With over 10,000 points,

An Yan could upgrade a skill to the [Grand Master] level.

Considering that there had been an assassination attempt by an assassin before,

An Yan did not hesitate and simply said that [Assassin] could be upgraded to the [Grand Master] level. , he felt that his physique had made another qualitative leap, and even his eyesight had been greatly improved.

The vehicles that were originally driving quickly became extremely slow in his eyes.

His ability to catch things may have been enhanced by more than ten times, and even mosquitoes flying in front of his eyes were in slow motion.

This kind of enhancement, which was like a superpower, made An Yan feel extremely happy.

Now even if the Hidden Sect's team of heaven-level killers came over, he didn't have to worry.

Open the personal attribute panel again.

Host: An Yan.

Identity: Destiny villain;

Skills: Swordsmanship [Grandmaster], Assassin [Grandmaster], advanced martial arts skills [Innate]; Intermediate Tang Sect Poison Skills

Luck value: 300;

Villain points: 50 point.

An Yan looked at this strength panel and nodded with great satisfaction, then returned to the villa.

The next day, Nangong Jing woke up from his sleep.

He felt extremely refreshed today.

The joy last night made him extremely comfortable.

The first time after getting up, he came to the room guarded by eight followers.

There was an extremely important safe in this room, and his formula was placed in the cabinet.

Although he ran out to wander around last night, the eight followers did not go out.

They accepted Nangong Jing's order and were still here to guard the safe.

Nangong Jing felt at ease when he saw that eight people were here and the password box was intact.

After Nangong Jingping retreated a few people, he opened the safe and took out the formula.

He said to the door:"You go and ask Doctor Ye to come over.

We will go to Luo's house together later.

We need to launch this perfect version of the beauty cream as soon as possible.

" He saw a reply at the door:"Yes, young master.

" Nangong Jing waited in the room happily, and then kept browsing the news on the Internet on his mobile phone.

Many of them mentioned him, such as the Star of the East China Sea, the rising rookie, another overlord of the East China Sea Province, etc.

It can be said that countless auras have added to his body, making him feel like a protagonist.

After a while, the subordinate who went to find Ye Fan hurried back, and then knocked on the door fiercely outside.

Nangong Jing's originally good mood was made extremely irritable by the knocking on the door.

He opened the door and without waiting for the entourage to speak, he scolded him head-on.

"What's the fuss about? What are you anxious about? How many times have I told you to stay calm in times of trouble? We are the future overlords of Donghai Province."

The attendant was so embarrassed by Nangong Jing's scolding that he couldn't help but lower his head and said weakly:"I'm sorry, young master, because the thing happened suddenly, I was nervous and reckless."

Nangong Jing looked at him with extremely disdainful eyes and shook his head gently.

"Hey, it's really useless. I feel rushed at the slightest thing. What's sudden? Nothing is a big deal to us now"

"Tell me, what's the matter? Didn't I ask you to ask Doctor Ye? Hasn't he gotten up yet?"

Nangong Jing noticed that Ye Fan didn't follow him, so he intuitively thought that Ye Fan hadn't woken up yet.

After all, everyone played crazy last night.

Follower:"Young Master, I was about to report this matter to you, but Divine Doctor Ye was not here. room."

Nangong Jing frowned.

"What's the meaning? Not in the room? Out?

Attendant:"No, I just went to the lobby and asked. The manager in the lobby said that Dr. Ye had checked out last night.""

Last night? Check out and leave?

Just these words made Nangong Jing feel like he was struck by lightning.

What the hell is this?

How can you just check out and leave?

Last night, he said in the bar that he wanted to do this together. We want to make this company bigger and stronger and create greater glory, but someone left this company before it even started?

Nangong Jing quickly asked:"Did the front desk say why he left?

The attendant shook his head and said,"No." I looked at their surveillance records and found that Dr. Ye left with his luggage, and he left a little hastily."

Because Nangong Jing and the others had booked the presidential suite, so when they heard that the entourage was looking for someone, the hotel manager was still very cooperative with their work. After all, they couldn't afford to offend such a distinguished guest. Nangong Jing subconsciously felt that something was wrong. , he immediately opened his mobile phone to see if Ye Fan had left any message for him before leaving. Opened WeChat , no.


It was as if this man had disappeared from the world, and he didn't even pay attention to any of his last words.

Nangong Jing immediately called Ye Fan.

He had a strong bad feeling in his heart.

When the call went through, a beautiful woman's voice came over there.

"Hello, the phone you said you dialed has been turned off."

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