An Yan looked at the powder blowing in his face without any panic.

His original boxer immediately turned into his palm, and a gust of wind fanned the powder away.

Then he took out two knives from his pocket.

Maybe Ye Fan was dreaming They never thought that

An Yan was a master-level assassin.

Exposing his back to the assassin was no different from seeking death.

Moreover, he even thought of competing with a master assassin in speed, which was like a child and an adult. It's like running a race.

An Yan stared at the escaping Ye Fan with keen eyes.

Two flying knives chased him at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Ye Fan also felt something behind him.

The moment he turned his head, a knife was inserted into him. calf, and another knife was inserted into his left abdomen.

The severe pain made his body unable to adjust, and he fell to the ground.

Blood began to flow out of his calves and abdomen.

Ye Fan reluctantly sat up and when he raised his head,

An Yan was already standing in front of him.

He originally thought he could escape by stealing a trick, but An Yan turned out to be good at using hidden weapons.

Looking at the man with a fierce look in front of him, he showed fear for the first time in his life.

"An Yan, what do you want? You can't do anything to me. My master is Wenshan Medical Immortal, and his strength is a great master. If you kill me, he will avenge me."

Ye Fan knew that if he didn't do anything at this time, he would very likely die here today.

But An Yan was not affected by his words at all.

He took out the third flying knife from his pocket and stabbed it fiercely. He inserted it into his other leg, then turned it around hard in his thigh, and then quickly pulled it out.

There was a column of blood, and the shiny knife was stained blood red.

An Yan smiled. Said:"Ye Fan, you have been fighting with me for so long and you still don't understand? Is there any use in showing off in front of me? Does it work?"


The severe pain directly made Ye Fan scream, and the pain of mincing meat made him almost faint.

The knife was inserted into the main artery, and the blood flow could not stop at all.

Ye Fan thought about the past.

He came to Donghai Province like a king, but after meeting An Yan several times, he was sent to jail.

He had no use for his master's strength or miraculous medical skills.

I have always been beaten to death by An Yan.

These threats are of no use at all.

In the end, I am the one who suffers.

At this time, Ye Fan was a little annoyed about why he came to the East China Sea.

He no longer had the aura of a king. He was completely kneeling in front of An Yan like a loser.

"You, how can you let me go?"

Ye Fan asked in a sad tone, and

An Yan said lightly:"Go on, I still have one last last word to say."

At this moment, his eyes were cold, without a trace of emotion.

This firm tone pronounced his fate.

Although Ye Fan had infinite unwillingness and full of anger in his eyes,

An Yan did not waver in the slightest.

Cutting the grass and rooting out this was It is inevitable that if the winner today is Ye Fan, he will also make the same choice.

Ye Fan looked at him with endless sorrow.

He knew that he really had no way to survive this time, and he said angrily with blood in his mouth. :"An Yan, I fuck your uncle."

An Yan smiled faintly, and the knife in his hand slashed across his throat at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

At first, no scars could be found.

The knife was too fast, and the flesh was not even noticed that it had been cut.

A trace of blood slowly appeared. , then the wound expanded and blood flowed out like a stream.

Ye Fan covered his neck and tried to slow down the speed of the blood spurting out, but it didn't help. The blood still flowed out in large amounts. The originally pale face slowly turned into a waxy yellow, and the struggling The amplitude became smaller and smaller, and it slowly lost its vitality.

An Yan said calmly:"Just bury it."

After saying that, he returned to the car without a drop of blood in the whole process.

Seeing his master leave, his men came over to wash the floor one by one.

These people originally thought that there was going to be a fight today, but how did they know that An Yan was called They came here just to sweep the floor.

In this way, Ye Fan completely disappeared from everyone's sight, and

An Yan gained a huge amount of points. Ding

, the host successfully killed the son of luck and obtained villain points: 8000 points.

: An Yan

Identity: Destiny villain;

Skills: Swordsmanship [Grandmaster], Assassin [Grandmaster], advanced martial arts skills [Xiantian]; Intermediate Tang Sect Poison Technique

Luck value: 300;

Villain points: 10050 points; originally it was only 50 The extra 2,000 villain points were obtained by cheating Nangong Jing for 300 billion.

Because they didn’t need them at the time, they just put them there.

Now after eliminating Ye Fan, all the opponent’s luck points are taken away at once. I took it over and got 8,000 points, which suddenly exceeded 10,000 points.

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