
Ye Fan was a little confused by what Nangong Jing said, why did he end up talking about this thing?

Ye Fan:"Young Master Nangong, if you have anything to say, please speak frankly."

Nangong Jing:"Then I will speak frankly. Isn't it said that the enemies of enemies are all friends?"

"Well, that's right"

"That's right, An Yan's previous agency rights were sold to his own people, which offended many people. We told them the news about An Yan. With their strength, they can't defeat An Yan alone."

"oh. Young Master Nangong, do you want to form an alliance with them?"

"Yes, that's it. None of us can win An Yan alone, but together we can. And what we need is management rights in different places without conflict."

Ye Fan thought about it and it was really like this.

An Yan had just made it clear that he had offered at least 350 billion, and the highest was more than 500 billion.

The Nangong family barely came up with 300 billion.

This comparison is really far off.

Maybe several families really need to join forces to have a chance to win An Yan, denying that any one of them can't do it alone, and these people need a middleman to form an alliance.

Then this middleman is obviously Ye Fan.

If Ye Fan leads the way to find these related groups, and then joins forces, he will have the capital to fight against An Yan, and he can also share the risk costs of each group.

It is really calculated. It's a good thing.

Under Nangong Jing's urging and request,

Ye Fan agreed to help him.

He also wanted to see the confident An Yan, who was defeated after joining forces with many powerful enemies.

He looked lonely and defeated, so Ye Fan visited these people one by one.

The first one he found was Luo Yiran, the head of the Luo family who he had saved.

Under his guidance,

Ye Fan also met the head of the He family. He Yongnian, followed closely by the young master of the Qi family, Qi Yushu.

These are all people with extraordinary strength, and they are all qualified to cooperate with the Nangong family.

What surprised him was that the Gu family also came to the door.

Ye Fan was originally interested. Their reason for coming seemed very strange.

Logically speaking, Gu Bingbing was on An Yan's side, and the

Gu family should be on the same side as An Yan. Why would the head of the Gu family suddenly defect to their side?

In order to join them, he kept talking about the breakup between himself and his daughter.

Only then did everyone realize that the current Bingbing Trading Company originally belonged to Gu Bingbing alone and had nothing to do with the Gu family. What

Gu Yongnian means is that he is also willing to pay for this auction item, and then he hopes to obtain the agency rights in Xiliang Province.

In fact, the sales of skin care products in Xiliang Province are not good. Liang Province is also known as the Province of Mercenaries, and all of them are owned by big men, so there is no need to use these skin care products.

However, mosquito meat is also meat, and the capabilities of the Gu family are indeed far behind compared to other families, so It makes sense for him to acquire an agent in Xiliang Province after he invested the money.

After consulting Nangong Jing, Ye Fan agreed to let the Gu family join in.

After all, the enemy he faced now was An Yan, and the more they had, the more likely they were. The stronger the partner, the better. Ye

Fan invited them to the conference room of the Luo Family Commercial Building, where Nangong Jing was waiting for them.

He told them what was the main purpose of coming here.

He just said that the young master of the Nangong family invited them to come over to discuss the auction.

They all attended the appointment with great kindness.

When Nangong Jing looked at the group of people, he knew that the main purpose was to treat this group of people.

Put together, his financial resources are even greater than An Yan's.

Nangong Jing began to say very politely,

"Next, the young master of the Nangong family, Nangong Jing, would like to welcome everyone to my little gathering today."

"We have only one simple purpose here today, and that is An Yan"

"At the same time, we also have a common goal which is an antique at this auction."

He gave a brief introduction above, and the people below nodded in agreement, especially when An Yan was mentioned, some even showed gnashing of teeth.

"First, let me introduce to you this friend next to me."

"His name is Ye Fan. He is a close disciple of an immortal doctor and a miracle doctor."

"The prescription for Yan Ruyu's facial cream that An Yan holds is the one that was circulated in his hand."

"It was also he who spread the news that the Ming Dynasty huanghuali treasure inlaid box antique at the auction contained an authentic prescription for the beauty ointment."

After listening to Nangong Jing's introduction, everyone finally understood the origin of Ye Fan.

Unexpectedly, the original formula of the facial cream came from this person.

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