Nangong Jing has obviously returned to normal, and now he is drinking and chatting with Mark here again.

An Yan walked in with two beauties.

"Young Master Nangong, if you don’t mind if we sit here for a while."

Nangong Jing's mood had recovered a little, but when he saw him arriving, his mood worsened again.

He seriously suspected that the person who leaked the news was An Yan, but he was wondering why An Yan would leak it to others?

Doesn't this lead to competition from others?

So Nangong Jing is now in a deadlock.

On the one hand, he guesses that it is An Yan, but on the other hand, he suspects that it is someone else. He even wonders if this is a coincidence?

Jing looked at Gu Bingbing, who was still beautiful, and next to her was Ling Ruoxue, who was not inferior to her.

There was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

"Master An, sit down." Nangong Jing couldn't refuse the man who came in front of him. He could only deal with it carefully. An Yan didn't be polite to him, and sat down with the two of them.

"Excuse me, Young Master Nangong, I am having a good time in the East China Sea."

Nangong Jing looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"If you have something to say, say it, don't ramble."

An Yan smiled softly,

"Then let me tell you straight, I hope Young Master Nangong will not fight with me for this antique."

Nangong Jing frowned,

"Why, our Nangong family is determined to win"

"The reason is very simple, because we can't compete, our Anshi Group will prepare 350 billion to fight for this antique, so I hope you can take the initiative to launch it."

Nangong Jing was a little confused.

He even thought that he had heard it wrong.

An Yan actually wanted to pay 350 million to fight for this antique.

If that was really the case, then his current 100 billion was really completely Not enough, they still had three times as much ammunition as him.

Ye Fan next to him was also dumbfounded.

He didn't seem to know how An Yan could be so crazy, and he went straight to the high price of 350 million, which is worthy of being the largest in Donghai Province. family, otherwise they really wouldn’t be able to spend so much money.

Can the Nangong family spend so much money?

In fact, it is possible.

After all, it is the head of the three major ancient martial arts families in Northern Xinjiang Province, but it can’t afford so much money. If there is a large amount of cash flow, the Nangong family may encounter cash flow problems.

Ling Ruoxue and the others also understand that An Yan has come to withdraw completely, and they want to use the financial advantage to make the other party retreat in spite of the difficulties. Needless to say, just from Nangong Jing's shit-eating expression, we can tell that 350 billion is definitely a very stressful number for them.

But Nangong Jing is not someone who gives up easily.

"Isn’t it just 350 billion? My Nangong family can also get it. How big a figure do you think it is?

An Yan shook his head:"350 billion can be used at any time for the time being, but what is really available is at least 500 billion or more. Are you sure you want to follow?""

Having said this, Nangong Jing couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Five hundred billion was really too much.

He didn't expect An Yan to be able to use such a large amount of money.

This number was far beyond his expectation. Outside, but he still seems relatively calm on the surface.

"Mr. An, although your An family is rich, our Nangong family is not necessarily worse than you. With 500 billion, we have no pressure at all."

An Yan smiled, as if he had seen through it but not told it, so he had no intention of refuting what he said.

Seeing that the goal of coming here today had been achieved, An Yan stood up and patted Nangong Jing's shoulder.

"Young Master Nangong, there is no point in trying to be useless. It is better to keep the money to support your wife in the future. Don't get into unnecessary disputes and go back to Northern Xinjiang to practice martial arts."

After that, he left with the two beauties.

Now Nangong Jing and Ye Fan were the only ones left in the box.

Ye Fan asked him:"What should we do now? Can the Nangong family really get 500 billion?"

Nangong Jing smiled bitterly.

He could get 500 billion, but it would be troublesome for the operation of the entire Nangong family in the later period.

He even wondered whether grandpa could support this auction.

"I'll give it a try and get it out, but it won't be easy. This needs my grandfather's approval.

Ye Fan had a concern:"Is it really worth auctioning this formula for 500 billion?" I think it will take a long time to pay back the money if I buy it at this price."

Nangong Jing was a little disapproving.

"A formula like this would never be sold to people at the bottom in the first place."

"Initially, it will be packaged as a luxury product and occupy the high-end market at an extremely high price."

"According to the effect you mentioned, this ointment can start at least a million dollars, and it will also be robbed by various wealthy people."

"After the ointment has completely made a name for itself in the upper class, it will begin to launch some first-class configurations one after another, harvesting another group of rich people."

"In this way, it decreases step by step. Although 500 billion is a lot, it is not difficult to get back the original amount."

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