"Remember that a hundred layers of copies that are difficult for you may be the fiftieth and last layer."

After thinking a little, Chenfeng thought of something.

In his memory, the rest of the levels that they need to challenge are basically monsters and bosses that exist in the game.

These monsters who dare to light up the blood bar are not the slightest difficulty for Chen Feng, as long as they understand the monster mechanic and release the summoned object directly every second.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng directly entered the second layer of the Tower of Death, and while entering, Chenfeng was ready to start the game live broadcast.

As for why the game live broadcast is turned on, the main reason is because this trial is something that players need to experience in the future, and they know the monster mechanism inside very well, but other players don't understand it.

As a pioneer, it should make sense to share some tips with the world.

Since he thought so, Chenfeng no longer hesitated, and directly opened the button for the game live broadcast.

This live broadcast is not too long since the last live broadcast of the copy of the Sun Well, anyway, Chenfeng remembers that after that live broadcast, the number of his fans directly skyrocketed.

Now his global fans have reached nearly 1.5 billion, these 1.5 billion fans are real active fans, not some big anchors buy dead fans, if Chenfeng can come to a live broadcast to bring goods, (selling game equipment) estimated sales may break through to trillions.

These 1.5 billion fans also received live broadcast reminders at the same time that Chenfeng started the live broadcast.

For a time, excited netizens poured into Chenfeng's live broadcast room like a tide.

"Groove, groove, groove! The Heaven Killing God turned on the live broadcast again?

"Ness, you can see the big scene in the game again."

"Now, the Blue Star crisis has just been lifted, I don't know what big scene the Heaven Killing God wants to show us?"


Everyone in the live broadcast room was excited and expectant, and the barrage gifts flew in a while.

Seeing this, Chen Feng also explained to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Eh... Hello everyone, you now see that the quest is a trial quest called [Tower of Death], and this quest is a quest that must be completed when the player's level is upgraded to LV99..."

Chenfeng briefly introduced the general information of the quest to the audience in the live broadcast room, and also explained the importance of this quest in the future.

As for how he knew the Raiders, Chenfeng also casually found a reason, saying that he inadvertently helped a mysterious NPC, and then the NPC gave the Raiders to himself.

After explaining everything, he also gave the audience in the live broadcast room some time to digest, and he himself summoned thousands of summons and directly began the journey to the tower.


In this way, while explaining to the audience in the live broadcast room how to break the defense and how to kill the mechanism of each level of monsters, Chenfeng commanded summoners to climb the tower quickly, and there was basically no pressure along the way, and occasionally encountered several powerful bosses and NPCs that were also destroyed under the Chenfeng Infinite Forbidden Curse.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, Chen Feng passed through the first forty-ninth floor and came to the fiftieth floor.

After just arriving at the room on the fiftyth floor, I only saw a strange boss with a moon-shaped scepter in the middle cast a spell for a short time, and the replica instantly became a ground composed of countless grids.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded.

"Dingdong, the boss of the layer is currently in an invincible state, and the player cannot use any active skills, passive skills, equipment skills before the boss is disinvincible, and after ten seconds, the grid in the copy will gradually move, after twenty seconds, the player needs to stand on the grid once in the order of grid movement, if it does not stand in the order of the grid, the thunder penalty will be lowered, and the grid will re-record the order, and the boss will be disinvincible after completing the standing of the five grids, Defeat to move on to the next level. "

Prompt: Countdown starts, ten, nine, eight..."

Two consecutive system tones jumped out on the panel of Chenfeng.

It was also synchronized to the perspective of the audience in the live broadcast room, and everyone was originally numb to the passing of Chenfeng every second, and this came down a little differently and naturally played the spirit of twelve.

"I'll go! Finally, something different came, and I was almost asleep watching the Heaven-killing God pass all the way through the second-killing style.

"According to the system improvement, this level is a test of the player's memory, I don't know how difficult it is."

"I really haven't seen the memory of the Heaven Killing God, I don't know if he will overturn? And a little bit of worry.

"Look, when the time of ten seconds comes, the lattice on the ground moves."


Everyone was once again attracted by the changes that took place at the fiftieth floor level.

Back in the quest, I saw that the environment around the level became gray at this time, and Chenfeng was now at the door of the quest and could not move at present, and the boss in the middle was also invincible.

Then, as the countdown of the system ended, I saw that the grid in the copy began to light up one by one, and the moment the next piece was lit, the one that lit up in front would darken and spread irregularly in turn.

This level tests the player's eyesight and memory, and the system prompts that the player needs to walk through the grid that the system skips in order to pass the level, and then the boss will wake up in invincibility.

Chen Feng remembered that in his previous life, he was trapped by this level for several weeks, and finally he frantically watched other people's live broadcast videos to find a trace of regularity in it, and finally completed this level with luck.

However, after synchronizing the strength in the game in this life, his own memory has long been extraordinary, even if the difficulty this time is far beyond the previous life, he is still very confident that he can complete it at once.

Twenty seconds passed quickly, and Chenfeng's body could move, and at this time, the grid in the copy had already walked most of the way, and it was still flashing with light.

He jumped into it with one arrow step, and then began to step on it in turn according to what he remembered.

After a while, he stepped on it while remembering, and quickly passed the first level.

With the fall of the last step, Chenfeng was teleported back to the original point again.

Then the grid in the copy jumped again, but this time much faster than the first time, and the jumping grid line changed from one to two.

"I'll go, the difficulty of this second wave is directly comparable to the highest difficulty in the previous life."

Chen Feng muttered, his eyes staring at the two constantly beating grids in front of him without blinking.

However, at this time, the audience in the live broadcast room had just recovered from the shock of the first wave of Chenfeng coming out, and found that the second wave of walking had begun.

"I'll go! I didn't remember the grid of the first wave just now, this wave directly two routes, how can I remember this?

"It's too difficult, wouldn't it be necessary to use two lines together?"

"This is only the second wave of the grid, I don't know how many waves the Heaven Killing God can last."

"Come on, come on!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room began to be lively again.


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