Ye Fan was speechless when he saw Nangong Jing.

He thought the matter was accidentally exposed on his side, but he didn't expect that it was his fault.

This eldest young master really succeeds more than he fails.

This matter was told to him that day, and the whole world knew about it that night.

However, Nangong Jing's ability to make up for the trouble is quite strong, and he actually asked for a budget of 100 billion.

If you have this budget as a guarantee, then it shouldn't be a big problem.

Ye Fan agreed to help Nangong Jing.

After all, he still had many things that needed to be taken care of by the Nangong family in his future adventures in Northern Xinjiang.

He picked up his mobile phone and responded to those who inquired one by one, including those from the Luo family and the Gu family.

But this world has a very strange characteristic.

Things you deny often become evidence for others to believe it.

The original He family in Yanjing and the Qi family in Nanhai Province also quickly received the news.

They did not expect that there was an authentic formula.

At this time, Donghai Province was turbulent again, and some people who had left quickly returned.

Nangong Jing had little power in Donghai Province, so he was not aware of this situation for a while, but An Yan had already received the news immediately.

The Qi family has mobilized hundreds of billions of assets and rushed to Donghai Province.

The He family did not show any weakness and mobilized hundreds of billions of cash.

Their goal was obviously this antique.

The Hu family, who had obtained An Yan's agency rights in Yanjing, also received the news as far away as Yanjing.

The head of the Hu family called An Yan as soon as possible to ask about the ins and outs of the matter. He also vowed that if he needed it, the Hu family could mobilize hundreds of billions of cash to help him buy this antique.

Suddenly he had an ally, and then a huge sum of money.

Of course An Yan was happy, and he accepted it without any politeness.

Then he simply replied to the head of the Hu family,

"Don't worry, it's no problem, just teach me how to deal with it."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Not long after, the door of An Yan's office was pushed open again. When he looked out, it turned out to be Ling Ruoxue and Gu Bingbing.

The two beautiful CEOs were walking in a hurry, with a trace of anger on their faces. With a panicked expression,

An Yan looked at them funny,

"Don't be anxious. If you have anything to say, please tell me slowly."

Ling Ruoxue took a breath and said,

"Haven't you heard? There is a complete prescription for Zhuyan Cream circulating outside.

Gu Bingbing also added:"Yes, this matter is very popular now, and many people know about it.""

An Yan smiled softly,

"I already know this, it's not a big deal."

Ling Ruoxue's eyes widened.

"How could it not be a big deal? The Qi family and the He family may already know about this. I think they will definitely come back to grab it."

"I believe they already know about this and have taken action. An

Yan said all this calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Gu Bingbing said,"Do you need money?" I heard that it will be auctioned at the Guardian Auction in Donghai in two days.

Ling Ruoxue also added:"If it's not enough, our family can also spend 50 to 60 billion.""

An Yan waved her hand and rejected their kindness.

"No, no, that's all. The Hu family just called and said they were willing to provide 100 billion in funds. We Anjia can also put out 250 million in cash, which adds up to 350 million. I believe none of them can come up with the money."

Ling Ruoxue and Gu Bingbing were both shocked by An Yan's words.

Oh my God, they didn't expect that he had prepared so much money.

Thirty-five billion in cash is such a spectacular wealth that there is no one in the world. Several families were able to come up with this amount of money at once.

They were indeed the largest families in Donghai Province.

This amount of money seemed not worth mentioning to him. Gu

Bingbing saw that he had prepared so much money.

It seemed like these tens of billions were really dispensable, so she didn’t insist on it.

"Then An Yan, you can do whatever you want. If there is any accident. Our Ling family still has a budget of fifty to sixty billion left for you."

An Yan smiled and pinched her cheek gently.

"Don't worry, I believe there will be no problem. But we have one thing to do now."

The two women asked at the same time:"What's going on?"

"Let’s go meet the person who gave me the melon. You two should come with me and let him know our strength."

They understood immediately that he meant to meet Mark, because he must be the one who had the news.

They had no intention of rejecting An Yan, and they would not reject him either. Regardless of the request, the two obediently followed An Yan and set off.

An Yan came to a private room in Yelan Bar.

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