At this time, Chen Fei finally figured out the core of the mission! Whether it's a skeleton, an energy gate, or an orc unit, these actually don't matter at all! The most important things in front of you are only those four heroic units! The so-called eradication of the undead or orcs is nothing more than killing the two heroic units of Erniu and Lant!

Just imagine, without Erniu's skeleton sea, Jaina can deal with it alone! There is no need for players to take action! From the very beginning, Chen Fei's thinking was already wrong!

But what to do?

To be honest, after returning from time travel, Chen Fei felt that his understanding of World of Warcraft was almost the same as when he first came into contact with it. Too many things he came into contact with were completely different from the memories in his mind! Even the current situation was the first time he encountered it!

At this point, Chen Fei's experience in his previous life has helped him very well. The more you don't know what you want to do, the more you have to sort out everything in front of you, and then find what you can do from it!

Now, Chen Fei has made it clear that his main targets are Erniu and Alsace. So, how to deal with these two problems? Which one to fight first?

Regarding the latter issue, Chen Fei was relatively clear, and he still prioritized killing Erniu. However, there are still other things that he needs to consider, such as: Enyu is a mage, and it is not easy to get close! Moreover, if Arthas is stopped first, will Lant help Jaina? Assuming that Lant will help Jaina deal with Erniu, then you can consider stopping Arthas first.

However, Chen Fei considered the opposite situation. Considering that Lant would attack Jaina, Erniu still had to take priority. So, how to deal with Erniu next?

Move the mouse around the screen, and the battle between Arthas and Lant continues! The blood volume of the two people is still above 80%. Every attack given to the opponent can reduce the opponent's damage by several percentage points.

However, this is not what Chen Fei is concerned about. His eyes were locked on the ordinary units beside the two of them. Among them, a beast soldier approached Alsace and greeted him with an axe. While looking at Alsace, Chen Fei carefully stared at his blood tank - this axe only completed a hundred rounds for Alsace. 0.01 points of damage!

A musket on the other side also launched an attack on Lant, but the damage was only 0.01%!

"Ying Fei, you launch a round of attacks on Arthas!" Chen Fei spoke into the headset, but his words made everyone stunned: Didn't Arthas always have to protect him? Why did you suddenly attack him? Moreover, isn't he in the same camp as the player? How could it be attacked by players?

However, after reacting, Ying Fei moved the mouse towards Alsace, and surprisingly discovered that it was actually a red color that could be attacked! This made everyone else dumbfounded!

However, since he was able to attack, Ying Fei immediately carried out Chen Fei's instructions. But what surprised him was that when his hundreds of attacks hit Alsace, there was no reminder of the damage value! On the contrary, the percentage of the blood tank only dropped by 0.01!

"Ying Fei, let the fire element attack too!" Chen Fei spoke again, and Ying Fei followed suit, but the damage caused to Alsace was also 0.01%!

Here, Chen Fei understood the system's design for the four heroic units: the four can only be effectively damaged by other heroes who are also heroes. No matter how many other units attack, the total damage is 0.01!

So, to put it another way, the player here plays a supporting role! Help your heroes to kill the enemy's heroes!

However, Chen Fei had a headache when he looked at Erniu who had already exchanged several skills with Jaina over there.

As a long-range unit, Erniu is not in a position of support, and there are still many skeletons around him! It's quite difficult to get close to him! Moreover, the casting distance of his skills is much higher than that of players! A dark spear was thrown directly from a distance of two thousand yards! But it was blocked by an ice shield from Jaina! Follow Jaina with an Ice Cone spell as a counterattack! Similarly, the casting distance is also two thousand yards! But Erniu was not protected by an ice shield. When the ice pick hit him, he immediately lost 500% of his health!

"Yitian, did you discover something?" Ying Fei said. He did not think that Chen Fei would ask him to attack Alsace for no reason. Moreover, being able to attack Arthas made everyone feel that something was wrong.

In response, Chen Fei immediately told everyone his discovery.

"Your explanation is completely reasonable. I'm afraid the system is really set up like this. But, how to do it?" Zheng Wen agreed with Chen Fei's guess. But similarly, he didn't understand what to do.

However, Sun Zhenzi spoke once. "Xiao Fei, weren't you all very good at interrupting monster skills before? Just interrupt Ernu's skills so that he can only be beaten by Jaina?"

Sun Zhenzi's words made Chen Fei suddenly wake up! Indeed, the system is set up so that four heroes can complete effective attacks against each other, so as long as one hero is interfered with, his opponent can cause more damage to him!

In an instant, Chen Fei's mind started spinning again, and he soon had a general combat idea!

"Shen Feng, follow Jaina and use the Holy Light if she has it. Everyone else continues to destroy the skeletons. In addition, Xia Lan, you rest Arthas. If possible, free up a priest to provide him with supplies." Chen Fei is not sure how effective the player's treatment will be on the hero, but even a little recovery is necessary! As for Jaina, in his words, he has already stated the next distribution - Jaina and Erniu will be resolved by himself!

"No! Xiaofei, you have to do it alone!" After hearing Chen Fei's assignment, Lin Rong was the first to express surprise! I didn't expect Chen Fei to arrange it like this!

However, Chen Fei's arrangement was a very correct approach: to interrupt Erniu's attacks and skills, it is not enough to have more people. On the contrary, as long as there are enough interrupting skills. Among everyone, Chen Fei has the most skills! By himself, he can use fireball, big fireball, tornado, ground stab, flame meteorite, including Shi Qiang and ground fire. As long as he chooses the release position, he can also have an interrupting effect! The number of skills is no less than that of others!

"Don't worry! Now that we know how to deal with Ennu, it's time for us to show off!"

The real battle officially begins from here!

I hope this plot will be cleared up in the next few chapters. . . The idea was not good and it took a long time. . depressed.

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