Qi Yushu suppressed his anger.

"Huh, do you think I believe you when you say that? You are just playing tricks on our Qijia. Just tell me, why is she qualified to win this agency?"

An Yan looked at this entangled fool speechlessly.

"Why? Is it okay just because I am her man? Can the Pingwu family cooperate with her now?"

"Let me tell you, I will also give all the billions you compensated me to her new company. I just want to ask you if you are angry."

"I'll explain it to you now that I'm in a good mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I'm afraid these bodyguards will protect you too."

An Yan looked at him with a solemn look.

The murderous look in his eyes made him shudder.

Qi Yushu said angrily:"You must go against our Qi family, right?"

"Against? How can I go against your Qi family by selling my own agency? Isn’t it okay if we don’t sell it to the Qi family? It's strange, why are you so domineering?"

Qi Yushu vomited blood at An Yan's words.

Who is the domineering one?

And who forcibly blackmailed him for one billion?

When it comes to being domineering, I am far inferior to him.

Qi Yushu said angrily:"Tell me the number. How about we buy the agency right if you indicate the number?"

An Yan ignored him and continued to pester him, and pushed him away directly.

"I won't sell it if I say it won't be sold. Stop talking nonsense. You all get out of the way. If you get beaten, it's none of my business."

After the experience last time, these bodyguards really didn't dare to stop An Yan.

The eldest brother was really like the god of death when he got angry.

Seeing An Yan leave like this,

Qi Yushu and his bodyguards didn't dare to stop him at all. Dare to chase but dare not move.

At this moment, Qi Yushu's cell phone rang again.

It was his father Qi Deye who called.

You could feel the old father's nervousness from his tone.

"how is it? How was the conversation?"

Qi Yushu could only helplessly tell his father the result.

"Dad, he just refused to sell it to us. He gave the agency right to his woman Gu Bingbing."

Qi Deye was extremely angry.

"waste! waste! Why can't you do anything well?"

Qi Yushu said that he was too innocent.

This was not his fault in the first place.

They didn't want to sell it to them.

What does this have to do with him?

They just wanted to use this agency to pick up girls.

What could he do? ?

Qi Yushu also suddenly understood why a woman like Gu Bingbing was so devoted to An Yan. He was willing to give her the agent of Nanhai Province as long as he asked for it.

"Dad, they really don’t want to sell to us. It has nothing to do with me."

"That Gu Bingbing is his woman, I just saw the two of them going back together. Judging from their affectionate expressions, they were probably rushing back to create humans."

Qi Deye thought calmly and said,

"Do you think that Gu Bingbing is his ex-fiancée?"

"Yes, Gu Bingbing, this woman is extremely beautiful. Qi Yushu said stupidly.

Qi Deye said coldly:"Okay, if they are unkind, don't blame us for being unjust." You are ready to leave Donghai Province."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Qi Yushu rarely heard his father speak in this tone.

Most of the time when he spoke in this tone, the other party would definitely be in bad luck.

Qi Yushu estimated that this time his father was He was really forced to a certain extent, otherwise he would not have used abnormal means to deal with this matter.

Watching An Yan leave in the distance, he couldn't help but sneer.

It seemed that his father was planning to make something big happen.

After An Yan and Gu Bingbing left just now, the latter was somewhat worried about An Yan's life safety.

"An Yan, are you really okay? I saw that Mr. Qi seemed a little angry."

"How could it be okay? We have cornered a dog into an alley. Qi Deye is not a benevolent man, and his methods of doing things are quite ruthless."

"Then you should pay attention to safety!"Gu Bingbing became even more worried.

An Yan pinched her cheek.

"You little fool, people still expect my agency. I guess if there is any action, it is most likely you. Just be careful yourself"

"Stop pinching, make my face round. Gu Bingbing patted his hand and said,"Action against me?" What could it be?

An Yan put down his hand, shook his head and said,"What can't be saved? Abduction, trafficking, and kidnapping are all possible. Remember to bring a bodyguard with you when you go out.""

Gu Bingbing's eyes were a little stunned, weren't they! Would a leading family in Nanhai Province use such despicable methods?

If something was discovered, it would cause an uproar.

"Is it really that dangerous?"Gu Bingbing asked.

"Well, it's not impossible for a dog to jump over the wall in a hurry."

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