Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 144 Devil's Crack

What you see is blood-red land, with dark green poisonous gas emitting from some corners. There is obviously not much sunlight here, the picture is a bit dim, and around it are weird plants that I don’t know how to describe, or maybe they are not plants, because it looks like It looks somewhat similar to stone.

Here is the Devil's Crack, which is not as big as expected. Although the place outside the field of vision is pitch black, relying on the mini map and the movement of the mouse, Feilai can roughly judge that the Devil's Crack is at most four computer screens. Big, it's a small map.

However, what makes Feilai more depressed is that after entering this devil's crack, is there any energy gate behind him? There's no chance of going back at all, okay? In this situation, it seems that he doesn't have to give up just because he wants to!

Feilai never thought of this situation! Now, I can only hope that I can complete this branch line. If there is one thing that can comfort him, it is that he is a bare-bones hero. Even if a hero dies, he can be resurrected anyway...

Entering this demonic rift, the shaman tribe's team immediately formed a formation, with twelve units, four beast soldiers, two wolf riders, two headhunters, two shamans, a witch doctor, and a kodo beast. The combination of this team The combination is quite rich.

Of course, Feilai felt it was unreliable to expect this team to explore the map, so he immediately activated Wind Step and rushed inside. However, what surprised Feilai was that when he came here, there was no shadow of any monsters. Instead, another altar-like thing appeared in the center, and the altar was surrounded by cracked and mottled stone slabs. It seemed that it had gone through a lot of Long time in general.

What's happening here?

When you get up close to the altar, nothing happens, and there isn't even a monster in your surroundings! If this altar is to be useful, then there must be a monster responsible for guarding it, right? Moreover, it's not that I came here to lift the curse of the shaman tribe. Now let alone the demons, there aren't even any of the orc units that were taken away. What else is going on with this system?

Feilai was confused and reluctantly explored the place on the map where the fog still existed. However, he discovered something even more unexpected: more than half a screen away from the altar, there was a high stone wall. ! And where the stone wall is facing the altar, there is a small altar that has been reduced by half!

This strange situation made Feilai very puzzled, and he immediately moved up the stone wall. Then, they encountered a stone wall again, blocking the top sideways. Continuing along the stone wall, they found another small altar.

Upon discovering this, Feilai immediately compared the small map. The location of the small altar happened to be over the central altar! Without hesitation, Feilai immediately went straight down. Sure enough, I also saw a small altar below.

There are small altars in three directions, and they are all facing the central altar. If there is no special meaning in it, Feilai will never believe it!

But what could be hidden in the middle?

The tribe team on the other side also came in and stopped at the altar. As they approached the altar, the shaman in the team actually stepped forward.

Shaman: Is this altar the legendary Blood Altar? oh! No! Shouldn't this altar only be found in the legendary Death Arena?

After seeing this monologue from the shaman, Feilai no longer had to guess. It was obvious that this place was the Death Arena mentioned by the shaman! But, didn’t you say entering the devil’s rift before? Why did it become a death arena now? Feilai really confused this straight line.

However, Feilai was still confused, but the system had already arranged everything. Just when the shaman said that this was the Altar of Blood, a stone wall suddenly appeared blocking the way everyone came in! After the blockage, a small altar appeared! This way, there seems to be a small altar in all four directions!

And as the road coming in was blocked, the picture on the screen changed again, and the plot animation was triggered again!

The screen turned, and he lowered his head to look into the distance, and the sound of heavy footsteps came from over there. A few seconds later, a huge guy walked out of the darkness!

That's a big guy as tall as two heroes! The huge lower body looks no less than that of the Thunder Behemoth! The four thick feet make a dull sound every time they take a step forward! A thick and long tail behind him dragged deep marks on the ground! And upward is an upper body that is stronger than that of an orc! On the back of that body, there is a pair of huge flesh wings! And that strong and thick arm holds a sharp spear with two sharp edges! That giant spear is almost as big as a beast soldier!

Finally, the eyes fell on the head of the big guy, with an ugly face and a set of sharp teeth exposed on the mouth, which made the whole mouth look very forward. On both sides of the mouth, there are huge tusks that look like ivory! Two large nostrils sprayed green mist, and his eyes, there were no so-called eyes, only two groups of faint green flames, and two round bodies could be faintly seen in the middle. And the top of his head was also a ball of green flames, which acted like hair.

Looking at this guy's appearance, you can tell that this guy's origin is definitely not simple without even thinking about it! Especially when he has a name on his head - Mannoroth!

If Chen Fei saw this scene, he would be able to recognize the origin of Mannolos at a glance - he was the abyss lord who used his own blood to create the fanatical orcs! Not only is he one of the three leaders of the Abyss Demons of the Burning Legion, he also played a very important role in the invasion of the Burning Legion! More importantly, if Chen Fei remembers correctly, this guy should be a BOSS that only appears in level 40 dungeons of the Orcs! How could it appear now at level 20!

However, there has actually been a similar scene here - when Chen Fei was in the level 15 dungeon, didn't he encounter Ganis, who was supposed to appear at level 30? Although at that time, Ganis was just a clone...

For Feilai, he didn't know what Mannoroth was, but at least at a glance, this guy definitely belonged to the big BOSS. Even if he hadn't fought before, Feilai was sure that this guy was definitely beyond his ability. Deal with it! Even if you add the tribe team in front of you, I'm afraid it won't even be enough to stop the opponent!

Fortunately, Mannolos's appearance has no intention of taking action against Feilai and others for the time being. He shook the two-edged giant spear in his hand and said, "Hahaha! I didn't expect you simple-minded guys to be able to enter this devil's rift. Yes, yes, but I underestimated your IQ."

Mannoroth was quite interesting. He first mocked the orcs' intelligence. As for whether what he said was right or not, I wouldn't have bothered to care until I came.

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