Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 113 Another reversal! The undead are defeated!

Just think about it and forget about smashing the keyboard. Moreover, if you really smash the keyboard, not only will it not help the situation at hand, but it will make it worse - without the keyboard, how can you operate?

However, even if Chen Fei can operate it, given the current situation, the gap between Gianna and Erniu is really too big! Twenty-five percent versus fifty-five percent! A full thirty percent more!

Erniu: Hahaha! Woman, you are no match for me!

After absorbing the hatred of plague, Erniu became arrogant again! At the same time, another skill was activated, hitting Jaina and knocking out 50% of her life again! Down to 20 percent!

Jaina: Damn undead! Don't be too arrogant!

Faced with Erniu's arrogance, Jaina responded directly with practical actions! A basic attack combined with an ice cone spell also knocked out 50% of his life! Reduce it to fifty percent!

Chen Fei can't care too much at the moment. No matter how big the gap between Jaina and Ernu is, he still needs to try his best to fight for it! First a holy light fell on Jaina, and a 100% reply was also a reply, right? Immediately afterwards, when Erniu was about to activate his next skill, Chen Fei quickly hit him with another flaming meteorite! He also pushed back the skeletons that rushed up!

The meteorite hit Erniu and pushed him away for another two seconds. Jaina was also very cooperative and a blizzard started falling at this time! The three-second blizzard wiped out 18% of Erniu's life again! Two one to three two! still have a chance!

Shen Feng's Holy Light also ended its cooldown, and he also activated it against Jaina, replenishing it by 100%. Then, Jaina's basic attack fell on Erniu, while Erniu's attack was blocked by Chen Fei's The ground stabbing technique is interrupted! Two-two to thirty!

Next, Jaina used an ice shield on herself, while Erniu on the other side wanted to summon a bone shield again. Both of them chose to release defensive skills! This time, Chen Fei's stone wall was still cooling, but he still threw it over with a tornado!

It's a pity that although the tornado picked up a large number of skeletons along the way, it had no effect on Erniu - it can't be said that it has no effect. The tornado hitting the bone shield should still have an effect!

Both of them released their defensive skills, and Jaina made another basic attack. Of course, with the defense of the bone shield, this basic attack had no effect. On the other hand, Erniu waved his bone staff, and giant bones appeared under Jaina's feet again! Suddenly the bone prison is released again! However, this time Jaina has a teleportation cooldown! The figure disappeared out of thin air, avoiding the lock of the Ernu Bone Prison, and appeared in another place at the same time, and the ice cone technique continued to throw it away! Another damage to the bone shield!

However, what people didn't expect was that as soon as Jaina's ice cone technique was released, a black energy ring appeared around her again! Erniu's next skill is so compact! Without the support of teleportation, Jaina seems unable to avoid this skill!

Entering silence again, accompanied by 200% damage per second! The silence lasted for five seconds! This means that Jaina will not be able to use her skills for the next five seconds!

The only lucky thing is that with the ice shield, the continuous damage cannot affect Jaina for the time being. However, Erniu's next skill followed him again! It's the withered rose that was activated earlier! This lasts 80% damage per second! This means that Jaina will suffer 100% damage every second!

At this time, Chen Fei still didn't have the skills to interrupt Erniu, and the stone wall still had four seconds to cool down! The damage of silence is triggered in the first second, the silence and withered rose are superimposed together in the second second, and the ice shield is still there; in the third second, the ice shield is broken! Jaina's blood volume has been reduced by 2%! In the fourth second, her blood volume dropped by 100% again!

At this time, Jaina only has 8% of her life left! Already, red blood! But at the same time, Chen Fei's stone wall also just finished cooling down! At the last second, Chen Fei had already started pressing the stone wall's shortcut keys, thinking of releasing it as soon as possible! He even directly ignored the skeletons that had come up to attack him and allowed his life to drop!

The damage of the fifth second of silence was triggered, but the damage of the withered rose was not. The stone wall emerged from Erniu's feet, suspending his continuous casting! However, Jaina only has 6% of her life left at this time! As for Erniu, not only does he have a bone shield to protect himself, he also has 30% more life left!

No one expected that Ernu, whose life was in single digits just a moment ago, would now become Gianna!

The silence ended, and Jaina immediately used Ice Explosion as a counterattack against Erniu! However, Erniu, who had a bone shield, was not harmed at all. Instead, a spear of darkness flew towards him! Hitting Jaina, another 40% life! Only two percent left! The last basic attack will kill you!

At this moment, Chen Fei really thought about all his skills and everything in his backpack! However, all the skills that can interrupt Erniu are cooling down, the barrel of explosives in the backpack is gone, and the mini-buildings are placed too far away! Moreover, even if Chen Fei wanted to get closer, the surrounding skeletons would not give him a chance to get close at all - the hero's blood tank was already half empty! The only choice Chen Fei had was to retreat! Then, looking at Erniu, he launched a basic attack on Jaina!

Erniu's basic attack landed on Jaina in an instant! If this attack continues, Jaina will be declared dead!

But to Chen Fei's expectation, Erniu's attack did not clear Jaina's health tank. Instead, Jaina's life returned to 20%! Astonishingly, Arthas used a holy light on her! At the critical moment, it was Arthas who came to help Jaina!

However, this setting is reasonable. According to the background settings, Jaina and Arthas were originally an unmarried couple.

With the Holy Light from Arthas, the lives of Jaina and Erniu were 20 to 28. It seemed that Jaina was still at a disadvantage, but in fact, by this point, Chen Fei had already determined Erniu's life. Failed! Erniu's skill combination has already been used, but Jaina's skill combination is just about to start!

The freezing technique is activated! Freeze Erniu for two seconds! Then, the world of ice and snow started! Although this time the ice and snow world does not have the blessing of exile, the damage of the ice and snow world is still enough to kill Erniu! After only three seconds of damage, Erniu's blood tank was finally empty! No more accidents!

Erniu: Damn humans! Don’t think that this can stop us! This continent will eventually tremble under our feet! There's nothing you can do to stop it!

Erniu held the bone staff high, and in the next second, his body fell directly to the ground. The massive skeletons turned into broken bones as he fell, and the energy gate in the distance was also closed. .

At this point, the undead side has withdrawn from the melee!

Well, Erniu knelt down. . . . I'm already thinking about how to write the next plot. . My mind is a little confused. .

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