Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 145 Death Arena, Part 1

Mannoroth: Since you guys can find it here, I will accompany you to play for a while. There happen to be some of my former slaves in this death arena, so let them try your strength first. Hahaha……

After Mannoroth said this, he laughed and turned to leave. As for his departure, all the units could only watch. After all, his huge body was not something that the units present could handle!

Ding Dong: At the beginning of the Death Arena, players will gain control of the shaman tribe team and need to challenge three rounds of monster attacks. After winning, they can leave and break the shaman tribe's curse.

With Mannoroth's departure, the system has given new task prompts. Looking at this prompt, Feilai was really surprised. Does this mean that the shaman tribe team will also be controlled by him?

For most players, this situation may be very helpful to the current situation. After all, who among the players does not have one or two mercenaries? But for Feilai, it's not a good thing - he has never tried multi-control! Especially now that there is a whole team of units all at once! Fei Lai does not deny that his operation is OK, but it is only used to operate a single hero! Now there are twelve units! Including heroes, there are thirteen, which is more than one team!

But no matter what, since the system leaves the shaman team to the players to control, they must take over if they don't come! He was sure that these units would play a very important role in the battle!

While nothing happened yet, Feilai quickly looked at the attributes and skills of all units.

Beast Soldier: HP 1200, attack 42-46, heavy armor 3, fanaticism, increase attack speed by 25%, receive an additional 50% damage, last for 15, cooldown 20; strong physique, passive, increase HP by 200.

Wolf Rider: HP 800, Magic 150, Attack 34-38, Medium Armor 4, Trap; summon wild wolf, consume 75 mana, summon two ghost wolves with HP 250, Attack 13-15, Heavy Armor 1, lasts 15 seconds, cooldown 20 seconds.

Headhunter: HP 550, attack 55-60, medium armor 2, fanaticism, same as beast soldiers.

Shaman: Life 450, Magic 350, Attack 25-30, Light Armor 2, Purify, consumes 50 mana, dispels various states on the unit, cooldown 10; Lightning Shield, consumes 75 mana, applies a spell to the unit that lasts for 15 seconds every A lightning shield that causes 35 points of damage to surrounding areas every second, with a cooldown of 10.

Witch doctor, life 400, magic 450, attack 18-20, light armor 1, stationary trap, consumes 100 mana, places a trap guard, enters invisible state after 5 seconds, and then any enemy unit within 500 yards will trigger. All enemies within the range are stunned for 5 seconds, exist for 60 seconds, and have a cooldown of 20 seconds; Healing Guard costs 150 mana and places a healing guard to restore 1% of health per second to friendly units within 800 yards for 30 seconds. , cool down for 30 seconds. Sentry Guard, costs 50 mana, places a Sentry Guard, and gains a thousand yards of reconnaissance vision, lasting 180 seconds, with a 30-second cooldown.

Kodo beast, life 1000, attack 28-33, no armor, inspiring aura, passive, increase the attack power of friendly units by 10% by 1,000 yards, swallow, swallow a non-large unit, at 10 points per second Damage digestion. After digestion, cool down for 10 seconds.

After reading the attributes and skills of each unit, Feilai has to say that these guys are really much stronger than Feilai thought. Each one has its own skills, and each skill is quite useful. ! No skill is rubbish at all! This gave Crazy Ax a lot of confidence in the upcoming battle.


Just after Feilai read all the attributes of the shaman team, a muffled sound suddenly sounded around him, and with the muffled sound, Feilai noticed that there were red dots appearing on the mini-map - red dots meant there were enemies!

He immediately pointed the mouse at the red dot on the mini-map, and the screen jumped to it. The monsters that appeared in front of Feilai were three monsters that looked like fooling around. Two of them were blue and relatively small, and the other was It is purple and larger in size.

Void Walker: A dead soul wandering in hell, life 1000, magic 100, attack 25-30, medium armor 4, freezing attack, mana consumption 8, each attack has a freezing effect, slowing down the target's attack speed and movement speed by 25%. Lasts 3 seconds.

Elder Void: A further form of the soul wandering in hell, with 1500 life, 250 magic, attack 35-34, medium armor 6, frost shield, mana consumption of 75, applies frost shield to the unit, and increases the armor by 3 points. , melee unit attacks will reduce attack speed and movement speed by 30%, lasting 15 seconds and cooling down for 5 seconds. Cross Lightning; consumes 100 mana and releases a network of energy lightning, causing 100 points of damage to four units and cooling down for 15 seconds.

Based solely on the attributes of these two monsters, Feilai doesn't think they are very powerful. At least, a burst of one's own attack is enough to kill them instantly. However, the main problem is that these three monsters are not the only ones! There are also monsters coming from the other three directions! Added up, there are twelve in total! The combined combat power cannot be ignored! Especially when comparing the attributes of these monsters with the attributes of the shaman team, the gap becomes apparent!

Fortunately, monsters appeared from four directions, three in each direction. Feilai realized this immediately.

The hero attaches himself to the Elder of Void, reveals himself and strikes, then bursts out with a set of output! One thousand and five HP may be considered a lot in front of other players, but in front of Feilai, a set of skills can be taken away easily! As for the two Void Walkers, the impact of the freezing attack on Feilai is not as great as imagined. Relying on skills to reset the basic attack and attack speed are not very important things for him.

However, Feilai is too accustomed to operating a single hero! So much so that he seemed to have forgotten to operate the shaman team! Monsters from the other three directions have already moved up and started attacking them! Among them, Elder Void activated cross lightning as soon as he came up! This skill directly caused the mage units to lose half of their health!

In this situation, Feilai quickly switched formations because he was worried that his operations would not be able to handle it, so Feilai had directly organized all the teams into one team before. After selecting, move towards the direction of the hero. At the same time, two wolf knights summoned ghost wolves, and the summoned ghost wolves automatically pounced on the monsters. Feilai had no intention of controlling them - they were originally summoned to contain the monsters' attacks so that they could fight for the units. Time to retreat. After all, the Void Walker has the effect of freezing attack!

Pulling the shaman team to his side, Feilai did not continue to control them, jumped back to the hero's side, activated the clone, and resolved the freezing effect on the body; then, Fanatical and Furious activated! Start attacking the remaining two void walkers! The hero's attacks and simple basic attacks are enough to kill these two void walkers before the shaman team comes over!

However, after killing the Void Walker, the more troublesome thing is that the monsters from the other three directions have converged, which means that the pressure of the battle has increased accordingly. So, Feilai needs to think carefully about how to deal with it. . Especially, there are three waves of monsters in this death arena! The strength of the first wave may be weaker, but what about the subsequent ones? Who knows what powerful monsters will come out later...

Today is the second chapter. In the past few days, I have guaranteed two chapters of updates per day. Although it is still not much, it can be regarded as slowly adjusting back. Then, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day tomorrow. Then it will be 2017. I hope more people will support this book. Then, I hope that I can write a new book and then sign a contract to earn some pocket money from manuscript fees. . . . .囧o(╯□╰)o

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