Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 127 Summoned Beast Brigade

Although air units are more fragile than other units on the ground, the advantages of flying are enough to make up for these shortcomings. Especially when ground units have no anti-air capabilities, air units are already in an invincible position! Therefore, many players in World of Warcraft have a yearning for air units! I hope that I can have a straggler in the air and dominate one side!

Of course, it is not that easy to achieve this. Among all the aerial mercenaries, the two that Chen Fei knows are easiest to obtain in the alliance, one is the dragon eagle he wants to capture now and transfer to the dragon eagle knight; the other is the horned eagle knight. Both are mercenaries that can be obtained in the early stage.

Note that what is mentioned here is opportunity. Let’s not talk about the probability of catching a dragon eagle or a horned eagle. Even if you catch them, you still need to pay a certain amount of gold coins and reputation if you really want to successfully change your job! Moreover, at this stage, there are only a few dragon eagles that can deal with them at their level.

After adding more medicine to his backpack, Chen Fei immediately set off towards the Misty Valley. After a while, the words "Misty Valley" were finally displayed in the mini map's field of view. However, when Chen Fei entered the Misty Valley, he saw a scene that surprised him:

Not far away, four dragon eagles landed in the low sky. Under normal circumstances, dragon eagles will naturally not stay at low altitudes. They prefer to stay on the cliff walls, and the reason why they are here is purely because they are in the middle of a battle! The target of the battle is a player with an archer and several summoned beasts.

Porcupine! War Eagle! Giant bear! And the Thunder Lizard!

Porcupine: HP 400, medium armor 2, long range attack 35-45. Lasts 40, cooldown 15

War Eagle: HP 400, medium armor 1, long-range attack 25-30, detection: passive, can detect invisible units within 800 yards. Lasts 35, cooldown 20

Dire Bear: HP 800, Heavy Armor 3, Melee Attack 40-50, Heavy Attack: Passive, 15% causes 50 extra damage, and stuns for one second. Lasts 60, cooldown 40

Thunder Lizard: HP 600, Magic 150, Heavy Armor 3, Ranged Attack 52-60, Chain Lightning, consumes 75 mana, sends out a chain of lightning, causing 75 points of damage to four units. Lasts 60, cools down 60

On the scene, there were three porcupines, two war eagles, a giant bear, and a thunder lizard. The number of these summoned beasts is quite large! And their combined combat capabilities are equally terrifying! A round of concentrated fire output is at least 200 output! However, facing this level 30 dragon eagle, the combat power of these summoned beasts is not enough! Although one dragon eagle was already on the verge of red blood under their attack, the summoned beasts were all under half health!

However, the players in the battle showed no panic at all. With a skill activated, all the summoned beasts recovered 200 lives at the same time! Even Chen Fei was surprised by this supply skill! There are a total of seven summoned beasts, and this breath is the amount of recovery of one thousand fourteen! However, Chen Fei also noticed something: this skill did not restore the hero's life. Obviously, it was a skill only for summoned beasts.

While the summoned beast was recovering its life, another round of focused fire output finally turned the first dragon eagle into red blood! Then, the opponent's archer activated a trap and netted the red-blooded dragon eagle. The giant bear rushed up and slapped it down! The heavy attack was triggered just right! As a result, the red-blooded dragon eagle ended his life in a state of dizziness.

However, the Dragon Eagles will not stop attacking just because a companion dies. Every attack they make is very powerful! But what surprised Chen Fei was that the attacks fell on different summoned beasts, but all the summoned beasts lost blood at the same time! The damage was actually shared equally!

In this situation, Chen Fei thought of a skill, Soul Link, which can share the damage suffered by the linked units, greatly improving the survivability of each unit! Especially when paired with group recovery skills such as medical kits, their effects will be further enhanced!

However, soul connection is a skill only available to tribal shamans, and it can only be learned at level 30! Therefore, the opponent definitely did not use this skill.

"Poof!" Just when Chen Fei thought of this, in the battle over there, the time to summon a porcupine came and disappeared instantly. However, when one porcupine disappeared, the other party summoned a new one right after! Moreover, an extra giant bear was summoned! What made Chen Fei a little concerned was that the newly summoned summoned beast did not share the damage due to the Dragon Eagle's attack...

In less than a minute, two more dragon eagles were killed. In the middle, the opponent's summoned beast always maintained an absolute numerical advantage! As for the last Dragon Eagle, he naturally cannot escape the fate of being killed.

At this point, Chen Fei stopped paying attention to the other party and turned to another place where there was a dragon eagle. He came here just to catch the dragon eagle, not to watch others fight the dragon eagle.

However, when Chen Fei came to the cliff where the Dragon Eagle lived, he had to face a very embarrassing problem: he could not pull the monster.

In normal times, Chen Fei always operates from a top-down perspective, so that he can have a good perspective and facilitate operations. However, the Dragon Eagle itself is perched on a high cliff. From a bird's eye view, it is impossible to see the dragon eagle. Another point, the dragon eagle stays at such a high place, it is already beyond the attack range of the musket! Of course, it can’t be blamed! [In terms of terrain, it can be understood as the highland terrain in the World of Warcraft map, which is stacked very high and has a small platform in the middle for jumping or moving]

Of course, this does not mean that there is really no way to pull monsters. You can just rely on the hero to jump up to a higher place and attack the Dragon Eagle. But this is relatively troublesome. Moreover, if it falls from above, there is no telling whether it will fall to death. [If the height is high enough, you will die. If the height is not high enough, you will suffer from blood loss and dizziness, which is the same as the explosion of an airship]

Dragging the mouse to look around the entire field of view, there was no dragon eagle hovering at low altitude. This made Chen Fei depressed: Do he really want to go up?

Chen Fei began to hesitate.

"Friend, do you want to form a team and level up together? I think you seem to be pretty good?" When Chen Fei hesitated, a message popped up in the message bar, but it was the player who had killed four dragon eagles before who saw Chen Fei. fly.

However, Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to the message he sent. When this message popped up, his eyes were locked on the player's name!

Three eggs!

Mr. Dan appears! Mr. Dan appears! Mr. Dan appears! Then, Mr. Dan’s career is absolute! absolute! absolute! It's not what you think! Hey Hey! !

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