Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 133 Zhou Xi’s combat power

Following Zhou Xi, the two of them headed towards the location of the demon leader. As he moved forward, Chen Fei recalled the memories related to Zhou Xi in his mind.

Zhou Xi, the God of Zhou Xi is called by World of Warcraft players. His race is Elf, and the hero’s profession is Demon Hunter. It is also a very powerful profession that can use the power of demons. It can use many unique features of the Burning Legion. skills, it is not difficult to see how powerful he is. However, Zhou Xi still only has one hero and does not have the self-control of a mercenary. When he officially showed up in the eyes of players, there were two huntresses around him.

The demon leader was not far away from the two of them, and it only took two minutes to find him. It's just an elf that's three times larger than the magic elf, and it has a colorful halo on its body. It's obviously a magic monster.

Demon leader: leader level, life 15,000, magic 5,000, attack 150-165, medium armor 10; magic immunity; magic attack, passive, causing 150% damage to heavy armor units; magic bomb, consumption of mana 200, Releases a magic ball, causing 250 damage to units within 500 yards, stunning for 1 second, and cooling down for 30 seconds; magic shield, each point of magic can offset two points of physical damage; summoning demons, consuming 100 mana, summoning two Magical spirit, 3000 life, 1000 magic, attack 50-55, medium armor 4, magic immunity.

The Demon Spirit Leader's panel is not very strong, but the passive of Demonic Resistance is enough to give Chen Fei a headache. What's even more troublesome is that it is also blessed with a magic shield, which further enhances its survivability. As for the other two active skills, to be honest, Chen Fei didn't find them very troublesome. After all, he had just killed a tree elder before!

However, the next message Zhou Xi sent out completely surprised Chen Fei.

"Brother, just help me contain the monster's attack and summon the beast in a while, and leave the output to me."

After seeing the message sent by Zhou Xi, it seemed that he wanted to kill the demon leader by himself! The reason why he teamed up with Chen Fei was just to hope that someone would help him share the damage!

Chen Fei didn't expect this situation at all! He knew that demon hunters were very strong, and Chen Fei believed that Zhou Xi's operation was very sharp. However, even Chen Fei himself could not guarantee that a single hero would be able to deal with the demon leader!

However, since Zhou Xi said this, Chen Fei believed that he must be confident. Anyway, the remaining time is enough, Chen Fei doesn't mind knowing how strong Zhou Xishen is!

Since he was responsible for containing the damage, Chen Fei was naturally the first to take action. The heroes and long-range mercenaries took action at the same time. The Gale Swordsman followed their attacks and rushed out. As for the knight, he followed the Gale Swordsman and was responsible for follow-up support - the magic attack was just restrained. The knight's heavy armor will naturally not allow him to bear more damage.

Four attacks hit the demon leader, inflicting more than 300 damage on it in total! This value made Zhou Xi surprised by Chen Fei's strength. He had thought that Chen Fei's strength was not weak, but this output really exceeded his expectations!

However, the surprise only lasted for a few seconds. Watching Chen Fei take action, Zhou Xi naturally did not stand there stupidly, and followed the knight and rushed towards the demon leader. While the Gale Swordsman was approaching the leader of the demon spirits, he first activated the magic shield, and then launched the magic bomb at the long-range unit behind Chen Fei. After that, he summoned the demon spirits, two of which were larger than the magic elves. Monsters immediately appeared on both sides of the demon leader.

Seeing the magic bomb, Chen Fei immediately moved several remote units to the maximum distance with the minimum operations! Then, the control knight attacked a magic user. Magical spirits do not have the passive ability of magic attacks, and their attack power will not pose much of a threat to knights with over a thousand health. At the same time, since the leader of the demon spirits is a magic-immune unit, Chen Fei will naturally not forget the water element! The level 2 water element has pretty good attack power!

Zhou Xi no longer paid attention to Chen Fei's operations. Because, he had already rushed to the demon spirit leader and launched his first attack on it! The Demon Hunter's unique half-moon blade takes action instantly! Cut on the elemental body of the demon leader. The next moment, three numbers jumped out of its head at the same time!


103, -50, -50.

Among the three numbers, the first two are normal red damage numbers, while the third one is blue! This means that this number is used for magic! In other words, this number means that the demon leader's mana has been knocked down by fifty points by Zhou Xi!

Burning Demon Blade, passive, a new skill obtained by the Demon Hunter in the second stage. Each attack will reduce the opponent's magic by fifty points and cause an equal amount of damage! Even if the demon leader is immune to this skill, there is still no possibility of immunity! This is the truly powerful point of the Demon Hunter! This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Xi is confident that he can bear the output!

Regarding the demon hunter's demon-burning blade, this is the first time Chen Fei has seen it. In his previous life, Zhou Xi's demon hunter mostly used the skill of mana burning. The appearance of the demon-burning blade is not related to Chen Fei's time travel. It has something to do with it.

However, now is not the time to discuss this issue. The Burning Demon Blade can further improve Zhou Xi's output, which is naturally good news for Chen Fei. At least, it can kill the demon leader in a shorter time.

Zhou Xi's attack speed is very fast, almost once per second, and with the blessing of the Burning Demon Blade, the damage every time is more than 150! Coupled with Chen Fei's firepower output, in just one minute, he had already destroyed nearly two thousand of the demon leader's magic! [Magic Shield] In addition to the skills used by the demon leader in the middle, its mana volume seems to be less than 500!

I have to say that the magic shield is very effective in improving survivability, but the consumption of magic is really scary! And when a high-level monster does not have blue, it may not be much stronger than four ordinary monsters!

The demon leader did not have the opportunity to activate the third skill, because its mana was completely empty in the first step! On the scene, there were only three magic spirits accompanying it [one was killed], and such a small number of units were not enough to cause much trouble to Chen Fei and Zhou Xi. The only thing that could not be determined was to kill them. It just depends on how long it takes.

However, Zhou Xi is obviously not a player who likes to drag out battles for a long time. When the demon leader's blue slot was empty, at the same moment, he activated another skill! And with the release of this skill, a terrifying damage figure jumped out from the head of the demon leader!



Today's first chapter is about the Demon Hunter's skills. Needless to say, the Anti-Mage skills will also be included. So, who has thought of this skill with 5,000 damage? Ha ha

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