Nangong Jing almost wanted to smash the phone in his hand.

The hand holding the phone was already covered with veins.

He didn't know why he was so upset.

He subconsciously sensed something was wrong.

The next moment, he immediately took out the formula in his pocket, and then his pupils began to tremble and his heart was beating wildly, no way! No way! help me! help me!

There won't be any problem with this recipe.


No, that would cost lives!

This is a 660 million formula.

If the problem is solved, people will die.

Nangong Jing was a little nervous.

He thought that when Ye Fan looked at this prescription yesterday, his expression was weird, and as a He is a miracle doctor, but it takes him a long time to read a formula.

The most fearful thing about this is thinking about it afterwards. The more you think about it, the more scared you will become.

Nangong Jing really has some doubts about the authenticity of this formula. Now that Ye Fan is gone, he can't verify the authenticity of this formula.

He can only go to Luo's house to find a professional to confirm.

After thinking clearly, he took out a portable lockbox that he had bought in advance, put the 660 billion formula in it, locked the password, and went downstairs with his entourage.

But something unexpected happened again.

Now there are dozens of reporters standing in the lobby, belonging to 20 or 30 TV stations and more than a dozen self-media.

They came to interview this rising star of the East China Sea.

Seeing Nangong Jing coming out with eight followers, these reporters immediately swarmed over him.

The eight followers quickly formed a human wall, blocking him in front of him to prevent anyone from misbehaving with the young master and letting the young master make any mistakes.

But even so, it did not resist the enthusiasm of the reporters at all.

Many reporters handed over the microphones and began to ask questions.

"Young Master Nangong, may I ask how you feel now?"

"I want to know how you feel as a rising star in the East China Sea?"

"Some people say that you and Mr. An Yanan are the two prides of the East China Sea. Do you feel any pressure?"

"I want to ask if the authentic beauty cream is so magical?"

"Are you confident that you can defeat An Jia and become the new Young Master of the East China Sea?"

"How was this anti-security alliance established? How did you get together this group of big guys?"

"I want to know what your next plans are. Are you afraid that Anjia will target you?"

"Will the Nangong family send more people to the East China Sea and establish a branch in the East China Sea?"


Seeing these media reporters gathering in a swarm, chattering non-stop with the flash lights behind them flashing,

Nangong Jing was dumbfounded.

This was the first time in his life that he encountered such a situation, and he felt a little dazed and drifting.

Although he was a little confused,

Nangong Jing was always concerned about the authenticity of the formula in the suitcase.

He was actually not in the mood to accept these reporters' questions now because he was anxious to find an expert to verify the authenticity. At the same time, Nangong Jing was also a little scared.

He left here immediately and refused to be interviewed by reporters.

Will that make them suspect that there is something wrong with the formula?

Once such suspicions arise in the media and are put online, the credibility of the Nangong family will be greatly damaged, which is not what he wants to see.

In fact, Nangong Jing was overthinking it.

Even if he left the reporter immediately, he wouldn't think too much about it, because they had encountered too many things like refusing to be interviewed.

At the same time, he was actually a little reluctant to give up this rare opportunity for exposure, which was also an opportunity to ridicule and attack An Yan.

After thinking for a while, he decided to accept the interview first.

It was just a matter of a few questions anyway, so delaying for a few minutes was not a big problem.

So he answered many reporters’ questions one by one.

"In the future, the Nangong family will definitely send more people to Donghai Province."

"I think An Yan is just a person with a relatively good background, but his business level is far different from mine."

"The main reason for the Anti-Security Alliance was that An Yan was too unkind in what he did, so everyone came together with the same goals."

"We are not worried about attacks from Anjia at all, because our products are the best and we will fully occupy Anjia's market in the near future. If Anjia has any tricks against us, just come over."

"Another important point is that the double pride is only for now. In the near future, I will replace An Yan and become the only genius in the East China Sea."

"Our facial cream is currently being tested confidentially, but the latest news will be released soon. I hope everyone is looking forward to it."

"Okay, that’s it for today’s interview. I still have things to do. I’ll find an opportunity to have a chat with you in the future."

After that, he showed a perfect smile to the camera, and then left the venue under the protection of his entourage.

During this period, he did not forget to ask the entourage next to him,

"Wasn't I handsome just now?"

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