Behind a big tree not far away.

Ren You looked at the tragic scene on the battlefield, poured a bottle of mana potion into his mouth, and smiled with a hint of success.

Before, he still felt a little bit reluctant.

Thinking of luring the BOSS for no reason and killing players who had no grudges against him, this logic obviously didn't make sense.

Unexpectedly, when he just arrived here, these people took the lead in attacking him, and seeing the criminal compass in their hands...

Haha, then there is no psychological burden.


The sudden appearance of the Steel Armored Angry Bear and the chaos it caused soon attracted the attention of players leveling up in other areas of Jingtieshiling.

They came from all directions to find out what was going on.

"Oh shit, what a big bear!"

"Why did so many people die?"

"What kind of monster is that bear? How did it appear in Jingtie Shiling?"

"Wait! This is actually a level 35 gold BOSS, with a health of up to 2 million and a dual resistance of more than 500!"

The players who came from the leveling area saw this scene and talked about it, their eyes full of surprise and greed.

The gold BOSS represents extremely high experience and rich drops!

Even if the level of this BOSS is far higher than theirs, it cannot stop their desire for wealth.

As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food!

At the moment, this group of bounty hunters have no time to explain too much. Some of them are busy treating the wounded, while others are staring at the steel armored angry bear vigilantly, fearing that it will attack again.

However, good news doesn't go out, but bad news travels a thousand miles.

Not long after, a passerby player directly sent the situation here to the regional channel, and the news quickly spread.

"A wild golden BOSS appeared in Jingtie Shiling, the coordinates are XXX, XXX, come and watch the show!"

"Wild golden boss? Are you kidding me!"

"Yes! It's a level 35 gold BOSS. Are you bullying me because I haven't been to Jingtieshiling? There are only level 15-20 monsters there!"

"The dog lied to you! Come on, the boss is resting!"


If the game"Shenlin" didn't have the function of recording and taking photos, the regional channel would have exploded if the photos were uploaded!

But even so, the term"Golden BOSS" still caused a big stir in the regional channel.

The reason was that too many players were reporting the same coordinates and saying the same words similar to Golden BOSS.

Some people who were close to the place, half-believing and half-believing, came here according to the coordinates they gave, and confirmed the matter.……

"Holy shit! Is this really the golden boss?!"

"xdm, it’s real! BOSS! It’s the real BOSS!"


For the players, this is tantamount to a strong stimulant.

This is the first time that a golden BOSS has appeared!

This makes countless players excited and rush to it.

Soon, the news spread among the players like wildfire.

Elite players from various guilds began to gather from all directions.

When the news of this golden BOSS was confirmed by more and more people, not only the Zhoucheng channel in the game exploded, but even the official website forum in reality was instantly ignited by this news.

Countless players are eager to try.

They want to try their skills on this golden BOSS, and even more for those tempting rewards.

At the same time, the game officials are not idle either.

In just a few minutes, a new game announcement popped up on the game interface:


【Game Announcement】:

"East Imperial City, Zhoucheng area, Jingtieshiling, coordinates (XXX, XXX), the main city BOSS appears’——Steel Armored Angry Bear!

This BOSS has strong defense and extremely high attack power. It takes many players to join forces to defeat it.

Players who participate in killing the BOSS can not only gain rich experience points and reputation points in the region. (Distribution according to work)

There is also a chance to obtain rare items dropped by the golden armored beast. (Free distribution)

These items include but are not limited to: golden weapons and equipment, precious materials, and unique mounts and pet eggs!

Come and join this exciting battle and show your courage and wisdom!



This announcement undoubtedly added fuel to the upcoming battle.

Soon, the first batch of players arrived at the battlefield.

Elite teams from major guilds also began to arrive, bringing powerful firepower and strict tactical arrangements.

Some well-known guilds, such as the"War God Temple""、"The Tianxiahui and other organizations even organized large-scale teams from other main city areas.

In just half an hour, the originally empty Jingtieshiling had gathered tens of thousands of players.

As the number of people continued to increase, the originally spacious leveling ground became crowded.

The forked branches of the big tree where Ren You had been hiding were already crowded with players who were watching. It was really crowded!

It was very lively!

"Tsk, they are full of energy. These players are really not afraid of death.……"

"The BOSS has more than 2 million HP and more than 500 dual resistances. How many of these players can break through the defense?"

Ren You smacked his lips, activated the time stop, and quickly moved away from here.

But he didn't go too far.

As we all know, when the number of people reaches a certain level, it will lead to qualitative changes!

Although the steel armor angry bear has high dual resistance, its high dual resistance mostly comes from its fur that is like steel needles.

However, under the siege of these ten thousand players, its defense will gradually weaken...

In short, as long as these players can work together, then this level 35 gold BOSS will definitely die!


Ren You stared at the battlefield, suddenly sighed, and murmured:

"I don't know how many people I'm going to offend this time.……"

"I guess there will be some high-level players among the bounty hunters who will hunt me down in the future, right?"

Yes, he was going to grab the BOSS!

After all, this was a golden BOSS, and Ren You naturally couldn't just watch others kill him and take away the spoils!

Grab! Must grab!!


There were many people who had the same idea as him.

Many powerful guilds and teams wanted to make a move at the last moment, with the least casualties, to take down the BOSS and kill it, and get the final reward.

Therefore, although there were more than 10,000 people on the entire battlefield, no one dared to take the lead.

This is human nature.

Most people are watching and waiting, all thinking about getting the final benefit!

……This atmosphere of waiting and watching did not last long.

With the encouragement and calls of some players, the atmosphere on the battlefield gradually became heated.

"Don’t wait any longer, let’s go together and kill the BOSS first!"

"That’s right! After all, rewards are distributed according to work. Whoever works harder gets more!"

"With so many players, the final kill of the BOSS depends entirely on luck!"

"In addition, especially those people from the big guilds, don't we know that you are calculating against each other? You just want to use individual players like us as cannon fodder, and then you can reap the benefits?"

"Tsk, is this how a big guild behaves? How disgusting!"

"Yes! Disgusting!"


Being insulted in front of thousands of people, the leaders of the big guilds were also a little uncomfortable.

If a guild wants to survive in the game world, strength is important, and reputation is also important!

Soon, the leaders of several big guilds such as the Temple of War God and Tianxiahui stood up.

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to us!"

"We in the Temple of War God have no intention of sitting back and reaping the benefits. We are willing to fight side by side with everyone and kill the BOSS!"

"Yes, we in the Tianxiahui too!"


Then, the leaders of these large guilds began to organize their guild members and prepare to launch an attack.

Seeing this, other individual players also began to respond. They either formed teams spontaneously or joined the teams of those large guilds.

For a time, the entire battlefield was crowded with people, and the lights of various weapons and skills flashed. The atmosphere was tense and heated.

As the major guilds and teams were ready... the battle was about to begin!

At this time, Ren You was hiding on a hillside in the distance.

He held a piece of wild grass that he had pulled from somewhere in his hand, put it in his mouth, and stared at the battlefield in the distance.

"Wow, the fight finally started?"


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