Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 132 Mercenary Advancement

Although the final ups and downs were quick, Chen Fei, the event dungeon, can be considered completed. Chen Fei was not sure whether he was the first to pass the level, but judging from the attributes of the Treeman Elder, there were probably very few players who could kill it.

However, Chen Fei did not know that the attributes of the tree elder would differ according to the attributes of the hero...

The tree heart necklace is a good choice for leveling, but Chen Fei's priority now is not to continue leveling. The half-level experience given by the experience copy is already quite rich, at least equivalent to today's day's receipt. What's more important is that the levels of the Gale Swordsman and Musketeer are already at full levels. Naturally, priority will be given to helping them transfer jobs to further enhance their combat effectiveness.

Regarding the job transfer of mercenaries, it is no different from the previous transfer of new mercenaries. Find the corresponding job transfer NPC, and then receive the corresponding job transfer task. After completion, you can transfer jobs.

Job transfer NPCs are available in all major towns. Among them, Storm City and Lordaeron provide the most jobs. Chen Fei is currently in Lordaeron, so naturally he changes jobs here.

The job transfer hall is responsible for the job transfer of heroes and mercenaries. Even though the game has been launched for nearly a month, there are still many players here. Fortunately, the mercenaries in the town will not be displayed. Otherwise, if he came in with five mercenaries behind him, Chen Fei would immediately become the focus of the players.

Regarding the job change of musketeers, choose from the above. The more common ones are dwarf small cannons, which have excellent siege capabilities, and Ying Fei has chosen them; double muskets, which have more powerful single-target ability output, and also have range output capabilities; continuous fire Musket, a profession with outstanding attack speed and single-target output ability, is favored by many players. It is a common one. These three professions are musket professions provided by job-changing NPCs.

However, in fact, in addition to continuing to change his job to a musket, Chen Fei can also transfer the advanced musket to an archer. This is a reasonable setting in Warcraft. However, this kind of job transfer and the difficulty of the job transfer task are hard to predict. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's so rare that it's impossible to pass.

Chen Fei would naturally not consider changing jobs across industries. He is still very optimistic about the profession of musketeer. After scanning the job transfer hall, Chen Fei found the NPC responsible for the musketeer's job transfer and advancement - a dwarf, Hawkeye Muradin.

Muradin: Hi! Boy, what do you want from me, the powerful Lord Hawkeye?

Click on Muradin, and the monologue that pops up makes people unexpected that this Muradin is quite narcissistic. On the opposite side, there are two options, job transfer and advancement. Click Advance, and then the options for heroes and mercenaries will pop up. Continue to select mercenaries, and the attributes of Chen Fei's advanced musketeer will pop up in the dialog box. There is also a tip for job transfer above.

After selecting the advanced musket, the dialog box finally popped up with a list of professions he could switch to. The first three were exactly what Chen Fei knew before, the dwarf cannon, the continuous musket, and the double musket. However, looking down, there were two more that Chen Fei had not expected - the sniper rifle and the magic gunner.

Sniper rifle! ? Magic gunner? !

Chen Fei was surprised when he saw these two professions. Originally, he was hovering over the continuous-fire muskets and double-gun muskets, but now, it exceeded his expectations.

Sniper rifles, Chen Fei still knew this profession. It has a longer attack range and movement speed than other guns. These two advantages make it perfect for kiting tactics. At the same time, he also has a headshot passive, extra damage, and a slowing effect. It can be said that the sniper rifle can defeat most professions in single combat!

However, Chen Fei really didn't expect that he could change his job to a sniper rifle. It's not that no one has this profession in its past life. Chen Fei knows his attributes, which naturally means that some players have used it. However, that player obtained the sniper rifle directly instead of advancing through job transfer. If the sniper rifle can be advanced by changing jobs, then more players from the previous life will definitely choose the sniper rifle.

On the other hand, this was the first time Chen Fei had seen this magic gunner. There is no information related to the past life memory.

With curiosity, Chen Fei clicked on the magic gunner. Immediately, the dialog box popped up with an introduction to the magic gunner. However, when the introduction came into Chen Fei's eyes, his expression changed from curiosity at the beginning to astonishment, and in the next second, it turned into surprise!

Magic Gunner: A gunner who can use magic and has the ability to control elements, relying on elements with different attributes to give himself different combat abilities.

It's a very brief introduction, but the things mentioned in it are enough to make people think a lot. Especially for Chen Fei, what is his own profession? Elemental mage! This profession is dedicated to playing with elements! Especially Chen Fei's ability to play with elements is very sharp, which makes the power of the elemental mage skyrocket!

Now, the magic gunner can also use elements. Although the same profession will definitely be very different between mercenaries and heroes, but even so, the strength of the magic gunner will definitely have an advantage over other mercenary professions. of!

but! After being excited, Chen Fei began to think calmly: the introduction of the magic gunner could indeed make his imagination wander, and Chen Fei believed that the magic gunner's combat effectiveness would not be weak. But similarly, is the ability of sniper rifles weak? And similarly, as long as the continuous-fire musket and double-gun musket are used properly, their power is quite explosive! So, what if the magic gunner has good combat power, but for Chen Fei it is not more useful than the sniper rifle?

Holding his chin, Chen Fei began to think seriously again...

Time passed by second by second. One minute later, Chen Fei held the mouse again, then moved the mouse to the magic gunner and clicked on it! Then, a prompt pops up, do you confirm to accept the job transfer mission of the magic gunner?

Without hesitation, click confirm decisively. One of the reasons why Chen Fei made this choice was that he was betting on the magic gunner's combat power. The other reason was because he thought of the most common sentence in the forum in his previous life:

There are no rubbish mercenaries, only rubbish operations!

Chen Fei did not deny that this sentence said too much. After all, there is no comparison between a rookie mercenary and a Templar knight. However, the ultimate strength that the two can exert is not based on their own attributes, but more on the player's operation - in Chen Fei's hands, the new mercenaries can also play an unimaginable role. In the hands of an ordinary player, the Templar Knight might just be a simple output human shield.

Chapter one today. . . Feeling sleepy in the afternoon. . Forehead. . . I plan to write a new book and start saving manuscripts. . . I'm still thinking about when to release it. . .

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