At this time, a large number of troops in the main human city were also preparing for battle, and the Terrans also made plans to launch a final attack on the natural disaster.

Chenfeng's own main city did not need special arrangements, he had already ordered people to gather his million-strong Terran army together, and wait for the right time to attack with the Terran army.

In terms of players, they are unified by the people of [New Era], but their current level is not too high, and it is impossible to deal with high-level natural disaster undead, so they can only be responsible for the logistics of the army, and occasionally kill some low-level natural disaster creatures collectively.

Unite all the forces, now only the forces of the Dragon Domain are left.

After all, Lan Ruo, the strongest in the Dragon Domain, is also a god-level strength, plus the strongest Dragon Knight Legion on the continent, this force cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, Chen Feng was only one [Strength Medal] short of being able to synthesize [Certificate of Order], he himself did not have any clues, presumably the mysterious Lan Ruo might know where the final [Strength Medal] was.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng summoned a dark demon dragon and flew directly towards the direction of the Dragon Domain. (PS: Without space-time coordinates, it cannot be transmitted directly.) Half

an hour later, Chenfeng arrived at the familiar Dragon Domain Hut.

At this moment, Lan Ruo was still wearing a long white dress, and the wooden stool sitting in front of the hut was depicting something.

"Here you are."

Seeing the arrival of Chen Feng, she was not surprised at all and said lightly.

"Hmm." Chen Feng nodded, just about to say the purpose of his trip, but was interrupted by Lan Ruo.

"I know what you came to me for, I'm done right here, you wait for me a few more minutes." Lan Ruo did not look back at Chen Feng and continued the portrayal in his hand.

Chen Feng was stunned, thinking in her heart how she would know her purpose, but she waited quietly on the side without asking more.

Tens of minutes later.

A white light lit up on Lan Ruo's hand, instantly illuminating the entire sky.

"It's done!" Lan Ruo's slightly tired voice came.

Then, she handed the glowing white token in her hand to Chenfeng and said:

"This is the [Boundary Breaking Token], with him you can temporarily break through the void space for half an hour, the last [Strength Medal] you want is somewhere in the void space, you need to break through the space again, find the [Strength Medal] within half an hour and come out."

"Void Space!" Chen Feng exclaimed in his heart, and then took the white token handed over by Lan Ruo with both hands.

"Dingdong, you get the special item [Boundary Breaking Token]*1, trigger [100-fold Reward Increase], and you get [Boundary Breaking Token]*100."

"I'll go, this can even increase the amplitude!"

Looking at the [Boundary Breaking Token] in the backpack *99, Chenfeng almost exclaimed.

[Boundary Breaking Token] (special consumable item)

function: After use, you can temporarily open the time-space door to [Void Space], the space-time door lasts for half an hour, and players can freely enter and exit, but they must return to the original world before the time-space door closes, otherwise you will be trapped in [Void Space] forever.

Description: Take a trip to another world.

"The duration of each [Boundary Breaking Token] is thirty minutes, and I now have a hundred pieces, doesn't it mean that I have three thousand minutes to explore the [Medal of Power] in the void space? That's wonderful. Chen Feng thought to himself after reading the attributes described by the [Boundary Breaking Token].

"It is recommended that you complete the awakening first and then go to the void space, where the creatures are all existences above the demigods, and there are even a very large number of gods, you must be careful." Lan Ruo reminded.

"Are there gods? That's great, too! Chen Feng was a little excited in his heart, and he was worried that he would not be able to unlock the final form of the [Soul Devouring Mask].

"Well, I will complete the awakening task first, and then go to the void space, and there is one more thing I want to ask Lord Lan Ruo." Chen Feng was ready to ask if the Dragon Domain would participate in the operation against the natural disaster this time.

"You want to talk about fighting the natural disaster, I have already arranged it, and when you return from the Void Land, the Holy Dragon Knight Legion of the Dragon Domain will act with the Terrans." Lan Ruo said.

"That's great!" Chen Feng is very happy, with the power of the Dragon Domain, the odds of winning will be greater.

"Hurry up, it won't give you too much time."


Bidding farewell to Lan Ruo, Chen Feng quickly passed through the door of time and space to the entry site of the dual-class awakening mission [Trial of the God of Death].

"This is it."

Chen Feng looked at the teleportation array in front of him without the slightest hesitation and stepped directly up.

"Dingdong, you have triggered the career awakening mission [Trial of Death], the current map is a special map, and you can only enter it when you reach LV99."

"Tip: Checking if you have the eligibility to enter, please wait."

"Dingdong, you have met the entry conditions, do you want to enter immediately?"


"Dingdong, you have made a choice, you are entering the [Tower of Death], detected that you are a dual-professional player, all the creature attributes in the tower have doubled, the difficulty of the special quest has increased significantly, and you will automatically complete the dual-class awakening mission by clearing the 100th floor of the [Tower of Death]."

With that, the system prompt tone fell.

The light in front of Chen Feng's eyes changed for a while, and then he was teleported to a tower that plunged straight into the sky.

The copy of the Tower of Death is the highest level copy in the entire [Source Universe], and it is also the most dangerous place in the entire continent.

I remember that in the previous life, Chenfeng took at least nearly two years to qualify for it, and it took only a few months in this life.

"I've been developing so fast in this life."

Chen Feng sighed, and then stepped directly to the entrance of the first floor of the tower.

The white light flashed, and the wind disappeared in front of the tower.

"Dingdong, you have entered the first layer of the [Tower of Death], please destroy all creatures in the first layer within the specified time."

As the system prompt fell, Tatsumeze slowed down in the light, and then saw a variety of goblins appear in the first floor tower, including frost goblins, flame goblins, timid goblins, self-detonating goblins, mecha goblins, and so on.

Except for the timid goblins, all the other goblins were rushing towards Tatsumeze with various weapons.

But no, before these goblins rushed closer, they were killed by several skill groups of summoned by Chen Feng.

"They are all LV99-level gold-level goblins, remember in the previous life, the first wave was only silver creatures, and in this life, it was actually enhanced by a grade because of the doubled attribute."

Looking at the goblin who fell to the ground, Tatsumeze made a judgment.

Immediately, Chen Feng's mind began to recall the strategy about [Tower of Death] in his previous life.

The reason why I want to recall the strategy is because there are some layers, not only ordinary monsters, but there are many monsters in the lower layers with different killing mechanisms, and you must understand the mechanism of monsters very well to kill.

There are also a series of levels that test the player's skills, positioning, and memory in the game.

In addition, this time, due to the relationship between the two classes, the monster attributes in these copies have doubled, and the difficulty of the corresponding copies will definitely increase.

Therefore, Chenfeng needs to remember well.


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