Gu Yongming didn't expect his daughter to be so determined.

Now her daughter is no longer as easy to control as she used to be.

When she was told to remove her position as CEO, she still looked indifferent, but now she is completely different.

Gu Yongming said:"Bingbing, can't you let go of the past? The Gu family really needs your help now. You don't know that the Gu family is dying."

Gu Bingbing shook her head,

"Dad, don’t you understand yet? I have no opinions or opinions about my family. I just want to have my own career."

"The Gu family has only regressed a little, but it can still be regarded as one of the four major families. How can you say that it won't work if it doesn't work?"

Of course Gu Yongming knows what she said, but what he wants is more than just a little money.

He wants treatment and life like a real wealthy family.

Only Gu Bingbing's agency can give him these.

"Bingbing, don't you want to see Mr. Gu move to the next level? Don’t you want to recreate Gu’s previous glory?"

Gu Bingbing knew that this was what her father was thinking.

His purpose of always asking for agency rights was to make the Gu family reach a higher level.

In the past, Gu Bingbing would have said it without hesitation.

At this moment, she I really want to say that she really doesn't care about this matter. Did n't she end up being removed from the position of president after all her hard work?

This is something her father taught her personally, so she doesn't care about the agency this time. No matter what, she would not let it go, because this was her capital to settle down.

Gu Bingbing was very grateful to An Yan at this moment, because he had the foresight to take control of the company in advance, at least for her at this moment. It's not that difficult,

"Dad, I also want Mr. Gu to achieve greater glory, but I hope it will be through his own efforts."

"I am only the second shareholder of Bingbing Trading Company. The real major shareholder is An Yan. I have to report many things to him."

"And I'm not young either. I also hope to have my own career. I hope Dad won't force me anymore."

An Yan is indeed the major shareholder of Bing Bing Trading Company, but he has decentralized power.

He unconditionally supports everything Gu Bingbing does, and he usually doesn't have to report any work.

The reason why she said this is to take advantage of An Yan

However, Gu Yongnian could see it to some extent and knew that his daughter was determined not to give up the agency right this time, otherwise she would not have established such a complicated equity mechanism. Here.

If An Yan was the major shareholder of this company,

Gu Yongnian would not dare to mess around here, but the shares and dividends are also very valuable.

"Bingbing, you can't make the final decision on the company's affairs, then you can deposit your shares in Gu's. With this huge source of income, our Gu's is not far away from reaching a higher level."

Gu Bingbing was really speechless.

She couldn't deal with the idea of agency rights.

Dad actually asked for the shares directly.

This really treated her as a soft persimmon and could be manipulated at will.

Gu Bingbing coldly refused:"Dad, I, I, I Again, I want to have a career of my own. I won't sell this share, and don't even think about it."

When Gu Yongnian saw that his daughter was too soft to eat, he decided to have something hard.

"Bingbing, dad wants you to hand it over now. If you are unwilling, then our father-daughter relationship will be severed from now on."

Seeing her sister's momentum just now,

Gu Ziyang originally thought that her father would be unable to control her, but he didn't expect that he would come up with a more ruthless attack.

This was tantamount to asking whether Gu Bingbing wanted family ties or career.

He estimated that her sister should give in this time. Right.

But Gu Ziyang didn't notice that there was a determined look in Gu Bingbing's eyes.

"Dad, if you must force me like this, then there is nothing I can do about it."

"You can sever the father-daughter relationship with me because of one agency today, and you can leave me behind tomorrow because of another agency. In the end, I am still the one who was abandoned, so I might as well have a career of my own."

After saying that, she issued an expulsion order.

Gu Yongnian was extremely shocked at this moment.

Is this really his daughter?

The Gu Bingbing in his memory was not like this, otherwise he would not have been forced to accept An Yan in the first place. Marriage, how come after a few days of absence, it feels like her combat power has reached its peak? What he originally thought was a sure-kill move turned out to be a perfect counter-attack by his daughter.

When Gu Bingbing said this, he suddenly found her. There was no suitable reason.

Yes, he could threaten the relationship between father and daughter today, so why not tomorrow?

Moreover, he was a little embarrassed by his daughter, and he felt as if he was a father who only betrayed his daughter.

He became angry from embarrassment:"Gu Bingbing, are you going to rebel?"

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