"Back off!" I have to say that the skill of Plague Hate still put a lot of pressure on Chen Fei! Just make him dare not take the risk and continue charging! At the same time, use the potion first on your senior wizard, then switch to recovery and use it on the musketeer.

When the others heard Chen Fei's command, they naturally retreated quickly! However, as a result, the empty space that was finally cleared was filled again by skeletons, and it seemed that it was impossible to move forward!

"Xiao Fei, this won't work! There's no way we can break through!" Corn also saw the current situation clearly. The combat effectiveness of Plague Abomination is too strong. Just one skill is enough to make several people afraid to move forward! And if you want to kill the plague abomination and then go back, it is not a good choice at all for the current situation!

Chen Fei also frowned. Regarding Plague Abomination, not being able to see its skills is quite a headache, which means that Chen Fei cannot effectively deal with it. Just like the poisonous liquid just now, if Chen Fei knew it in advance, he could consciously control the distance between him and his hatred.

However, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that although Plague Abomination did not pursue everyone, it released another skill!

I saw the Plague Abomination opening its ferocious mouth, as if burping, and spitting out a large stream of dark green gas! And it spread quickly! Soon it affected the knights in front!

Toxic gas, causing 30 points of damage per second, lasting for 30 seconds.

This prompt surprised Chen Fei! This poisonous gas is even more terrifying than the previous skill damage! One set can do a total of 900 damage! Moreover, what is even more surprising is the range that the poisonous gas affects - half of the screen! This must be at least 1,500 yards!

Something! Without this abomination of plague, it would be difficult to get over it! Why, this plague abomination is quite perverted! There's no way to play!

Chen Fei couldn't help but cursed in his heart! However, there was no delay in the operation at hand, and he continued to make his units retreat. At the same time, the priest's dispersal was launched against the knight - the priest could dispel poisonous gas.

However, while Chen Fei was operating here, Jaina over there unexpectedly made a new move! I saw her teleporting not far away from Chen Fei and others. Then, the sapphire staff in his hand radiated light again!

snowstorm! Start again!

Jaina's skills still cause explosive damage! As soon as the snow fell, large swaths of skulls appeared on top of their heads, dealing -300 damage! Such horrific damage, just five seconds is enough to clear out the entire area of ​​skeletons!

However, although Jaina's skills are very strong, Blizzard is a skill that requires continuous casting anyway! As for the skeletons, there is also a guy sitting in charge, the Bone Poison Mage Erniu!

Watching Jaina launch the blizzard, Erniu also raised his bone staff, and a black energy ring immediately appeared around Jaina! Looking at the color, Chen Fei knew that this skill was definitely extraordinary without having to guess!

Jaina also reacted quickly to this skill and launched a teleportation! The figure disappeared from the spot, avoiding Erniu's skills! But in this case, the blizzard was forced to stop! Lasts only three rounds.

Jaina: Damn you guy! You will never let this land get your hands on it! Come out! Ice element!

After dodging Erniu's skills, Jaina followed up by summoning the ice element! Chen Fei has seen the combat power of ice elements before! Facing the skeletons, it's just a matter of chopping up melons and vegetables! Kill a skeleton in just a few seconds!

With the addition of the ice element, Fire Bone's output ability was immediately greatly affected! I have to sigh with emotion at how powerful Gianna is!

However, Erniu is not an easy guy to deal with! First, he waved his bone staff horizontally, directing the Plague Abomination to fight against the ice element! Then the summons was launched! Hellfire falls from the sky! Caught in the melee!

Originally, the hellfire and ice elements were evenly matched! And Plague Abomination is even more powerful than Ice Elemental! Two or three ice elements surrounded the Plague Abomination. However, the attack that originally hit the skeleton with one hit of blood was completely useless against the Plague Abomination! One punch passed, not even 300 damage! Instead, a green liquid halo appeared around Plague Abomination, and the blood tank of the ice element dropped one by one!

This time, the battle is even more chaotic!

However, the battle on Alsace's side is also fierce! He directly faced Sword Saint Lant! Two figures who can both be called leaders are directly fighting in close combat! I saw the big knife and the big hammer falling on each other! With every attack, you can see the blood tank on their heads drop by a few percentage points!

but! Arthas is a paladin! When his blood tank dropped by 100%, he raised the hammer and unleashed the Holy Light on himself! Immediately it was full of blood again!

But what people didn't expect was that Lant also activated the recovery skill, Medical Wave! I saw the yellow energy beam spreading out from Lant's body, and also replenishing the health of the orc units around him!

The two of them seemed to be evenly matched!

wrong! This situation is not right! I must be missing something!

Seeing the four heroic units taking action one after another, Chen Fei vaguely realized something at this time!

Looking back at the time when we were dealing with the wolf-riding commander, Arthas could only be regarded as a soy sauce, leading his troops to intercept some orc units. But the situation in front of me is not like that at all! The four hero units actually participated in the battle! And each of them is quite powerful in combat! This is completely inconsistent with the normal copy routine!

The so-called copy, it should be the player who plays the leading role! The final BOSS should be dealt with by the players!

But look at the current situation, not to mention Arthas and Rant, just look at Jaina and Erniu. The strength shown by the two of them is completely capable of swaying the situation of the battle! This does not conform to the normal copy routine at all!

Wait a moment! Mission tips!

Suddenly, Chen Fei thought of a key point! Immediately, he quickly opened the task bar and his eyes instantly fell on the task prompt: Help Jaina eliminate the undead and stop Arthas.

Looking at the first sentence of the mission prompt, Chen Fei still frowned. At the same time, he kept sorting and analyzing the situation at hand in his mind: the existence of the energy gate, there are infinite skeletons; the summoning skills of Jaina and Erniu, It is also equivalent to unlimited; on the Orc side, there are still follow-up troops to supplement; as for the Human race, there happens to be another small team coming to support behind! In this battle, it seems that all three parties have endless follow-up support!

"Xiao Fei, there are simply too many skeletons! Can't you just find a BOSS and kill them?" Sun Zhenzi's voice rang out. And it was his complaint that made Chen Fei suddenly wake up!

. . . I do not know how to describe. . . It seems like I really don’t know how to write. .

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