gu family?"

Gu Yongnian sighed helplessly,

"Is not it? If it were you, would it be so easy to negotiate if you were treated like this?"

Gu Ziyang was stunned for a moment by the question.

To be honest, if it were him, he would definitely not forgive his family so easily.

Well, now he is aware of the problem.

"Dad, what should we do? This is an opportunity for the Gu family to take off. Is it just wasted like this?

Gu Yongnian:"It's not a waste, but we have to save Bingbing. Only by saving Bingbing can we get this agency right." Bingbing is a very emotional person. Why was she unwilling to marry An Yan in the first place? It's just because of emotional issues"

"As long as we play the emotional card with her, I think we can save her. Will the power of attorney be returned to the Gu family if the time comes?"

After hearing this, Gu Ziyang immediately applauded,

"This routine works! Sure enough, ginger is still spicy! Dad, let's act quickly."

Gu Yongnian shook his head:"Don't worry, the news has just been announced, you go over there, I think anyone who is not a fool will know that you are thinking about that agency."

"Let this happen in two days! Go back to her after two days, and then pretend that you realize your mistake, apologize to her, and then invite her back to be the president. As long as Bingbing returns as the president, the agency will naturally return to the Gu family."

At this time, Gu Ziyang was a little hesitant.

Wasn't he going to ask his sister back to be the president again?

Then his sister would be on top of him again, and his happy and happy days would be gone.

Gu Yongnian noticed something strange about Gu Ziyang Now, he also knew some of the things his son had been doing in the company these days, and he also saw what he was thinking.

Precisely because he saw it, he became even more angry.

How long had this been?

He still thought about himself. Regarding the matter, this son really succeeded more than failed.

The expression on Gu Yongnian's face became more and more serious.

"What are you thinking about? Do you want to be happy for a while and then the Gu family goes bankrupt? Or do you want to take the Gu family to a higher level?"

When Gu Ziyang saw that his father was angry, he didn't dare to talk back.

"I understand, can’t we just cooperate?"

Gu Yongnian nodded.

"Okay, you remember what you said. Don't let me down."

Gu Ziyang reluctantly agreed.


Downstairs of the An Group, when An Yan was about to take Gu Bingbing back to play poker, he was stopped by Qi Yushu and his bodyguards.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt a sense of déjà vu.

An Yan smiled and said,"Master Qi, what's wrong? Did you find thugs to beat me again? I'm a little scared of your posture."

Qi Yushu was originally very aggressive. He came here, but after thinking about his previous experience, his momentum instantly dropped to freezing point.

Qi Yushu has now learned his lesson deeply.

He doesn't want to be blackmailed by An Yan to lose another billion.

"I'm not here to fight with you, I just want to ask you why you are playing with our Qijia like this."

An Yan couldn't help but laugh.

This guy is so cowardly now.

"I'm not playing with your Qi family. Don't talk nonsense."

"No? You had no intention of selling this agency right to us in the first place, so why have you been waffling with us for so long?"

"I think Mr. Qi has misunderstood. I really wanted to sell it to you, but it just couldn't match the charm of this little fairy."

As he said that, An Yan hugged Gu Bingbing next to her.

"I think Mr. Qi probably does this kind of thing a lot."

Not only was Gu Bingbing okay, but he immediately became furious when he mentioned it.

When he thought of Gu Bingbing being so obedient to An Yan, he felt uncomfortable all over.

This beautiful woman should belong to him.

But this is not a discussion now. When he was a woman, his father had just called and scolded him for a full hour because of the loss of agency. What he wanted to talk to An Yan about now was this issue.

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