Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 111 Assistance, disadvantage!

On the scene, Jaina and Ernie were still exchanging ice cones and black balls to attack. The two of them had never used recovery skills, and I don’t know if they didn’t have them. In terms of health, both of them had reached 800%. Around ten. According to this setting, it seems that the system has arranged equal strength for the two of them!

This setting obviously requires players to participate and assist! Therefore, Chen Fei quickly made his own reaction! Wizard, invisibility, activate on the hero!

There are still a lot of skeletons around Erniu! If you rush towards him clearly, there is basically no chance of getting close! Therefore, invisibility is a must! This is also the reason why Chen Fei plans to deal with Erniu alone!

Squeezing the skeleton, he quickly pulled his hero closer to Erniu. During this period, Jaina launched an ice blast at Erniu's feet. Not only did Erniu's blood tank drop by 6%, she also killed a dozen skeletons around him! But in turn, Erniu also tortured Jaina, reducing her blood volume by 200% per second for five seconds! In this way, Erniu's attack is more effective!

However, the area cleared by Jaina's Ice Explosion Technique made it easier for Chen Fei to get closer, and Erniu was finally included in the scope of his skills. Next, it was time for him to take action!

After the skill is activated, Jaina attacks Erniu with another ice pick. This is her normal. Each attack can knock out 200% of Erniu's health, which is considered very high; similarly, Erniu's attack It's also this damage, and his attack model is a black energy ball.

However, when Erniu was about to take action, Chen Fei decisively launched a fireball! But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that when the fireball spell hit Erniu, an invalid prompt popped up! And his blood volume only dropped by 0.01!

what happened! ? The fireball technique is actually ineffective?

This situation made Chen Fei stunned for a moment, but the skeleton next to him would not be dumbfounded because of this. After Chen Fei released his skills, the heroes immediately revealed themselves, and they immediately attacked Chen Fei! If he is surrounded, his hero will definitely die!

Chen Fei quickly pressed the shortcut key again, Fire Meteor, activated! The meteorite fell, and all the skeletons that rushed over were pushed back by the meteorite! Moreover, Erniu is also within the driving path of this meteorite!

At this time, Erniu just launched his attack, and then he was about to launch his next skill! And when he raised the bone staff to activate it, Chen Fei's flaming meteorite happened to be in front of him! No more accidents. Facing the meteorite, Ernuo cannot escape the fate of being pushed away! The skill that was about to be activated was interrupted! On the opposite side, Jaina activated another Ice Cone Technique, once again knocking off 60% of Erniu's life!

The meteorite pushed Erniu for a full two seconds! Jaina dealt with the Ice Cone technique and also used a basic attack, which suddenly gave her an 800% life advantage!

However, just an 80% advantage does not guarantee anything. Moreover, after the meteorite exploded, Ernuo immediately activated another skill! Suddenly, eight giant white bones suddenly appeared around Jaina, turning into a bone prison in an instant, trapping Jaina in it! Then, Erniu continued to activate his skills, and the bone staff in his hand turned into purple light, and a purple energy wave appeared under Jaina's feet - withered rose! Lose 100% of life every second!

The damage of this withered rose is even higher! Jaina's life is now less than 70% and can only last for seven seconds! And the bone prison obviously prevented Jaina from teleporting!

If this continues, Gianna will be in a very bad situation! However, Chen Fei would not just watch Jaina being dealt with by Erniu like this! With the previous fireball situation, Chen Fei did not use the hard control skill this time, but instead launched the stone wall at Erniu's feet!

A huge stone wall emerged from under Erniu's feet! He just pushed him aside! At the same time, his skills were also interrupted! On the other side, Jaina also counterattacked unceremoniously. Blizzard started!

The damage of this blizzard is worse than that of the Withering Rose, but it still has 6% damage in one round! Moreover, when the blizzard started, Chen Fei launched another skill at Erniu's feet, ground fire! Ennuo, who had just been pushed away, immediately sank under his feet and was trapped in the pit! Continue to bear the damage of the snowstorm!

However, Erniu appears as a heroic unit after all, and here, his strength has been specially strengthened by the system! Just a fire trapped in the ground is not enough to trap Erniu! The bone staff in Ernu's hand glowed green again, and he swung it out, and four huge bone shields immediately appeared around him! And with the appearance of the bone shield, the blizzard no longer hurt him! Then, when the Ernu bone staff was pointed at his feet, the pit caused by the fire in the ground actually recovered! Directly invalidate the terrain effect of trapped fire!

After coming out of the pit, Erniu continued to release the next skill! While Jaina was still releasing the blizzard, the previous black energy circle appeared around her again! And this time, there were restrictions from the bone prison, which prevented her from using teleportation. This skill directly hit Jaina!

The black energy circle quickly shrank and submerged into Jaina's body! The next moment, Jaina's blizzard was forced to end! Because, she was silenced! Moreover, the health value is decreasing at a rate of 200% per second!

The competition between the two mages can be said to be entirely a competition of skills! And now that Jaina is silenced, this will have a huge impact on the next situation! A basic attack can't do more than 200% damage, but a skill can do more than this damage! If there is a gap between the output capabilities of the two sides, Jaina will lose!

Seeing Jaina being silenced, Chen Fei was very anxious. It was obvious that nothing could happen to Jaina, otherwise the system would directly determine that their copy had failed! However, the skill of silence is of the same nature as taunting in the game! Cannot be exorcised or neutralized! You have to wait until the duration is over! What's even worse is that the Bone Prison still exists! This means that no matter what attack Ernu uses next, Jaina will have no room to dodge!

At this time of the battle, Erniu still has more than 60% life, while Jaina only has more than 50% life. If this continues, Jaina will end in failure!

What a headache! The system deliberately puts Jaina at a disadvantage! But, what should I do?

At this moment, Chen Fei really felt that his previous experience was not of much use at all...

Speaking of which, the protagonist's past life experience has never been used, so after the dungeon is completed, some arrangements in this regard will be made. . . Try Harder

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