Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 112 Reversal! Reversal again!

Erniu's skills continued. A Dark Spear plus a normal shot knocked away 100% of Jaina's life! At this point, Jaina's blood volume has dropped below 50%! On the other hand, Erniu is still in his early 60s! The gap between the two has been further widened!

Realizing that the situation was getting worse, Chen Fei quickly switched out the Holy Light Technique and launched it at Jaina. Unfortunately, the effect of the Holy Light Technique was not ideal and only restored 100% of Jaina's health. s life! This can't even resist one of Erniu's basic attacks! At the same time, the skeleton was already rushing towards Chen Feiyou again! Forcing him to retreat! Avoid being surrounded by them!

While retreating, Chen Fei finally launched the Ground Sting Technique. When he saw Erniu launching his skill, he interrupted his spell casting again! Right now, he must help Gianna buy time as much as possible!

However, not only was Jaina unable to cast spells, but her basic attack no longer selected Erniu, but instead attacked the bone prison! At this time, Chen Fei discovered that the bone prison actually had a blood tank! In other words, this bone prison is likely to be an eternal summon with no time limit!

What Chen Fei can accept a little bit is that Jaina's basic attack destroyed 25% of the bone prison's health in one attack, which means that four basic attacks can break through the bone prison. But the key point is that even if Erniu does not use any skills in these four basic attacks, and only uses basic attacks, the gap between the two will once again widen by 80%! Cumulatively, there was a full twenty percent gap at that time!

The situation is quite unfavorable for Chen Fei!

The hero retreated to Jaina's side. There was still ice element beside her, effectively blocking the skeleton's attack. However, Bone Prison still has a quarter of its health! And Jaina's life has dropped to 36%! Compared to Ernuo’s 64%, the gap is almost double!

"Shen Feng, come here first to help Gianna replenish supplies!" Chen Fei quickly called out to Shen Feng. Now, it would be good to help Gianna recover at all! At least, that’s a little more hopeful!

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Shen Feng immediately squeezed out of the melee, ran over to Jaina and activated Holy Light, restoring 100% of her health. At the same time, Jaina made her fourth basic attack, and the bone prison finally shattered under her attack! And the silence on her body still continues! The blood volume has dropped to 32%! Only half of Ernu’s!

The situation is becoming increasingly pessimistic!

But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that even worse things were yet to come! Erniu raised his hand and used another skill, Hell Fire Ball! Hitting Jaina, another five percent of her life was consumed! This has already dropped below 30%!

Erniu: Hahaha, humans, you are too weak! This continent should not belong to you! Soon, they will be conquered by us!

On the information bar, Erniu's monologue jumped out. This prompt was quite arrogant! But at the same time, the silence on Gianna is finally over! After being silent for such a long time, several of her skills have been cooling down for a long time! Immediately, another ice pick was thrown at Erniu! Knock out 50% of his health.

And just when the ice cone technique hit Erniu, Chen Fei suddenly thought of a skill that could reverse the situation at hand! Immediately, the wizard put the invisibility spell on the hero again, and then, the hero rushed towards Erniu without any pause! Now, he needs to fight to get close to Erniu before Jaina activates more skills! Only in this way can he help Jaina!

After the Ice Cone technique, Jaina followed up with another skill! Freezing technique! Not only did it cause another 50% damage to Erniu, but it also directly froze him in place! This is like a control skill! If Jaina had used this skill earlier, there might not have been such a huge disadvantage!

However, what worried Chen Fei was that after the freezing technique, the gemstone staff in Jaina's hand was raised high, and the blue light flashing on it became brighter and brighter! It seems like Jaina is also charging up a powerful skill!

This is a pretty good situation for Chen Fei! He now wishes Jaina could have some more powerful skills! Of course, the best time to release is after he is ready.

The freezing technique lasted for two seconds. This seemed like a short two seconds, but it also happened to be the end of Jaina's ultimate move! At the same time, Chen Fei also happened to bring Ernuo within his casting range!

The blue light on the gem staff suddenly spread out, and at the same moment, a large amount of ice and snow flew around Erniu! Then, the ice and snow turned into a huge ice and snow tornado in an instant, directly swallowing Erniu inside - a world of ice and snow. This is the ultimate move set by the system for Jaina, causing eight hundred percent damage per second. Lasts 4 seconds!

And just when the world of ice and snow was about to be generated, Chen Fei's skills happened to fall on Erniu! As his skill hit Erniu, Erniu's body became nothing in the next moment!

That's right, the skill Chen Fei used was the same skill he used on the fanatical ogre - Exile!

Seeing that the banishment took effect on Ernuo, Chen Fei was temporarily relieved. Exile has 1.5 times the added damage to skills. This is the only way he can think of to help Jaina right now! This is also the reason why he has to rush before Jaina releases her skills!

The damage in the first second of the ice and snow world was a full 12%! This is the highest damage I have seen so far! The damage in the second second was also 12%! By the third second, it dropped to 800%. Obviously, the banishment lasted only two seconds. This made Chen Fei feel very regretful - if the banishment could last four seconds, then the damage of Jaina's skill would be truly 148%! As long as you use a skill at random, you can kill Erniu directly!

However, the actual situation is already in front of us, and the total damage in the ice and snow world is already quite explosive! A full forty percent more! Gianna's disadvantage was reversed in an instant! Erniu's blood volume dropped to 110% in an instant!

At the same time, as soon as the world of ice and snow ended, Jaina launched another ice blast! Another 50% damage! Erniu's health is only down to the last 60%! At this time, Chen Fei was sure that Gianna could win!

However, accidents often come so suddenly! Especially when you think something is a sure thing, the moment of reversal is even more shocking!

With only 500% of his health left, Erniu quickly raised his bone staff. However, surprisingly, the target he pointed at this time was not Jaina, but the plague abomination he brought over! The next moment, the huge body of Plague Abomination glowed with a burst of red light! Perhaps in just a few tenths of a second, its figure disappeared out of thin air! After disappearing, Erniu's blood volume actually returned to 55%!

Damn it! This plague abomination is the big blood bottle that Erniu carries with him, right? ?

At this moment, Chen Fei's desire to smash the keyboard reached a new level...

There should be two more chapters and this section can be concluded. . . Come on.

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