The battle with the centaurs is not as difficult as the destruction guards. These guys are more of a threat to the kodo beasts, and there is not much pressure on the intercepting players. After all, when players have a certain number of players, relying on supplies, operations, skills and mutual cooperation, the combat effectiveness they can exert is quite strong!

However, the players did not suffer any loss, but the system units were not so good. The death of a Kodo beast again is not good news for everyone. Moreover, Thrall's troops also suffered a lot in this battle! The horned beast killed a wolf rider and a beast soldier, and the destruction guard even killed two headhunters and two beast soldiers! Such a loss can simply be described as tragic!

The only thing that can be called good news is that all units can rely on the Fountain of Life to restore their full health. However, now that the blood is full, if there is another raid in the future, will there still be losses?

Crazy Ax is really not sure!

All the units were recovering at the Fountain of Life for the time being, while their attention turned to Feilai. Coming down from the Eagle's Nest, he drove straight towards the Shaman Tribe on his Wind Step. It didn't take him much time to reach the shaman tribe.

The terrain of this shaman tribe is similar to the headhunter tribe Fei Lai found, and the entrance is also a rather narrow canyon. I just don’t know if this time it will be like last time, with some monsters surrounding me from the outside.

Entering the shaman tribe, you can see surprisingly many units, including beast soldiers, wolf riders, headhunters, shamans, witch doctors, and even kodo beasts! For a tribe like this, from an outside perspective, the system's settings for it are clearly very strong. How could it face the disaster of genocide?

With such doubts, Feilai found the shaman leader with a question mark on his head in the center of the tribe. As soon as you get closer, the usual plot animation appears.

Shaman Leader: I didn’t expect that there would be new faces here. Huh? My friend, I sensed a familiar energy from you, which seems to be the energy of my clan’s shaman’s claws.

The shaman leader's senses were very accurate, and he could feel the presence of the shaman's claws as soon as he came up. In this regard, the hero naturally handed over the Shaman's Claw to the opponent immediately.

Shaman Leader: Great, with the Shaman's Claw, we can finally get rid of that curse!

curse? Seeing the shaman leader say this, Fei Lai was curious, and the hero naturally started asking.

Shaman Leader: Alas, friend, this matter started a few months ago. Before that, we were originally a peaceful tribe. Life might be a little difficult, but that was all. But after that, a demon appeared. The terrifying power he brought not only frightened us, but also left a curse in our bodies. As long as we have the slightest idea of ​​gaining power, we will be doomed by that curse. Devour and become the devil's subordinate! Until now, one-third of the clan members have been deprived of their own will by the curse! Now with this shaman's claw, I can finally enter the devil's crack and rescue my people!

Ding Dong: The follow-up mission of Shaman's Claw is triggered to destroy the Demon Rift. The shaman tribe has been cursed by a demon. Please help them break this curse.

The task prompts were the same as before. They were quite vague, making it impossible to read any information at all. In this situation, Feilai was a little hesitant: after all, he was only one person, and he was a single hero. If this follow-up mission required the cooperation of multiple people, what was the difference between doing it by himself and dying?

Feilai thought about this situation for a while, and finally decided to discuss it with Kuang Ax. After all, if the situation permits, several players can come to help from him, right?

However, after exchanging information with Crazy Ax, the results obtained really surprised Feilai. He did not expect that just such a short time had passed, and another Kodo beast was killed. However, what Fei Lai was more concerned about was the Destruction Guard that Crazy Ax mentioned. If he remembered correctly, this Destruction Guard should be a unit of the Burning Legion. How could it appear in the copy of the Orcs?

etc! ?

Suddenly, Feilai was connected with the branch line in front of him. Don’t the shaman tribe just think that the appearance of a demon will cause them to be cursed? So, is the appearance of the Destruction Guard related to this demon? Feilai thinks this possibility is very likely!

But what makes him helpless is that given the situation on Crazy Axe, it is obviously unrealistic to find a few players to help. After all, ensuring the main quest is the first point of the dungeon. It is impossible to let players run over to do side quests, while the main quest is left to fail. How can the dungeon still pass?

"If you have to come, why don't you try your best to give it a try. If the branch requires the cooperation of many people, you can just leave halfway. The system will give up by default anyway." As for the branch, Crazy Ax still doesn't want to give up. The Shaman tribe The appearance is obviously a support arranged by the system. Considering their current situation, they are naturally eager to bring in more system units for support.

Therefore, unless this line is really difficult to complete, Kuang Ax still hopes that Feilai can give it a try.

No one would have understood what Kuang Ax meant, and he immediately agreed to his approach.

After finishing the conversation, Fei Lai decided to try this branch first. According to what the shaman leader knew, he and a fighting team from the tribe walked deep into the canyon behind the tribe. The journey wasn't that far, just over a screen away. Then, what appeared in front of Feilai was a dark purple energy portal. However, when he wanted to get closer, the system prompted a powerful energy to stop him.

Naturally, the shaman leader needs to take action here. He walked to the front of the team, took out the shaman's claw, and a light blue energy blade burst out from it. Then, as the system jumped out, there was a powerful force. After being eliminated' prompt, the combat team can finally move on. Instead, Fei Lai also approached this purple energy gate.

To be honest, when I looked at this energy gate, Fei Lai's first feeling was very bad. The setting of the energy gate was to teleport to a new map. But now this energy gate is still connected to the devil. The first reaction of ordinary players is to leave quickly - at this stage, the player's strength is absolutely incomparable with the devil! Although the official website does not mention much about demons, the little information has already led players to guess that this demon clan is definitely very powerful!

However, Feilai's hesitant shaman tribe's team would not care. For them, even if Feilai didn't come over, they would still have to enter the demonic rift according to the system's settings.

Watching the small team all go in, Feilai frowned and finally followed in. He didn't know what would happen inside the devil's crack...

Chapter two. . Nothing more to say. . Just code silently. If someone supports me, I will try my best to keep writing. . Then, after New Year’s Day, it’s time to start typing, or at least, save the manuscript for the new book.

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