At this time, the Steel Armored

Angry Bear also felt the hostility and noise around him and began to become restless.


It let out a low roar.

It seemed to warn these ants not to act rashly.

However, the players on the battlefield were not intimidated by the roar of the Steel Armored Angry Bear. Instead, they became more determined to kill the BOSS.

After a short period of preparation and adjustment, the battle finally started!

The first to launch the attack were the ranged players.

They used bows, arrows, spells and other ranged attack methods to bombard the Steel Armored Angry Bear fiercely. The dense rain of arrows and spell lights drew bright arcs in the air, and then slammed heavily on the Steel Armored Angry Bear.

Although these attacks were just a tickle for the Steel Armored Angry Bear's high dual resistance, they also successfully aroused its anger.


The steel-armored angry bear let out a roar that shook the earth, and then rushed towards the ranged players.

However, just as it was about to rush into the crowd.

A group of summoner players suddenly collectively summoned a large number of summons, forming a solid wall of summons, blocking the way of the steel-armored angry bear.

Although these summons have low attack power, they are numerous and can delay the action of the steel-armored angry bear.

At the same time, another group of ranged players began to release control skills, trying to control the steel-armored angry bear to death on the spot.

Freezing, stun, slowing down... Various control skills emerged in an endless stream, making the action of the steel-armored angry bear extremely difficult.

In this situation, melee players also began to stir.

Now is their time to play!

However, due to the large number of people on the battlefield and the fact that they were not in a team state, when a large number of melee players attacked, the magic system and other ranged players in the back were afraid of accidental injuries and had to stop attacking.

In this way, the only ones who could cause damage to the BOSS were the elite players of the big guilds.

They were well-equipped, highly skilled, and many of them were rare professions.

Under their leadership, the melee players began to attack the Steel Armored Angry Bear in an orderly manner.

Between the flashes of swords and the shadows of sabers... blood flowers began to bloom on the Steel Armored Angry Bear's body.

However, even so, its vitality was still astonishingly tenacious.


On the hillside.

Ren You looked at the friend list in his field of vision and found that it was a group chat of"Yahou Stormtroopers (6 people)".

Anyway, he had nothing to do now.

He clicked in and saw

【Blue Moon】:"Brothers, a main city BOSS has appeared in the Zhoucheng area. Are you interested in joining us to take down a boss?!

【Rich Kneeling】:"The risk is very high, brother. It’s a level 35 gold BOSS. With our strength, there is a 90% chance that we will never come back!"

【Damn】;"If you are afraid of hair, you are finished!"

【Dezi】:"Does Brother You know about this? I'll send a private message to Brother You. If he's here, I'll have some confidence.……"

【Milk explosion】:"That makes sense. Let's send a private message to Brother You first."

【Visitors】:"Don't send me a private message. I know about this. I was the one who led the golden boss to Jingtieshiling."

【Five people】:"……"

【Five people】:"?! Holy crap!!"

【Dezi】:"Well, this is indeed something that Brother You can do.……"

【Four people】:"……"

【Visitors】:"If you want to go, go ahead. Melee players can go and watch the show, while ranged players can just use their skills to deal some damage and wait for the experience points to be calculated. Don't join in the fun at close range.……"

After that,

Ren You closed the group chat box and looked at the steel armored angry bear on the battlefield below.

In fact, the real culprit who brought out this BOSS was the summoner player named"Zhao Yanming".

His real name in real life also happens to be Zhao Yanming.

A player who uses the real name system to surf the Internet.

After a brief contemplation, Ren You seemed to have figured out the real motive of Zhao Yanming to provoke this golden BOSS...

Perhaps, this is related to his legendary talent.

For most summoners, the summoned beasts they summon are usually limited by the driving of professional skills.

Only after the player reaches level 30 can he obtain the skills of the monster that is not higher than his own level by 10 levels.

However, such skills are still subject to many restrictions.

But Ren You has dealt with him several times and knows a little information. Zhao

Yanming is a rare summoner profession, and he can freely contract monsters before level 30!

He also has a legendary talent that can ignore the level and title of the monster. No matter how many levels the monster is, he has a very small probability of successfully contracting with it!

"Well, I can make friends with this person. He might be able to help me a lot in the future.……"

Ren You murmured


Just when Ren You was daydreaming on the hillside

, a brutal battlefield was actually taking place below the hillside, with thousands of players' brains blown out!


The steel-armored giant bear roared, showing its dominance and wildness.

After a fierce battle with the ants-like players in front of it, it looked a little embarrassed, and angrily pounded the ground with its arms.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With each heavy blow, the ground trembled.

Three shock waves spread out, shocking the players within 50 meters to death!

The shock wave was as ruthless as the scythe of the god of death, and it swept away all the players within 50 meters of the steel-armored giant bear.

In a moment, the bodies of hundreds of players turned into white light and dissipated.

And those players within a range of 100 meters were also stunned by the shock wave for three seconds!

"Holy shit! The boss is using an AOE skill!"

"Mage, quickly control it!!"

"The nurse should pay attention to replenishing blood, and the melee combat should retreat first!"


On the battlefield, various exclamations and reminders came one after another.

Sure enough, after the steel armored angry bear made this attack, it became even more violent.

It waved its huge bear paw and attacked the surrounding players crazily. With one bear paw, players below level 15, with no physical fitness and garbage equipment, would die!

In less than ten minutes, the battle entered a white-hot stage.

The entire battlefield became extremely tragic.

Although during this period, the level 35 gold BOSS only broke a little skin and lost less than 100,000 blood points, the players suffered heavy casualties.

But the news of the"main city BOSS" has spread, and now countless players are rushing here!

Everyone knows...

As long as they can hold on and wait for more players to join the battle, it will only be a matter of time to kill this BOSS!

At the same time, powerful guilds and teams also began to show their strength and cooperation.

They used superb tactics and tacit cooperation to continuously cause effective damage to the steel armored angry bear.

The fur on the steel armored giant bear's body has been damaged, and its dual resistance has declined from 544 to 320.

This is just like when the durability of the player's equipment runs out...

Although the dual resistance and health are still terrible, they are no longer so untouchable.

As time goes by, more and more players join the battle.

They may be individual players fighting alone, or they may be small-scale player teams.

Under the siege of tens of thousands of players.

Five hours later, the health of the steel armored angry bear dropped from 2 million to 500,000!

The dual resistance has returned to zero!

It can be seen that when the number reaches a certain level, players with an average of less than level 20 can also kill the level 35 gold BOSS!

After all, this is in the wild, not in a dungeon... and this BOSS rushed all the way from the high-level monster refresh area to the low-level area, just falling under the siege of the players.

There is no such good thing in daily life!

"Brothers, victory is in sight!!"

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

At this time, the players have lost at least several thousand players, or even more...

After all, there are too many players coming in waves, and the battlefield environment is complicated, so it is impossible to estimate the exact number.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

Suddenly, something strange happened!

Along with roars, the blood-soaked steel-armored angry bear burst into dazzling light.

Then, its body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Holy shit! The boss is recovering! Both resistances are also recovering!"

"This is its ultimate move, ignore interruptions, hurry up!"

""Don't let it recover!"

Many players exclaimed on the battlefield.

They increased their output and tried to interrupt the recovery process of the Steel Armored Angry Bear.

However, the recovery ability of this golden BOSS seemed to be extremely strong.

Although the players tried their best to attack.

But its health was still steadily recovering, but fortunately, the attack could suppress the BOSS's dual resistance recovery.

"This is not a solution!"

"We must find a way to stop it from recovering health!"

The players anxiously discussed countermeasures. If the Steel Armored Angry Bear is allowed to fully recover, then all previous efforts will be in vain!

On the hillside.

Seeing this scene, Ren You's eyes flashed with a gleam of light:

"The time has come!"

He stood up, drew out the long and short swords from his waist, and quickly rushed to the battlefield.


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