Ye Fan is not like Nangong Jing, who has been trained in a wealthy family since he was a child.

As the future head of the family,

Nangong Jing will certainly have some theoretical knowledge of economics.

He can see the value of this formula at a glance, and he also knows An Yan most likely uses what method, and it is also clear what the final result will be.

Nangong Jing believed that the complete version of the facial cream would be more popular than the current facial cream and would bring greater profits, so he wanted to get the formula at all costs.

Although 500 billion is a lot, the value behind it is also huge.

When Nangong Jing thought of this, he called back to the Nangong family to see.

He could only try to persuade his grandfather to support him.

The phone rang, and the call was quickly connected.

Grandpa: My dear grandson, what can I do?

Nangong Jing: Grandpa, there is another unexpected situation when we auction this formula.

Grandpa: There is another unexpected situation? Hasn’t it already been given a budget of 100 billion? What other surprises could there be?

Nangong Jing: An Yan, who just settled down, came to see me. He said that he was prepared to bid with us for 350 million in cash, and the maximum price could reach more than 500 billion. He wants us to withdraw from the competition. I think our budget of 100 billion is not enough.

Grandpa: What? Thirty-five billion? Are you sure the other party can come up with so much money?

Nangong Jing: Yes, grandpa, they have the help of the Hu family of Yanjing and the Ling family of Donghai. I think this is not difficult for them, and the maximum is 500 billion.

Grandpa: More than 300 billion is already a hugely risky investment. If something goes wrong, the family may suffer huge losses.

Nangong Jing: But this formula is really the top priority, and my grandson doesn’t want to give it up. You must know that this ointment also represents connections.

Grandpa: I know all this, but the risk is really too high. Grandpa doesn’t agree with you doing this.

Nangong Jing's grandfather is already an old man who is almost eighty years old.

He has experienced countless ups and downs in the world.

At his age, what he seeks is not winning, but stability.

In his opinion, the Nangong family has already It's such a big scale, so as long as you stay steady, don't make rash advances, and proceed in a down-to-earth manner, there will definitely be no problem.

Nangong Jing was different. He was young and promising, driven and motivated.

He especially hoped that this formula could help him gain recognition from his tribe, so he made great efforts to persuade his grandfather.

Nangong Jing: Then why don’t you increase the budget? The current 100 billion is definitely not enough. You can at least increase it a little for me so that I can operate more easily.

His grandfather couldn't bear his grandson's coquettishness.

He also understood that young people like to rush and make some achievements, so he couldn't bear to reject his grandson.

Grandpa: Let’s do this. Grandpa will prepare a budget of 300 billion for you at most. If you exceed this price, forget it.

Nangong Jing: Four hundred billion, I think four hundred billion is relatively safe.

Grandpa: No, 300 billion is already a huge risk. Whether it is us or Anjia, spending such a large sum of money will have a serious impact on the company or the family.

Although his grandfather doted on his grandson, he still had to keep the bottom line.

He was worried that there might be fraud in it.

Three hundred billion is a huge sum of money for the Nangong family, but it is not entirely an unacceptable sum of money.

Even if something goes wrong, the Nangong family can still cope with it.

If An Yan really raised 350 billion in cash, then he believed that there was a high probability that his grandson would only lose once.

Although the family would have lost an opportunity, the loss to the family would not be huge..

Grandpa's insistence made Nangong Jing a little disappointed, but he did not dare to disobey his grandfather's wishes.

In the end, he could only ask for a budget of 300 billion.

Nangong Jing was really helpless.

There was no difference between asking for this budget and not asking for it.

An Yan's minimum preparation was 350 billion, so how could this be enough?

No, no, if this continues, he will only lose to An Yan.

He has to find a way to find some more money to get back.

Nangong Jing looked at Ye Fan who was drinking.

Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of an excellent idea.

A smile appeared on Nangong Jing's face, and he said:"Doctor Ye, there is something I want to ask you for help. Do you think it is okay?"

Ye Fan frowned. This young Nangong would probably ask him for help. Not small

"Let me tell you, apart from my medical skills and some martial arts, I don't have any special skills now."

Nangong Jing shook his head, expressing his disagreement with his statement.

"No, no, no, Doctor Ye, it’s no use that you still have the most precious resource."

"The most precious resource? Tell me, if I can help you, I'll be willing to help you too"

"Connections, I think Doctor Ye’s most precious resource is connections."

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