Seeing the granite giant finally killed, Chen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it sounds easy on paper, that's only relatively speaking. In actual operation, Chen Fei was completely multi-tasking! The knight's blocking position, the hero's pulling output, pay attention to the granite giant's skills, and the release of backhand skills. Especially the latter two, Chen Fei almost stared at the granite giant, not missing its every move - an accidental mistake could completely lead to his instant failure! What's more, Chen Fei happens to have the skills to restrain the granite giant. If it were anyone else, even a small team might not be able to win!

However, these worries are no longer needed. After all, the battle is indeed over.

Controlling the hero up, it was a BOSS-level monster after all. Chen Fei didn't believe it if nothing was dropped.

Sure enough, the system did not disappoint Chen Fei - where the granite giant fell, there were two things emitting purple light. One of them is surprisingly a ring!

Even Chen Fei was very excited when he saw the purple ring. As mentioned before, the main large-scale equipment is sold in stores, and its attributes are considered acceptable. But when it comes to jewelry, the ones bought in stores not only have average properties, but also cost quite a lot! If you want good jewelry, the only way is to defeat monsters and explode by yourself! As for the explosion depends on Chen Fei himself. Regardless of whether a T1 set is good, as for accessories, he only got a guardian ring from the commander during the defensive battle in the training camp, and a Trainer's Medal. After that, until now, he has not revealed any jewelry or equipment! This shows that the explosion rate of jewelry is very low!

Quickly picking up the two items, Chen Fei couldn't wait to open his backpack and immediately looked at the ring.

Ring of Leader: All attributes are increased by 3 points, and allies within a thousand yards can be restored by 3 points of life and increased by 2 points of armor.

As expected of a purple ring, this attribute is quite good. The 3-point increase in all attributes is an excellent improvement for heroes of any attribute! The latter effect is actually a halo effect. Together with the effect of the guardian ring, Chen Fei can increase the armor of friendly units by 3 points! This is very effective during combat.

I was very happy to equip the leader's ring. Two rings can be worn. After equipping the ring, Chen Fei turned to look at another thing. It is not unreasonable to say that it is a thing, because although it is glowing with purple light, its appearance is no different from a stone, which makes it impossible for Chen Fei to judge what it is.

Move the mouse over it, and the name and attributes of this thing will pop up immediately.

Roshan Rubble: Material/consumable, the gravel dropped from Roshan has Roshan's unique energy on it. After use, a dead mercenary can be resurrected.

After reading the introduction, Chen Fei was stunned. It took him a while to react, and then he was surprised and happy!

Roshan, this name was also familiar to players in previous lives. It is the branch BOSS that is the most loved and troublesome among players in a level 60 powerful dungeon in the late game! I like it because the things it releases, whether it is equipment or consumables, each one is enough to make players excited! But the headache comes from its strength - even though Roshan appears as a level 60 copy, its level is level 70! Moreover, even for a level 70 team, it is not that easy to conquer it! For this reason, Roshan also has another title - the Great Demon King!

However, after the surprise, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel confused again. Why would the Granite Giant explode this thing? Could it have something to do with Roshan? Or maybe its level will increase because of the Roshan fragments?

Chen Fei held his chin and guessed, but after thinking for a while, he didn't think of what kind of connection there would be during this period. After all, one is the novice area BOSS, and the other is the Roshan Demon King!

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, anyway, the properties of this rubble of meat mountain are very good. Resurrecting the mercenaries can be regarded as an extra guarantee for the mercenaries.

It is true for Chen Fei to think this way. Mercenaries are different from heroes. If they die, the system will not give them a chance to resurrect. Only some special skills or special props can revive them. For example, the Commander's Holy Light is resurrected.

After killing the granite giant, Chen Fei had no intention of staying any longer. Although there is an abandoned mine with a hidden map inside, he has no lighting props on him. When he goes inside, he is at most like the last time, staring at the dark screen in a daze.

Arriving at the training camp, the new mercenaries have already reached level five at the training ground. However, Chen Fei did not think about bringing him back [he can continue to be placed inside, but he will not have experience]. A new mercenary will not be of any use to Chen Fei now. Taking him to the tenth level was actually not Chen Fei's first consideration. What he had to consider first was which profession the mercenary should change to!

However, Chen Fei himself already has the answer to this question. What he has to do next is to arrange the necessary conditions for the mercenary's job transfer...

Back in the main city of Storm, Chen Fei went straight to the grocery store. The reason he came here was because he needed to buy a prop - an animal taming rope.

Taming Rope: A special prop used to tame monsters that can serve as mounts.

The animal taming rope is actually the same type of prop as the lasso used by Chen Fei to capture war horses. However, the lasso is fixed for capturing horses, while the animal taming rope is suitable for more types of monsters. However, the price of this animal taming rope is twice as expensive as the horse rope, 20 silver coins each.

Of course, with Chen Fei's current gold coins, this amount of money is nothing. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the war horses captured by Chen Fei earlier have been listed for sale on the system exchange, with a price tag of three gold coins per horse. The price is not too expensive, but not cheap either. However, war horses are not that easy to catch. Moreover, a junior infantryman can clear the war horse and directly transfer to a knight. The gold coins and reputation consumed are much cheaper than directly hiring a knight.

Therefore, Chen Fei actually has a lot of money.

Chen Fei didn't buy too many animal taming ropes, just ten. For him, what he wants to capture this time is just for the transfer of new mercenaries. Even if he captures more in the future, he will not consider selling them. Because what Chen Fei wants to catch next is the Dragon Eagle, which he had an idea for a long time ago and even took the risk to try it!

It’s time for the air units to come out! By the way, I have to find time to read through what I wrote from beginning to end to avoid forgetting any pitfalls. For example, the Gale Swordsman has an extra wind slash skill, but I haven't used this skill recently. . Forehead

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