Gu Bingbing looked at him like this, her heart filled with sorrow.

Why should a daughter receive such unfair treatment?

If the power of attorney was in the hands of his younger brother, would his father also ask him to hand it over to the Gu family?

No, he definitely won't.

He will only say that the agency power belongs to his younger brother, which means it is in the hands of the Gu family, and there is no need to hand it over.

Because this was not the first time this had happened, and she knew her father's character very well.

When Gu Bingbing saw that her father had already used such a trick, she had no choice but to resist.

"Dad, you forced me to do this, and I can't help it. Since you don't want to recognize me as your daughter, then you can leave."

After that, she issued an expulsion order and signaled the three of them to leave.

Gu Yongnian was really shocked by Gu Bingbing's attitude today.

She was no longer the daughter who was submissive to him.

At this moment, she had a strong heart. And her tenacious attitude, these all come from her confidence,

An Yan behind her and the power of agency in her hand.

Gu Yongnian is about to make trouble.���It was getting out of hand, and he immediately asked his wife to come out to talk and smooth things over.

Wang Mei, who had been silent until now, also said a few words,

"My daughter, we are all part of the same family. Do you really want to give up your family just for the sake of agency?"

Gu Bingbing became even more angry at this time.

Didn't her father come here to force her?

Didn't it be her father who even told her to sever the relationship between father and daughter?

How did it become her?

"Mom, it’s my dad who doesn’t want to be my family anymore. I’ve never thought about it this way."

"Doesn’t the fact that the agency power belongs to me mean that it belongs to the Gu family? Can it only be said that it is in the hands of the Gu family if it is in the hands of Ziyang?"

Ah! This!

These words sounded so familiar to Gu Yongnian.

Gu Bingbing's next words really reminded him that these were indeed the words he spoke to Gu Bingbing before, and now the situation has turned to him again..

But Gu Yongnian still didn't think that what he said was wrong, because he did think so too.

When Gu Bingbing looked at them and wanted to say something else, she ordered them to be kicked out again.

"You guys should go back first, I'm not in the mood to talk about this now."

Only those with capital have the right to speak.

Gu Bingbing has learned this at this moment.

Gu Yongnian has been a father for too long and he cannot admit the fact that his daughter is better than him.

"Okay, okay, the good daughter I raised no longer belongs to this family before she gets married."

"Have you ever thought that when you take this agency to the Gu family, you will have the Gu family as your backing. Are you so sure that one day An Yan won't get tired of you and abandon you? When the time comes to take back your agency, you will have nothing."

Gu Bingbing also replied firmly,

"Nothing at all? Even without agency rights, I will have billions in assets by then. I can go out and find a job again, or I can start my own business"

"These days, if I hadn't persuaded An Yan, do you think you could still be the chairman of the Gu family, and Ziyang could be the president?"

"I say I don't think about my family, but I think about the Gu family every day. Looking at Ziyang's time, how many days have he been back to the company? He spends his time outside enjoying life every day. Have you even said a word to him?"

"It's either that he doesn't know how to be the CEO, or that he doesn't put in the effort to do it. As long as he puts some effort into it, the Gu family won't be like this."

"Do you want me to take the agency home and continue to defeat him? Dad, how can you say this?"

Although Gu Bingbing was not with Gu's during this period, she still didn't feel at ease about Gu's situation.

Every day she would ask a few of her former confidants about the situation in their company.

It turned out that Gu Ziyang was serious about what he did. It 's unreliable.

Since she didn't control him, he has been acting more and more recklessly. He often misses work and has recently taken tens of millions from the company, which he probably used either to pick up girls or buy cars.

He is a supercar enthusiast who likes to drive sports cars to pick up girls every day.

Gu Ziyang next to him blushed when he was told that he was indeed doing the same thing during this time.

He just didn't expect that Gu Bingbing was not in the company and would be interested in people in the company. But he knew everything.

Gu Yongnian also knew these things about his son.

He didn't listen to them after he told them several times, and he didn't bother to say anything. He really seemed to hate the iron. He didn't know that Gu Bingbing and An Yan had said this.

Coming to An's house and not doing anything to Gu's family is really because Gu Bingbing has been messing around here.

At this moment, he wished that Gu Bingbing was a man, so that he would be willing to do it even if Gu's family was in such a miserable state.

Just when he still wanted to say something , the bodyguard was called in by Gu Bingbing to see off the guests.

The father and son were a little embarrassed, so they had no choice but to go back and discuss the matter first.

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